forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

Seriously, someone needs to call me on my shit. I'm waiting please, my ego is going unchecked and I'm embarrassing myself

@saor_illust school

would like to be rude to those who still think unasked for negative criticism (specifically those that aren't constructive criticsm) is okay.

newsflash–it's not.

just learned that a good friend of mine got turned away from visual art and media specifically because they received so much negative criticism for pretty much whatever they drew.
and this is why i continually argue against unwanted criticism, because it can absolutely end up doing more harm than good.
because even those who who genuinely enjoy their art can easily be turned away from it and end up associating doing art with negative feelings and stop enjoying it altogether.

anyways, just my rant, carry on with yalls days-

@Katastrophic group

Based on Izzy's, as an artist:

  • if you see "Critiques appreciated" or "feedback welcomed" or anything like that then go for it. But constructive criticism. Don't say "it looks bad," say for example "The anatomy on x part doesn't look quite right"
  • if there is a genuine mistake/flaw (aka you know the artist/their style and know it's off for them) such as a backwards hand or a miscolored part, pointing it out politely is nice. Staring at a piece for too long makes it easy to miss those sorts of things.
  • If there is none of the above, there is no need to critique. Compliment what you like and move on about what you don't.

That said, there is a difference between posting art and a learning or jury environment, the latter meaning critique is guaranteed and necessary for the environment.

@larcenistarsonist group

I'd like to be rude to my computer for not charging and now I have a crusty school spare while they try to fix it. Come on, chromebook, we have seven days of school left and two of those are half days

@tungsten fastfood

imagine your school giving a shit about you??? school ends on the second of june and there are no half-days

but I'm skipping on the 28th because I have my AP exam lol

@Pickles group

I have an AP exam on Monday but I think this week is the last one for seniors

Yeah it's a covid thing, but to make up for the missing day we go to school from 7:15-4:15

Holy shit??? We go from 7:30-1:25 because of covid, it's an hour less than usual