forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@larcenistarsonist group

As soon as school's out my parents are flying off to Mexico for my dad's 50th b-day and me and my sis are going on a roadtrip with our painfully conservative and religious grandparents but at least my two favorite cousins (the only family other than my sister that I'm out to) will be there and make it bearable! :D

And then I'm going camping like 12 times, and then theater camp (a;sdfklajsdf I love theater camp so much)

@tungsten fastfood

My schools last day is the seventh
A Monday

Looks like no ones showing up that day

wait is it the seventh? i thought it was the second lmao

@HighPockets group

I go until June 10th :(

We've got until the 11th

Technically we have until the 12th, but the 11th will be asynchronous and the 12th will only be for makeup work


My schools last day is the seventh
A Monday

Looks like no ones showing up that day

wait is it the seventh? i thought it was the second lmao

The Calendar on the school site says it's the seventh
so must be

@HighPockets group

I have Shakespeare camp so that's exciting, we're doing As You Like It and the odds of me getting a lead are better than usual since I'll be one of the older students


I'm just trying to get rich over the summer.
But unfortunately all the jobs I've looked at require more physical exertion than I can give (beyond my laziness there lies medical conditions), so that's not cool.

@larcenistarsonist group

Summer's are always intense with my family. We're always bouncing from one place to another and stuff. Also, all the huge (50+ people) family reunions and dinners. mmm somebody give me ideas on how to piss off conservative family members for the heck of it

@HighPockets group

I really wanted to get a job but the place I wanted to work isn't hiring until the end of August
Plus it's hard for me to get a summer job since I can't drive yet and also will be in a different state for almost all of July


Summer's are always intense with my family. We're always bouncing from one place to another and stuff. Also, all the huge (50+ people) family reunions and dinners. mmm somebody give me ideas on how to piss off conservative family members for the heck of it

The phrase "God, I wish" is incredibly useful in my experience
For example:
"This country is turning socialist!"
"God, I wish"

Works for literally everything though.

@larcenistarsonist group

Summer's are always intense with my family. We're always bouncing from one place to another and stuff. Also, all the huge (50+ people) family reunions and dinners. mmm somebody give me ideas on how to piss off conservative family members for the heck of it

The phrase "God, I wish" is incredibly useful in my experience
For example:
"This country is turning socialist!"
"God, I wish"

Works for literally everything though.

a;ldkjf they're also very religious so uSiNg ThE lOrDs NaMe In VaIn will be fun

@HighPockets group

Ooh nice pins!!
I'd post pics of my pins but 1) I have way too many to fit into a good shot (long story) and 2) they're all kinda packed away and I don't want to get them out lmao