forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There's an epidemic of famous people kissing their kids on the lips and it really needs to stop

It used to be okay. Now I don’t know

It was never okay, old people have just always been insane

See, that’s an assumption that kisses on the lips are inherently sexual methinks.

@The-Magician group

There's an epidemic of famous people kissing their kids on the lips and it really needs to stop

It used to be okay. Now I don’t know

It was never okay, old people have just always been insane

See, that’s an assumption that kisses on the lips are inherently sexual methinks.

I don’t believe that kisses on the lips has to specifically just be an action between lovers, but I don't know how to describe my thought process behind it


So. Question. Did y’all all go through a panic stage where you super didn’t wanna be gay. If it’s a yes, how did you get through that/what changed?

Yes, it's called being internally homophobic. And I'm still dealing with it off and on throughout the time. Basically? My biggest recommendation is just to constantly remind yourself that being gay is okay. You just gotta push through it. Find people who are gay and happy about it and happy together and follow them on social media. Watch LGBTQ TikTok compilations on YouTube. Don't interact with homophobic news sources/people/news articles. And be kind to urself. Idk. That's my best advice


unfortunately no, not at all. it was kinda always there for me. I knew for sure when I was in like. fifth grade and I had been raised by very open and supportive parents so…

I wish I could help yall there but

@ElderGod-kirky group

can't say i had a personal crisis when i figured it out. it was more of a suspected unsupportive family crisis. I'm all for the accepting yourself, tho. beating yourself up about it isn't going to do you favors. even if you don't believe it yourself just yet, telling yourself that it's okay, that you're still good and valid and okay despite your sexuality, is one step towards actually believing it and being okay with it.

it's pretty much the only psychology that i know of when it comes to telling your brain to believe something it doesn't just yet


So. Question. Did y’all all go through a panic stage where you super didn’t wanna be gay. If it’s a yes, how did you get through that/what changed?

Oh hell yes. Not gay, but I denied my lgbt identity for so long it fucked me over good. I didn't want to be non-binary for loads of reasons. The main reason of course being my religion at the time- that's where all my internalized transphobia came from and where I was gaslighted into believing I was a cis person and that non-binary people didn't exist. Eventually though, I had to stop running from myself and close the cognitive dissonance between calling myself a cis person and my actual trans identity, along with all the religious and social aspects of the problem too. And it sucks and it's scary and it's also kind of lonely.

Once I knew this whole trans thing wasn't going away, I spent months, a whole summer, doing nothing but reading articles, watching videos, and doing research on the Bible and the queer community within the Christianity. I learned a lot and eventually became an lgbt affirming Christian. The Christian part didn't last much longer, but you know all that already. The biggest thing that helped in terms of religion was The Reformation Project. Justin Lee and Austin Lionheart's YouTube channels were great recourse as well. I know we all know those names because I spam them in any type of discussion like this, but I love their work and I'm happy to be their free advertising any chance I get.

But aside from religion, there were (and still are) the social repercussion of being non-binary I just didn't want to deal with. It's weird going from conservative Christian cis person to coming out as non-binary. Luckily I had very supportive friends, some of which who knew before I ever had to figure it out. That's the second thing that helped, finding a queer community. There's a neat handful in my hometown, but I've also joined online support groups before when I was really going through it. Many lgbt people go through a rough phase of self acceptance, and nearly all of us face some form of rejection and fear of society, so support groups are a great option if you're looking for understanding and community.

The best thing you can do for yourself is step into yourself as soon as you can, and as fully as possible.


@Pickles group

Hot take, if your foraging doesn't look like "I eat things I find on the ground without knowing what they are and hope I don't get violently sick", you don't get to call it chaotic

@HighPockets group

Surprisingly I really didn't either, and although I'm still working through how exactly I would identify my romantic and gender identities, I never really had any sort of internalized homophobia when I was first figuring things out.

@HighPockets group

Hot take, if your foraging doesn't look like "I eat things I find on the ground without knowing what they are and hope I don't get violently sick", you don't get to call it chaotic

Do not eat the mushrooms

@ElderGod-kirky group

Hot take, if your foraging doesn't look like "I eat things I find on the ground without knowing what they are and hope I don't get violently sick", you don't get to call it chaotic

Do not eat the mushrooms

if you do, you have three possible outcomes

  1. nutrients
  2. poison
  3. getting high

@Pickles group

Hot take, if your foraging doesn't look like "I eat things I find on the ground without knowing what they are and hope I don't get violently sick", you don't get to call it chaotic

Do not eat the mushrooms

if you do, you have three possible outcomes

  1. nutrients
  2. poison
  3. getting high

Maybe even all three :D

@Pickles group

My mom is "commissioning" me for an art piece of my grandparents and I hate the picture but I want to start doing commissions, I'm just afraid that I'll hate all the pictures and not be able to do them well. Maybe I'll start once I graduate college so I have more practice working with bad pictures? I also don't do paper stuff so uh, don't know how I'm supposed to give it to them and be decent quality. My work ethic is also very inconsistent

@Pickles group

✨if "this breaks treaty law" on its own isn't enough for you to oppose something, you're part of the problem and a bad person. Don't talk to me✨

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hot take, if your foraging doesn't look like "I eat things I find on the ground without knowing what they are and hope I don't get violently sick", you don't get to call it chaotic

I got some gum from a homeless man today does that count

@Pickles group

Because if not I found a box of cheesits behind a trash cubicle onc

This is definitely chaotic and I think it probably fits someone's definition of foraging, so yes


But does it bring all the boys to the yard?

I've never fully understood this
I get the milkshake is probably a euphemism for sex appeal but why is it in a yard and why is it a milkshake


But does it bring all the boys to the yard?

I've never fully understood this
I get the milkshake is probably a euphemism for sex appeal but why is it in a yard and why is it a milkshake

I don't either tbh