forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

I don't want to un-stan hank green but I grow to resent him more and more as time passes and he doesn't talk about line 3

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ketchup? Great
Pasta sauce? Fine, I guess
Just tomatoes? Vile. Look? Eh. Smell? Ew. Taste? Bad. Texture? Worst thing on the planet. Aftertaste? I would rather eat the sun.

You gotta admit the plants smell amazing though.

@Pickles group

A lot of people outside of tiktok don't know what's going on, so please educate yourselves on line 3
Here's a tiktok explaining it, they also have a lot of other videos about it on this account and their main account (that's post banned until the 30th) as well as links to other resources and ways to help in their bio
Here's the website to help stop line 3. It has information, news updates, and ways to get involved
For the love of everything, please help however you can
Anyways, I'd like to be rude to canada and also the us. And tiktok for shadowbanning everyone who talks about it


Hey, so I want y'all's opinions/thoughts on this before I talk to my parents about it. I've been considering taking a year's gap between high school and college, since I'm not actually sure what I want to major in, and taking a gap year would give me time to figure that out, and work so I have more money when starting college. I just feel that with all the changes and stress I've had in the past 2-3 years, that this gap year would be good for me in more ways than one. I feel that if I take this gap year, it will give me some time to destress and figure everything out, and actually figure out what I want to do with my life. I plan, if I do this gap year, to continue taking classes at my local community college throughout the gap year. Again, this gap year would be about me figuring out what the hell I'm going to go to college for, and for earning additional money to actually pay for said college with. I could go straight from high school to college, but I feel that that wouldn't actually be good for me, since I don't know what I want to go to college for yet. I don't want to go without an idea about what I'm going for, as that would only be a waste of time and money. What do y'all think of this plan? I just want some opinions/thoughts/feedback on whether this is a good idea or not

@HighPockets group

Personally I think it's a good idea, although keep in mind that this is coming from someone who only decided their majors last week and still isn't sure about college plans.

@HighPockets group

Taking time to get ideas for your actual college plans while a) earning money from more hours at work and b) knocking out "essential" classes via community college sounds like something with a lot more in the way of benefits than faults.

@larcenistarsonist group

ooo Eva, what'reya gonna major in?

Also, Ice, I think that a gap year would be a good idea. A year to yourself to figure out your future without the stress of school and peers sounds pretty nice.

But also consider that I'm only 15 and have no idea how college and gap years work so don't rely on just my opinion

@ElderGod-kirky group

gotta agree with Jyn on this

personally, i don't even know if i want to go to college. it's why i didn't go into one. so that's exactly what I'm doing rn, actually. taking a year to get settled in life and figure yourself out is likely the best course of action for you, especially when you aren't sure of everything

@HighPockets group

oof mood

Yeah exactly! I'm just worried my parent's will disapprove of the idea for some reason haha

Knowing what I know about your parents, they probably will, but I think it's something that can easily be argued for.


gotta agree with Jyn on this

personally, i don't even know if i want to go to college. it's why i didn't go into one. so that's exactly what I'm doing rn, actually. taking a year to get settled in life and figure yourself out is likely the best course of action for you, especially when you aren't sure of everything

Yes! Exactly!

@HighPockets group

ooh that sounds like a really good fit for you, Eva!

Thank you!! My directors told me to consider dramaturgy and a school that seems to really want me offers both…I'll probably end up doing a year or two of community college first but I'm excited!


oof mood

Yeah exactly! I'm just worried my parent's will disapprove of the idea for some reason haha

Knowing what I know about your parents, they probably will, but I think it's something that can easily be argued for.

yeahhh, but like, my main argument amounts to "it's not about you it's about me", y'know? Like yeah, most of my friends know what they're going to major in, so it might make sense for them to go to college straight after high school, but i don't and so why apply for colleges and stress about getting loans/grants/scholarships when i don't know what i'm doing? Plus I have the back-up of one of the smartest people I know (me just kidding, one of my teachers who is very very smart and said that a gap year can be a really good thing) so


ooh that sounds like a really good fit for you, Eva!

Thank you!! My directors told me to consider dramaturgy and a school that seems to really want me offers both…I'll probably end up doing a year or two of community college first but I'm excited!

Yeah! It sounds really great!


A couple ideas of what I wanna do in the future

  • Paramedic
  • Lawyer (civil litigation and human rights)
  • Special Effects Technician
  • Zoologist
  • Pyrotechnician

I'm actually considering something legal as well! Though again, I have no fucking clue and my "what i wanna do" changes weekly soo lmaoo. But a pyrotechnician sounds like, uh, your personality, from what I know lmao

@HighPockets group

oof mood

Yeah exactly! I'm just worried my parent's will disapprove of the idea for some reason haha

Knowing what I know about your parents, they probably will, but I think it's something that can easily be argued for.

yeahhh, but like, my main argument amounts to "it's not about you it's about me", y'know? Like yeah, most of my friends know what they're going to major in, so it might make sense for them to go to college straight after high school, but i don't and so why apply for colleges and stress about getting loans/grants/scholarships when i don't know what i'm doing? Plus I have the back-up of one of the smartest people I know (me just kidding, one of my teachers who is very very smart and said that a gap year can be a really good thing) so

It's better for both you and them in the long run if you don't blow a ton of money on college courses that you're not even sure about, especially if you go on to change your major in the future.

@larcenistarsonist group

pfft yeah. The only real problem with the last three is that there's really no demand for them. Yes, they sound like so much fun in theory but they won't be fun if I'm not getting payed to do it, if you know what I mean.

So for now, I'm definitely leaning towards paramedic and lawyer.


oof mood

Yeah exactly! I'm just worried my parent's will disapprove of the idea for some reason haha

Knowing what I know about your parents, they probably will, but I think it's something that can easily be argued for.

yeahhh, but like, my main argument amounts to "it's not about you it's about me", y'know? Like yeah, most of my friends know what they're going to major in, so it might make sense for them to go to college straight after high school, but i don't and so why apply for colleges and stress about getting loans/grants/scholarships when i don't know what i'm doing? Plus I have the back-up of one of the smartest people I know (me just kidding, one of my teachers who is very very smart and said that a gap year can be a really good thing) so

It's better for both you and them in the long run if you don't blow a ton of money on college courses that you're not even sure about, especially if you go on to change your major in the future.

Exactly, yes! My dad got a degree in political science, but he doesn't even use it for his job? So like, why would I do the same thing he did? in his defense, I don't think he ended up having to take out any loans tho, so massive kudos to him. meanwhile my uncle and aunt still have over $100,000 in loan debt I want a major that I'll use, y'know? otherwise why go to college?


pfft yeah. The only real problem with the last three is that there's really no demand for them. Yes, they sound like so much fun in theory but they won't be fun if I'm not getting payed to do it, if you know what I mean.

I definitely know what you mean lmao

So for now, I'm definitely leaning towards paramedic and lawyer.

those are good too!