forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Why do straight people get a flag for being an ally?? No, you're a cishet, stop trying to include yourself, if you want a flag just fucking use the rainbow one, don't make one up for yourself

Cis, het, and allo*
There are lgbtq cis het ppl on the ace/aro specs
I know you know that it just bothers me when ppl forget those guys

@ElderGod-kirky group

just like to point out the latest dumbassery that came from my dear crocs

"when we r adults you could [plans for flying across country]" "WAIT YOU ARE"

glad I'm not the only one that keeps forgetting

@Pickles group

Hot take but maybe you should take a little more time on a video to make sure you don't misgender someone with their pronouns in their name AND bio, instead of jumping on the drama train and trying to just get a video out there.

@Pickles group

Also I unlocked another Old level.


Can do the legal drinking now.

+The illegal drinking

Wait what?


What cannot I drink?
