forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

or maybe she's a bitch, i dunno

i don't think she's interacted with you enough to form a proper opinion already. it could be my bias showing since you're my friend, but yeah. i can't see how she doesn't like you already

@Katastrophic group

try to reserve impressions until you meet in person, sometimes people text weird. Ik one of my friends is really formal, uses "…" a lot while another goes overboard with emojis. They could both be happy but have completely different text tones. That said, remember you're just as much of a stranger to her as she is to you, and looking at your texts (assuming the snippet you wrote here is verbatim), it kinda reminds me of a not-great roommate I had who just brushed people off or ignored texts. She doesn't have the context for your situation just like you don't have hers. Texting without meeting in person or without knowing how they express their tone through text is never good for communication.

ofc once you meet in person she could absolutely be mean or not like you, but you don't have to be friends with your roommate, just civil and respectful of each other.

@Pickles group

It was a road trip day today which means…. everyone in my family had to repeat everything they said at least twice for everyone to understand them. Every time. All day
Also my dad drove the whole way, which is unusual. We stopped several times but we left fourteen hours ago and just arrived

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

We’re going to Delaware next week and the family friends who were supposed to come with us can’t come because one of them got covid so now it’s gonna be 5 of us in a house that sleeps 12 and I’m pretty sure it has a pool so uh

I don’t love or hate them so I’m kinda neutral on this

@Pickles group

My parents will be like "yeah I'm my kids' safe space", as if either of their kids have talked to them about anything at all ever, fuck off, you're not a safe space for anyone

@larcenistarsonist group

because I have 56 active wips, 15 different google drive folders open, 18 photos open that I need to edit, six youtube tabs, four google translates and ten random google searches that I had yet to close out of.
my laptop was too weak.


…why not just have them open one at a time to work on them? especially the wips, those typically save automatically also we gonna just ignore the fact that i misread wips as waps oops

@larcenistarsonist group

^^ much yes picla;kdfjales
because then I forget about them and I work on one wip for about 49 seconds and then move onto the next one and I'm just like sonic the hedgehog jumping from one wip to the next like he's at a trampoline park and I'm just bouncing off the walls in a spinny, spiky lil blue ball and then usually something somewhat productive happens

@HighPockets group

…why not just have them open one at a time to work on them? especially the wips, those typically save automatically also we gonna just ignore the fact that i misread wips as waps oops

Wet Ass Project


…why not just have them open one at a time to work on them? especially the wips, those typically save automatically also we gonna just ignore the fact that i misread wips as waps oops

Wet Ass Project


@Pickles group

…why not just have them open one at a time to work on them? especially the wips, those typically save automatically also we gonna just ignore the fact that i misread wips as waps oops

Wet Ass Project



@larcenistarsonist group

…why not just have them open one at a time to work on them? especially the wips, those typically save automatically also we gonna just ignore the fact that i misread wips as waps oops

Wet Ass Project





Hello yes I'd like to be rude to myself. I have a three page paper about Gladiator (the movie with Russell Crowe) due for my college class. it makes up like 15% of my grade. I was supposed to be working on it today. did i? no, no i didn't. what did I do instead? I watched minecraft tutorials. because fuck me and my future

@Katastrophic group

because I have 56 active wips, 15 different google drive folders open, 18 photos open that I need to edit, six youtube tabs, four google translates and ten random google searches that I had yet to close out of.
my laptop was too weak.

looks at my current 67 tabs across 4 windows plus like 5 apps open
It is more efficient this way and no one can convince me otherwise. Plus google chrome can group tabs if I feel like being more organised than usual

@larcenistarsonist group

because I have 56 active wips, 15 different google drive folders open, 18 photos open that I need to edit, six youtube tabs, four google translates and ten random google searches that I had yet to close out of.
my laptop was too weak.

looks at my current 67 tabs across 4 windows plus like 5 apps open
It is more efficient this way and no one can convince me otherwise. Plus google chrome can group tabs if I feel like being more organised than usual

Plus it's satisfying when you finish something and close out of the tab and watch the other tabs expand to fill the space of their closed comrade

@Pickles group

My parents really looked at their combined gene pool and went "yeah let's have a kid" and then decided that one wasn't enough?? Come in guys, genetic predisposition isn't a bingo game and the only thing I win from all of it is debt and pain