forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Instead of hot girl summer I'm having hot bitch two days to stop looking like a worm for when my girlfriend gets back from Iowa

@larcenistarsonist group

You guys ever just writing and then you're like "wait- is that really what the word means" and so you put a word that you're 90% sure of the definition of into the dictionary just to double check. Because yeah


I had my first day of work and I got paid to watch lame orientation videos. My money anxiety is fading into the background.

@Pickles group

I'd like to be rude to my ex "boyfriend" from eighth grade for not only fetishizing wlw relationships but also for telling me

which is especially ironic now given the fact that I'm currently in a wlw passing relationship, and also did not kiss anyone until five years after this happened, and that anyone wasn't even a fucking boy
I didn't understand either of the things at the time but I do now and something reminded me of it and now I'm pissed off again

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to Will Arnett because I just recently learned that he played the blonde murder guy in Ratatouille and I wish I knew that information a lot sooner >:[


me: i have the urge to ~write~
me as soon as i sit down in front of a blank document: i have never written a single word in my entire life and will not start now

@Pickles group

Is there a way to make tiktok scroll automatically? Because there should be. I need the stimulation of my fyp but without the me scrolling part to fall asleep

@Pickles group

Wow, OKAY, didn't think this would ever need to be said but 1. taking a statistic about the entire population and applying it to a small community with one thing in common isn't how statistics work, it's false and a bad argument and 2. POINTING THAT OUT DOES NOT MEAN YOU'RE ATTACKING THE PERSON OR DISAGREEING WITH THE STATEMENT THEY'RE USING THE ARGUMENT TO UPHOLD. and 3. holy fucking shit, don't threaten someone on the internet. Especially if you're a mod.