forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

One day you're going to decide to eat something without realizing it's poisonous

"It says rat poison not human poison"

"I just don't think it'll work. I mean, I'm way bigger than a rat."

What is this from? It’s hilarious. Though I personally have done this. I weigh 100x a rat. I can take a bigger gut punch.

I just made mine up lmao

@Pickles group

help I thought too hard and now I'm mad at my friend for something she said a year ago and at myself for not calling her on it even though I thought about it. trying to tell myself that it doesn't make her a shitty person but it's Not Working and idk what to do

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Question of the day. Was eating toilet paper always this bad, or has the essence of it changed since I last munched?

I think it changed, it was drier than usual last night and stuck to the roof of my mouth

Why were you eating it?

There was only one piece left on the roll

Odd. But ig my reason wasn’t much better.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

help I thought too hard and now I'm mad at my friend for something she said a year ago and at myself for not calling her on it even though I thought about it. trying to tell myself that it doesn't make her a shitty person but it's Not Working and idk what to do

Really depends on what it was imo

@Pickles group

help I thought too hard and now I'm mad at my friend for something she said a year ago and at myself for not calling her on it even though I thought about it. trying to tell myself that it doesn't make her a shitty person but it's Not Working and idk what to do

Really depends on what it was imo

this one time she was getting mad because one of the freshmen couldn't memorize the music or march well because adhd and she was like "iF sHe JuSt FoCuSeD hArDeR" and I was almost like "no that's literally not how it works and that feels kind of ableist for you to suggest" but I didn't because I didn't want her to hate me and then a few months ago she texted me asking if saying the word lame was ableist and I didn't think of it at the time but bitch where's that energy when you're talking to a person with that actual disability
like I get logically that she was frustrated and saying one thing that I found offensive but didn't call her on doesn't make her ableist
but it's bothering the hell out of me and I can't do anything but ruminate on it and I can't convince myself that even though I know the thing is true that it's actually true

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Honestly I think you should let it go most people don’t mean to act that way and are just ignorant. The fact that she seems to be trying to question and overcome any ableism etc it plenty enough imo.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kcįrké you wonderful disgrace. But I would advise empathy. Try to see things from her perspective. I’m sure you’ve said some racist things when you were young and ignorant. Most people did. It’s not being perfect that matters, it’s trying to become better.

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to my father for making me hike 11 miles today in 100+ degree weather in Southern Utah because heat exhaustion is not fun and I've had the worst freakin headache for the past few hours and I can't wait to just sleep it all off.

On the bright side, I caught a lizard and it screamed. Don't worry, I let them go and they were fine :)


Yeah sure, we live sorta close. Pick me up on the way. Desert bros.

Desert culture is just constant concern over the yearly snowfall, getting mad at your neighbours for their usage/time of use/position of their sprinklers, and realizing the Fremen from Dune got it right and we better get to their programme.

@ElderGod-kirky group

getting up early is loathsome in that the time itself isn't loathsome, but my body preparing itself for getting up early by never fully falling asleep

i call bullshit

@Katastrophic group

getting up early is loathsome in that the time itself isn't loathsome, but my body preparing itself for getting up early by never fully falling asleep

i call bullshit

mood. I'm actually a morning person if I could just not be tired

@HighPockets group

The fact that I haven’t yet read Dune is a pity.

To be fair, it is Hella Thicc.
I haven't read Dune bc I heard that the later books aren't very good, but I've had a copy of The Priory of the Orange Tree ever since quarantine started and still haven't read it. In my defense it's 850 pages

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

ey does anyone wanna roadtrip with me to Shanty Town, NV?

there's nothing about it on its wikipedia page and I'm determined to change that

I would but I'm on a road trip to the Adirondacks right now

@ElderGod-kirky group

getting up early is loathsome in that the time itself isn't loathsome, but my body preparing itself for getting up early by never fully falling asleep

i call bullshit

mood. I'm actually a morning person if I could just not be tired

I'm so glad i started with part time, with this being one reason. if i were to work any consecutive days, I'd never sleep