forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

imo the culture around sex isn't just bad for the straights, the queer community is so sexualized and sexually repressed that things like hook-up culture* and hypersexualization is exacerbated.
A patriarchy is a society led by men, which is what we have, and while I don't think patriarchy always causes rape culture, it sure does perpetuate it in this society, as well as capitalism**, racism, and homophobia. They all hold each other up and you really can't fix any of them while upholding the rest.
And society has decided that virginity is a thing, which it's literally not, and this is somehow important. I think as a pushback to purity culture, some people take it to the other extreme, even as a joke, which is also harmful. But imo purity culture is a hell of a lot more toxic. Even purity culture and hardcore religious people push the idea that NOT wanting to have sex is bad, but you also can't want it until after you're married, and then only with your partner. Hypocritical and also toxic.

*not that hooking up is bad, but particularly with gay men, the norm is hooking up, which makes it difficult for them to form actual relationships, especially for ace people and people who aren't interested in hook-ups. which leads to them not knowing how to maintain a relationship or be in a healthy relationship which in turn causes and perpetuates more problems

**I won't get into how the bible is literally anti-capitalist even though it makes me SCREAM. The article I linked doesn't have the specific verse I was thinking of, but I can't find that verse, it was something about how taking other people's money for yourself is unholy

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

imo the culture around sex isn't just bad for the straights,

Oh yeah totally. It’s just that it brings about the worst in the Straights imo.

They all hold each other up and you really can't fix any of them while upholding the rest.

Hmm. Food for thought. I think virtue is the antidote to the many ills of society, not inherently erasing patriarchy, though Idk. It would certainly be a lovely experiment to live in a world of powerful women. But alas to that happening.

Even purity culture and hardcore religious people push the idea that NOT wanting to have sex is bad, but you also can't want it until after you're married, and then only with your partner. Hypocritical and also toxic.

I live among the purity culture, and I would not say that what you say is true. It is seen as perfectly natural to want sex before marriage.

*not that hooking up is bad, but particularly with gay men, the norm is hooking up, which makes it difficult for them to form actual relationships, especially for ace people and people who aren't interested in hook-ups. which leads to them not knowing how to maintain a relationship or be in a healthy relationship which in turn causes and perpetuates more problems

How is some hookup culture good? It’s certainly not only gay men who suffer there, though statistically I do believe they are the most affected.

**I won't get into how the bible is literally anti-capitalist even though it makes me SCREAM. The article I linked doesn't have the specific verse I was thinking of, but I can't find that verse, it was something about how taking other people's money for yourself is unholy

Well you did Lol and I’m fine with that. I would not say that Christianity is inherently anti capitalist (the verses about how all men must work to earn bread comes to mind) since Capitalism is an economic philosophy(?) that can be interpreted a few different ways.. Rather I would say that the Bible is stictly anti greed, theft, worker abuse, hoarding, and lack of charity, which many rich capitalists ignore, whether they claim to be Christian or not.

@Pickles group

I live among the purity culture, and I would not say that what you say is true. It is seen as perfectly natural to want sex before marriage.

Purity culture is Girl Defined, not normal christians


Off topic but I just remembered the time in eighth grade where my ex didn't know what ethnicity meant. I still can't believe I dated him


I would like to shower hate upon my five (5) mental illnesses that are kicking my butt lately. Sleep? I don't need no sleep. Food? Who she?? Please donate to my gofundme, the goal of which is to hate my mental illnesses. thank you thats all


you'll be fine! nit every interview is going to be a hit, thats normal! if you didn't do your best and they didn't want you, chances are you wouldn't have clicked with the job anyway


What’s the difference between patriarchy and rape culture and how do you define the first?

Mans asking the real questions tho
I don't feel equipped to answer but pijinklé connected good dots 👏👏 applause


you'll be fine! nit every interview is going to be a hit, thats normal! if you didn't do your best and they didn't want you, chances are you wouldn't have clicked with the job anyway

Thank you, and you Dom. I'm actually pretty glad about it because it was for a part time job at a small boutique that radiates homophobia and only sells cheetah print and $20 keychains lmao 😭
It's for the devout Karens

@Pickles group

I have 93 dollars with me at the zoo and I still cannot get water
I only fucking have 3 ones and the machines only take ones but I need FOUR I will screm if I do not get the life juice soon

@Pickles group

Hot take, you can't get mad when people celebrate christmas but not jesus because all your holidays are co-opted from pagan holidays and everything revolves around your religion and holidays. Shut up, no one cares about your persecution complex

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What’s the difference between patriarchy and rape culture and how do you define the first?

Mans asking the real questions tho
I don't feel equipped to answer but pijinklé connected good dots 👏👏 applause

Yeah pfjfi#c is turning me into a darn leftie (we have a thing going there) and so I’m y’know trying to reevaluate the world all the time, ask what I take for granted, that sort of thing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hot take, you can't get mad when people celebrate christmas but not jesus because all your holidays are co-opted from pagan holidays and everything revolves around your religion and holidays. Shut up, no one cares about your persecution complex

Wait which holiday are we supposed to be stealing on Christmas?
Though if you wanna be whatever and celebrate Christmas go for it bro. Saw this great story of a Muslim man doing Christmas. 10/10 wholesome vibes.
Whoa bro. Persecution complex? You do realize that Christians never really stopped getting murdered for their faith? Granted, things got a lot less stabby for a couple centuries in Rome after the Edict of Milan but the point still stands. You heard of Isis and the Nûn? Sure, in America it’s a lot better. But there’s still hate groups and arson and shootings and vandalism. What I’m saying is you’re sounding pretty ignorant and heartless with that.

@HighPockets group

Question, is it normal for someone to be able to, like, bend their wrist and have it make a crunchy pop noise without feeling any pain? Like is that a normal joint thing? Bc I did that in therapy and I think my therapist is now concerned.