forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Katastrophic group

id like to be rude to everyone treating the new mask requirements like they're some sort of alien writing that needs analysts and experts to even begin to understand. If you're vaccinated, you don't have to wear one. If you aren't, keep wearing one. Its a simple concept.


You still have to wear them here even if your vaccinated, and everyone bitches about that, but it makes sense because even though your vaccinated now and you won't get sick you can still pass it on.

@ElderGod-kirky group

we now have optional masks for those who are vaccinated, and certain stores have taken to bribing employees to get vaccinated (and have proof). they're also doing an honors system where they assume people not wearing a mask is vaccinated, and my antimasker mother is going to abuse that honors system. was fucking proud of that

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'd like to be rude to anatomy
Why can't I draw it
Don't get me started on hands

i help????
okay so for anatomy, i suggest practicing figure drawing, or just drawing people you see around you, or even just sitting in front of a mirror and drawing yourself. start with the line of action, which follows the spine and most extended arm and leg, and is the general curve/line the body makes. next, draw lines for the angle of the shoulders and hips, and a circle for the head. croch area is about the middle of a person's body, and bodies tend to be about 8 heads long/tall. once you got that, go in and block in shapes for the body. i usually do the ribcage and pelvis first. quick tip, the pelvis is like a trapezoid when blocking it in. after that, take a closer look at the figure and start refining those shapes. the best way to practice is timed figure drawing. start with very little time and increase the time when you start getting more in and getting the hang of it.

next: hands. again, practice from looking. put your hand into a shape and try drawing it. there's not much that goes into them as figures do, but basically follow the last two steps: blocking, then refining. start with pictures if you can't keep your hand still enough or aren't sure at first

lastly: it's brilliant and has both figure drawing and hand references, and a bunch of others

@Pickles group

True Crime Don'ts with Pickles: always be aware of other people in the room, where they are, and what they're doing


So about the mask requirements: I've already had covid. I haven't been vaccinated because I've already fucking had it. But supposedly I still have to wear a mask?? Bruh. I'm not fucking wearing a mask if I don't have to, I'm sorry, but I'm done. I've had it, I'm immune for at least a little while, I'm not wearing masks unless everyone has to. The store says vaccinated people? Fine. I'm self vaccinated lmao (and yes, fine, I sound like a bitch but y'know what? Seriously. If vaccinated people don't have to wear masks, I shouldn't either, since I have the antibodies)


Yes^, you can get it again, especially with these new variants. And you could pass it on to others even if it doesn't get you sick again. You aren't just wearing a mask for you.

@tungsten fastfood

Reinfection is possible and you can easily transmit after you've had it. The only way you can unmask PERIOD according to the CDC is being fully vaccinated for two weeks. Sorry Ice, you have to stay masked if you're not getting vaxxed


People like you not masking as well is how variants are made and spread btw :)

True true, the virus will meet with your anti-bodies and try to mutate to overcome it, I THINK