forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@larcenistarsonist group

Sharks are just adorable in general. It honestly made me sick when people recapped how easy their skulls were to cut into.

Fun fact! Statistically, vending machines are more deadly than sharks. Vending machines kill on average 3 people a year while sharks kill on average .5 people a year


Sharks are just adorable in general. It honestly made me sick when people recapped how easy their skulls were to cut into.

Fun fact! Statistically, vending machines are more deadly than sharks. Vending machines kill on average 3 people a year while sharks kill on average .5 people a year

That poor half-person


I dissected a fetal pig as a freshman. There were four people in my group. Two refused to even look at the thing bc it "grossed them out". So I and the other person ended up doing literally all of the work

Deleted user

everything i ordered for my dabi cosplay is getting here way sooner than expected and i'm STOKED
cosplay face reveal? perhaps?

@requiemisback language

everything i ordered for my dabi cosplay is getting here way sooner than expected and i'm STOKED
cosplay face reveal? perhaps?

that's great!! my cosplay items usually take forever to actually arrive lmao
very much yes

@ElderGod-kirky group

question, because it's bugging me since it's happened multiple times at this point

okay, so i'm a smartass. i make jokes that poke at technicalities with a shit-eating grin because i'm joking. The way i say it by no means, at least to me, is undermining or condescending. like today, my grandmother was saying how she thought you shouldn't have magnets around a computer while i was testing a keyboard for my new ipad, so i drawled (with a smile) "well technically it's not a computer." because it's a tablet. but i was joking. i make jokes

but my mother has repeatedly said that whenever i do that, it gets to the point where i need smacked "for that shit"
????? and yet when adults "joke" about things that shouldn't be joked about, like things that very clearly embarrass me or make me uncomfortable, that's completely fine

anyway, my question is, in r/AITA fashion, am i actually an ass??

@The-Magician group

I mean… it depends on the person you’re saying it to. If someone was always being a smartass around me I would get seriously pissed off pretty quickly because I find it unnecessary and things like that annoy me, however my best friend would play along with the joke and have a laugh.

@ElderGod-kirky group

mom is someone who will carry on sex jokes for half an hour and has twisted someone's faults into something funny, i don't exactly know about my grandmother. i don't believe i do it all the time?? just usually when the opportunity arises and if i'm even paying attention

@ElderGod-kirky group

local kirk here is doing senior pictures. somehow i squeezed my ass into and out of a small dress without dying, so it's alright

only got yelled at by geese once

@Pickles group

State farm ads are implying that if my dog talked to a state farm person, they wouldn't run away screaming. I'm inclined to put this to the test.
Where's stan when you need him

@ElderGod-kirky group

a friend of mine mentioned cosplay and asked if i wanted to go to an event with him some time, so now i'm frantically looking for things to buy on etsy to make a nyx cosplay, which don't include colored contacts, lipstick, and a wig
i've never been more motivated to get a job than now

@Pickles group

Jesus fuck people at my church need to stop whining about wearing masks. Shut the hell up
If I hear one more person mocking workers who ask you to wear a mask I'm going lose my shit


our county stopped enforcing masks and social distancing entirely. mom made sure to tell me multiple times with that childish "see? see?! I'm right, you're wrong, nothing you can do about it :)))" smirk and i just want to stab something

went to church today with a mask anyway to subtly tell everyone "I'm not associating with the rest of these people please don't lump me in with them" and got three comments all from older, weaker people (including the pRIEST) telling me to take it off and stop living in fear. like bish I'm wearing this for you
unlike everyone here who's abusing the hell out of the cdc's announcement that vaccinated people don't need masks, i actually give a fuck about your safety, Margaret.

and god why did they have to remove social distancing it's so crowded and uncomfortable now, i hate it-