forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@tungsten fastfood

Y'all are absolutely right in that regard and it has to be said 🥰

Also I gave up, one of my good friends apparently is working alone and he's online so I'm asking if he wants a hand. I'm shifting groups if he says yes because I value him more lmao

@larcenistarsonist group

Do what I did. Only if you're presenting it though. Do the whole slideshow yourself (cuz that's probably how its gonna go) and have all your teammates stand on one side and you alone of the other. After you present, before the bibliography/works cited slide have an arrow pointing to you labelled "person who did all the work"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Examples of this happening already:

I was asked if "am I gonna make my own or are you with us" which is the most passive aggressive shit because what else am I gonna do? Hm?
And when the PowerPoint finally got shared with me they had excluded my name. Great start ladies, gents, and enbies

Friends and enemies.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

They're the worst :/ like sorry but I don't want to either end up doing all the work just so I don't fail and so you can just fuck around and do nothing all week instead of participating in class

Haha. Me when I wrote a ten page legal paper for my group.
Yes I still have it. I’m proud.

@Pickles group

There's so much I have to do but all I want to do is go home and read. Which is a charge so I really shouldn't ignore it

@tungsten fastfood

My best friend pointing out that almost all of my characters are masculine with feminine habits is not okay and I didn't appreciate it.

Also apparently not wanting to be societally perceived as a woman isn't a cis thing and 💪🥶 my thought of "I'm a woman because I like my body but I don't want to be perceived as feminine" which Ive been thinking for years is apparently not cis and is aha wrong 🤩

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to the conservative asshole who went "oh the she-he person?" in class >:l

I turned in my seat and said "Don't say that, it's offensive." In the most diplomatic tone possible and she went "god I was just asking if it was that person mj"

Deleted user

cw for complaining, non-explicit incest mentions:

So uh watch me searching the AO3 tag for Frankenstein, scroll down to "Relationships" because I want to see what they have to offer and I have a few very niche ships I want to see if they exist, and lo and behold, the second most popular pairing… is an incest pairing. And also there's Victor/Elizabeth fics I don't have to explain how wrong that is. Anyways catch me being bothered in the club tonight, sorry for bursting in here with my bullshit but I would loathe myself if I didn't remind y'all that shipping parent-child (edit: and sibling!) relationships, even if they are not biologically related, is indeed nasty. Also I just saw a Victor/Ernest fic kill me now. AO3 is good for what it does sometimes, it's a good fic hosting platform and it's fun to read people's stories but at the same time, uh… they allow this shit and while I'm not anti-AO3 I'm slowly getting there.

@HighPockets group

It's so good so far!! Lots of recurring characters from The Clone Wars (duh) and Rebels, plus Omega is baby and I want to keep her safe.