forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Was on the way to pick up my sib and there was an animal with the tail of a dying squirrel and the body of a very small beaver in the middle of the road. I think I was a little blood on him but I'm not sure. By the time I left he was almost off the intersection but idk if he made it okay. It was also completely the other side of the intersection than the part he was trying to get to. I wanna go back and check on him but he'd be gone by now and if I leave without my sibling I'll get in trouble

@Pickles group

searching "jeff bezos hate core" on TikTok is not getting me the results I desire. On a related note, his laugh will fuel my nightmares until I die

@Pickles group

Hey Owen
Can doctors require me to put my religion on a registration form? Because that feels illegal and even if it isn't I don't want to answer

@ElderGod-kirky group

not the great and knowledgeable god of Things, but
i don't think they require it, it's just something they might want to know just in case your religion has some sort of conflict with procedures and medical care, and/or other health stuff related to religion, such as diet


Hey Owen
Can doctors require me to put my religion on a registration form? Because that feels illegal and even if it isn't I don't want to answer

They can't require it, but it's not illegal of them to ask. They can ask as a shorthand for a lot of things, like to know if you practice gender bounderies and don't want a doctor of the opposite gender for certain procedures, to get an idea of your diet if you're practicing dietary restrictions, and how to best educate you if your beliefs come up in a conversation about treatment. Mostly though, it's to know what they can do for you if you end up on your death bed. For example, dying Catholics will need a priest for their last rights and people of other religions will usually want to talk to their spiritual leaders in their last moments. It's pretty grim but that's why they ask.

@Pickles group

I invented a new game! I call it "am I in love with him or is gender envy?"
I hate it but it's not a game you can just stop playing. Nope, it's always there

@Pickles group

Hoo boy, it's time for some fucking rudeness. And I can't be specific because that person will know I'm talking about them and what about and start with their "I just have morals 💖" and "it's not harmful" or whatever and I'm not going to argue morals with someone because that's fucking pointless and draining. Now that everyone knows who I'm talking about, let's get started :) you can respond but I will not be answering you. There is no dialogue to be had here. You will not change my mind and I will not change yours. I can only hope that you fucking look inside yourself and realize how fucked up some of the shit you believe is. I am not going to spend my time trying to explain to you how wrong you are when I know you're not going to listen.
I genuinely don't think you know how utterly fucking harmful your "ideas" are. Like, you realize that shit is actually killing people, right? You know people are dying? So you can have your not like other girls high horse moment? Because your beliefs and refusal to acknowledge and do shit, people are fucking dying. Get the hell over yourself. Stop. Shut up with your bullshit excuses, get up off your ass, and actually educate yourself. Fuck ass bastard.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Actually, on second thought.
Fuck you.
You're kind of a terrible friend to me, you know that? Pretty toxic. For all you hated Leo, you sure act just like them sometimes, though I will grant you have better reasons.
I've sat back and taken it for a while, but I decided to stop for now.
It's not that I want to stop being friends or anything. I don't. It's just that any decent relationship needs a bit more respect. Randomly coming out to say that you hate me or whatever is pretty lame of you. And then denying me to argue back. Which I get why. But still. At least fight fair. So I'm not gonna address the issues. You're right about the argument going nowhere. If you can't be friends with me bc of differences of belief. Fine. Just shows narrowmindedness on your part.
Why don't you remember that I've tried to be a good friend to you, no matter where we differed.

@Pickles group

I really haven't considered us friends for a while now, and for the amount of internalized homophobia YOU gave me, and the amount of microaggressions you still give, I don't think you've been a good friend, nor do I need to treat you as such.

@Pickles group

You're right. I am an asshole to you. And I'm mostly sorry about that. But we have a large, fundamental difference in morals and my morals are a core part of who I am.

@tungsten fastfood

Dom just log off and take it easy– it's too late to have a convo about this rn. And pickles if you're seeing this late at night, to you as well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You're right. I am an asshole to you. And I'm mostly sorry about that. But we have a large, fundamental difference in morals and my morals are a core part of who I am.

Well for what you’re sorry I forgive you ig. No use holding grudges.
But I mean. Same? The difference is that I don’t think all people I like or care about need to believe the same thing. Forgetting our whole argument thing, you can’t* live your life thinking that all people need to think the same way as you. How are you going to learn about and from other people? How are you gonna keep form being a hugely intolerant person? I’ve changed a whole lot since I met y’all and it’s been a mostly good experience.
What I’m saying is it’s really important to know that you don’t have all the answers and be open to growing through other people and you don’t look like you have that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom just log off and take it easy– it's too late to have a convo about this rn. And pickles if you're seeing this late at night, to you as well.

I disagree (it’s only 8 here). But I’ll save any chat here til tomorrow ig.

@Pickles group

I don't want to be friends with someone who disagrees so strongly with my morals and refuses to educate themself, and I don't have to be. And yes, I am open to changing my views, but it's things like how best to achieve the goal of living in a good fucking world, not shit like "I don't believe in this thing that is happening" and "my views on this thing are so strong that I would rather people be on the streets and live in poverty instead of being on the side of someone who would fix that but disagrees with me on this one thing."
I know I started this but I would really rather stop having it, so I'm going to do my best to not respond after this