forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Hot take, you can't get mad when people celebrate christmas but not jesus because all your holidays are co-opted from pagan holidays and everything revolves around your religion and holidays. Shut up, no one cares about your persecution complex

Wait which holiday are we supposed to be stealing on Christmas?

Winter solstice mostly, but there're several pagan celebrations that are/were around that time
Some articles on pagan roots of christian holidays, although full disclosure, I only skimmed them because my brain is broke

Though if you wanna be whatever and celebrate Christmas go for it bro. Saw this great story of a Muslim man doing Christmas. 10/10 wholesome vibes.

Thanks I will, I like getting presents

Whoa bro. Persecution complex? You do realize that Christians never really stopped getting murdered for their faith? Granted, things got a lot less stabby for a couple centuries in Rome after the Edict of Milan but the point still stands. You heard of Isis and the Nûn? Sure, in America it’s a lot better. But there’s still hate groups and arson and shootings and vandalism. What I’m saying is you’re sounding pretty ignorant and heartless with that.

Sorry, should have clarified *white american christians who think gay people having rights or whatever is them being persecuted, you're totally right

@HighPockets group

Though if you wanna be whatever and celebrate Christmas go for it bro. Saw this great story of a Muslim man doing Christmas. 10/10 wholesome vibes.

Abed Nadir has entered the chat

@ElderGod-kirky group

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.

backwards or forwards? because i do it forwards and do the crunchy pop thing all the time. sometimes really feels nice when the wrist is stiff

@HighPockets group

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.

backwards or forwards? because i do it forwards and do the crunchy pop thing all the time. sometimes really feels nice when the wrist is stiff

Uhhh forwards I think? But more of bending it forward then snapping it back

@ElderGod-kirky group

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.

backwards or forwards? because i do it forwards and do the crunchy pop thing all the time. sometimes really feels nice when the wrist is stiff

Uhhh forwards I think? But more of bending it forward then snapping it back

ah. i just bend it forward, sometimes shake it up if it's not popping

@Katastrophic group

i mean, i can click both my wrists side-to-side, like jazz hands, and it's not painful. Then again I do have a ton of issues with my wrists otherwise so maybe its not the best thing?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.

Ye. Is it soft? I do that a couple times a day.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Winter solstice mostly, but there're several pagan celebrations that are/were around that time
Some articles on pagan roots of christian holidays, although full disclosure, I only skimmed them because my brain is broke

Valid reason to skim lmao. But ofc people are gonna have their holidays for the solstice. That doesn’t mean it’s a stolen holiday. Christmas was calculated based on the serving time of the tribe section of the priest who was the father of John her Baptist who was born six months before Jesus.

Sorry, should have clarified *white american christians who think gay people having rights or whatever is them being persecuted, you're totally right

Okay yeah thanks. Imo Christians should not be freaking out about the marriages of De Geys. Though I still think it’s pretty valid to get upset if a dude or dudess is forced to go against their religious code bc religious freedom is and should be a thing, like those nuns that had to give out contraception who were literally just really poor ladies that would help poor communities iirc.

@HighPockets group

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.

Ye. Is it soft? I do that a couple times a day.

No, it sounds more sharp than soft. It doesn't hurt at all though, so that seems…good?


Though if you wanna be whatever and celebrate Christmas go for it bro. Saw this great story of a Muslim man doing Christmas. 10/10 wholesome vibes.

Abed Nadir has entered the chat



What’s the difference between patriarchy and rape culture and how do you define the first?

Mans asking the real questions tho
I don't feel equipped to answer but pijinklé connected good dots 👏👏 applause

Yeah pfjfi#c is turning me into a darn leftie (we have a thing going there) and so I’m y’know trying to reevaluate the world all the time, ask what I take for granted, that sort of thing

That's really neato my guy
Good on you


I don’t consider Christmas a stolen holiday per se, but the ties back to pagan celebrations are there. For example, Christmas in my old Christian tradition was a time to celebrate God giving the world new light in Jesus. Now in my new tradition, it's about powering through the darkness and celebrating the fact we made it halfway through winter. Like celebrating what little light we do have and the fact it'll be growing brighter everyday. Funny thing though, for me it's also associated with the love god Aengus Mac Óg, who was also born of (while not a virgin) a perpetually pure goddess. When the church was gaining power and the people didn’t want to give up their culture, it was easy to link the new holidays with the old. For example, summer solstice used to be it's own thing, but now it's very close to St. John's day, and the celebrations for it are very similar. In a lot of regions, it went the same way with Christmas. It's why it's associated with evergreens and lights and yada yada. But the two are so different in my mind it's not exactly stolen- traditions were collectively agreed upon and practiced fairly organically once people settled into Christianity.
Now, Wicca, Wicca however has stolen holidays. Classic British guy stealing mostly Irish culture. As Lora O'Brien puts it-

The current Neo Pagan calendar (and its primarily Wiccan holidays) is ostensibly based off the ‘Celtic Wheel of the Year’, as the early creators and authors of our modern traditions were very fond of their romantic notions of Celtic culture, and very sure that it was ok to just… take what they wanted, and change or use it however they wanted.
cough Coilíní cough
The problem with this (one of the problems) is that we now have a sort of tangled, much mangled, view of the original pre-christian Irish Pagan festivals, that even many Irish Pagans adhere to.

I'm not dissing on Wicca or eclecticism as a whole (LIKE FOR REAL I LOVE YOU WICCANS POG ON- we're pagan bros <3) but if you celebrate Wiccan holidays just make sure you know where they come from. Look up the Germanic, Irish, and Welsh roots of the Wiccan wheel of the year and use correct pronunciation and respect when incorporating these holidays into your practice- like many already Wiccans do :)


Oh Reed I found a bracelet I think you’d like and I got it, if you want me to send it to you hmu <33



Bruh mother dear downloaded a new monitoring software on my phone and iPad that flags everything as inappropriate, one of those things that gets flagged is my spotify. She's trying to tell me "stop listening to angry music" and I'm sitting here like half of that shit isn't even me - Hill

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh Reed I found a bracelet I think you’d like and I got it, if you want me to send it to you hmu <33


I think the skull will break if I send it but I’m trying to get my hands on some resin

@HighPockets group

Though if you wanna be whatever and celebrate Christmas go for it bro. Saw this great story of a Muslim man doing Christmas. 10/10 wholesome vibes.

Abed Nadir has entered the chat


I would literally die for him


Mkay so have any of y'all heard about Brook Shields and what happened to her?? Because I've just now found out about it and it makes me want to cry. and scream. and kill somebody. I just,,,,the cover of the youtube video i've linked shows a lot, but like, there's so much more and it makes me sick


It was back in the 70's, so that's probably why you haven't haha. But anyways. So her mom was like "oh my daughter is the most gorgeous child on the planet" yadda yadda yadda, and basically started to get Brooke involved with various modelling and such from a really young age. Now, back in the 70's, PlayBoy had an affiliate magazine called "Sugar and Spice" that basically involved photographing young girls as if they were adult women, in provocative ways. How this was legal I have no fucking clue, but it was. Anyways. When Brooke was 10, the photographer approached her mother about photographing Brooke for Sugar and Spice. Naked. As a ten year old. Her mother said "yes" and the photos were subsequently taken and published. Fast forward two years, Brook is in a movie (can't remember the name. It was Sweet Girl or something like that. Dear Girl?? idk). She is 12. The plot of the movie? that she has been raised in a brothel and will, when she is older, be one of the brothel women. She is shown, throughout the movie, seducing a much older man. there are scenes where she is kissing him. she is twelve. He looks like he's in his mid-thirties or older. Two years later. she's 14. she is starring in a movie called "Blue Lagoon". The actor she is working with is 19. there are multiple nude scenes and at least one sex scene. I just. fligsdhkfnvsniufbhdxhnkgn the video explains it all better but holy fucking shit


I just watched a video on Kristin Smart and I feel so bad for her family, the police did such a half-assed job with her case. Had they been a little more serious, her family would have gotten answers so much faster and earlier on in the case