forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

I'm on a comment ban on tiktok because of "community guidelines violations"
The comment in question? Two links to government sites, one of which said blm and is not related to black lives matter but is instead some government bureau
The other one was me talking about being disabled, chronically ill, and probably unable to afford healthcare. The only thing they have going for them there is I did call myself the bitch word

@Pickles group

My roommate asked me to tell her about myself and what am I supposed to say? "I'm actually not really a girl and I have an amethyst addiction because anxiety medication is too expensive also I don't actually have a microwave yet, I just felt bad for ghosting you and it was the only thing I could think of and now we can't find one with the right wattage so I'm freaking out anyways, how are you"?


"Well, I figured you should know that my pronouns are they/them, and I'd appreciate it if you used them in reference to me. I'm spiritual and have anxiety. Also, I'm working on getting the right microwave, but have not found one of the correct wattage yet. What about you?"

Something like that might work?

@Pickles group

Sfbdjs thanks ice
I think she'll just have to find out about the witch thing later when I come bearing a large bag of crystals and herbs and put out a jar when it's the full moon and I pull out a pendulum to find shit. I wanna make sure she's not gonna hate me


Sfbdjs thanks ice
I think she'll just have to find out about the witch thing later when I come bearing a large bag of crystals and herbs and put out a jar when it's the full moon and I pull out a pendulum to find shit. I wanna make sure she's not gonna hate me

Alsbsjs np. You may wanna adjust it if you use it and make it match whatever tone you've already been using with your roommate, as I went for "polite and neutral" lmao
Haha yeah, that's why I said "spiritual" bc it communicates that you do have something, but it's not Christianity/Islam/anything like that, y'know? Saying you're "spiritual" is generally gonna come across better than "I'm a witch", especially if she happens to be conservative or a Christian haha

@ElderGod-kirky group

to the old white men that insist there's no systematic racism:
fuck off. how do you know, when you're not the target of the racism? that's like a born-rich person saying there's no chance of poverty just because they never experienced it themself

and to the screenwriters that have black characters talking about BLM and lamenting about how their white friends don't understand—while refusing to explain it to them when they ask to understand, even just a base level:
also fuck off. I'm pretty damn sure they'd be more than happy to explain it to anyone willing to listen and genuinely understand what they're going through, even it's just to be support in the fight for equality

@Pickles group

Sometimes I think "maybe I'm being dramatic, my parents aren't that abusive" and then I'm immediately reminded that no, they are bad


The only thing I've eaten today is half a pickle. Yesterday I ate a bagel, yogurt, and an ice cream bar. It's been the same for two weeks now and I'm beginning to worry about giving myself an ED. The thing is that I'm just,, not hungry and so I don't eat and then I realize it's been literally 12 hours or more since I last ate something so. Yeah

@Pickles group

Okay well she keeps giving short answers that sound a little annoyed and when we first started texting she was like "I have a fridge and a futon, what are you bringing" and I didn't know because I hadn't thought about it and so I didn't answer for half the day and then she was like "hello??" so I panicked and said "microwave" because it was the only thing I could think of. But the thing is I don't have a microwave, I thought I could get one but we couldn't find one with the right wattage and my parents got mad at me over..something, so I had to text her and be like "update, I do not in fact have a microwave" and she was like "well okay can you get one? I bought a futon and a fridge" seriously, who buys a futon for college? and I was like "we couldn't find one with the right wattage here, but if we find one up there, yeah" and she was like "what's the required wattage" and I said "600 or less" and she said "hmmm I don't really think it matters, I don't think they'll look that closely at it" and I was like "something to do with blowing a fuse, I don't get it but apparently it's important"
She gives me "I don't like you" vibes