forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@tungsten fastfood

overall just a big nice middle finger to pro lifers who don't believe in protecting the child after birth– if you were pro life some things would have happened such as

  • The ICE incident not happening (thanks trump bestie UWU)
  • The Foster system actually having money and correct background checks
  • better therapy for traumatized children coming from bad backgrounds
  • like, more support for S/A victims thanks
  • on top of that support for women who HAVE been saed and don't have to turn to abortion for help once she's impregnated with a kid she doesn't want
  • i hate pro lifers let me at them let me at them i will personally annihilate that entire side of america theres no excuse there's no excuse anymore i'm so fucking angry

I can accept people who don't believe in abortion because whatever reason but if you're a man, um, shut up. half of the SCOTUS appointed shouldn't even HAVE an opinion those shitheads

just let women BE oh my god I'm so angry

and no I'm not arguing with anyone on this bc the people on this site who are pro life (full offense) don't deserve to have an opinion on it thanks besties thats all fuck america i'm so sick of it here can i just have ONE right that isn't regulated by crusty ass politicians who want to taken women's rights

@tungsten fastfood

also every woman knows that outright banning abortions doesn't do anything but make more problems. educated men know that too. just FUCk this I'm so over being educated someone take out my frontal lobe so I can be as stupid as a woman pro lifer, it must be nice to be that oblivious

@larcenistarsonist group

I used to be friends with this girl (she's a TERF and I cut ties as soon as I found out) and she was extremely pro-life but I live in Idaho for God's sake so I didn't think much of it. So we were staying the night with another girl (she's chill I guess) and we were talking about it and I told her that I was pro-choice and then she told me to listen to a bunch of songs that were anti-abortion and I just turned off the songs and said "I'm going to bed." and left her room to go sleep on the couch.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If they can't respect me and what I believe in then they don't deserve to be in my presence :))

Not to say that the person you cut out did respect you, but you can respect a person and what they believe in without supporting that thing. I am pro-life no I'm not gonna let this be an argument anyone Em is right but that doesn't mean I don't have respect for the prochoicers. I have a lot of respect for them, as well as other things I may not be in support of.

@tungsten fastfood

Like when I said I support pro lifers, I mean Dom. I can see Dom advocating for children's rights, but I will not be taking his opinion into account when it comes to abortion. He is a good example of a respectful pro lifer who I can have a conversation with

@larcenistarsonist group

If they can't respect me and what I believe in then they don't deserve to be in my presence :))

Not to say that the person you cut out did respect you, but you can respect a person and what they believe in without supporting that thing. I am pro-life no I'm not gonna let this be an argument anyone Em is right but that doesn't mean I don't have respect for the prochoicers. I have a lot of respect for them, as well as other things I may not be in support of.

I don't necessarily respect the pro-life side of things, but I do understand where they come from. The person I cut out of my life was constantly telling me to change my views and when she insulted my gender identity, that was the last straw and she's now gone from my life. I can uphold a conversation with people like you, Dom, as long as you don't attack my own beliefs. If you don't attack my beliefs, I won't attack yours.

@ElderGod-kirky group

i saw one thing, and it was a pro-choice guy who said that he presents a scenario to every pro-lifer that says that embryos are still children:

you are in a building that is on fire, and you come across a room that has a child and a fridge with 1,000 embryos. you only have time to save one. do you A: save the child or B: save the embryos that could become children

he said that they either insist on an invisible option C, which is save them both (despite not having the time, as stated), or don't want to answer

@Katastrophic group

while we're on women's autonomy, i'd like to be rude to medical professionals who deny choice. If I want my uterus ejected its my choice, not "my future husband" or parent's cause "what if they want grandkids?"
If they want kids they can go and have them.

@tungsten fastfood

YEAH that would be one of my "I hate this shit" if I were to keep going Kat that is totally like thanks pro lifers for supporting my healthcare 💅

@Katastrophic group

I wish I didn't need a diagnosed medical issue to get it done, can u imagine? no more cramps ever again, no buying hundreds of dollars of "luxury" feminine items or pills, no worries (completely fail-safe) about accidental parasites…

@tungsten fastfood

or here's an idea we do the reversible cheaper thing and give all men vasectomies. yeah i got that from tiktok but it makes sense

also kat congrats on your graduation :D

@Moxie group

The Dear Evan Hansen movie trailer just dropped and I have some thoughts
Also this will be spoiler-free so don't worry

Stop having grown adults play teenagers. Just stop. The other actors at least looked kinda younger, but Ben Platt looked like a grown-ass man, because he is. Honestly, I feel like its really important to the story that teenagers are the one's playing the teenage characters. Its like the modern-day equivalent of the Hunger Games. They're not killing each other, but they are going through some very intense, very real things, and it think it was important that the correct age range was represented on the screen. But then again, I heard Ben Platt's father is the producer, so is anyone really surprised?

I was originally upset about the fact that they were making it into a movie at all (there have just been so many bad and unnecessary live-action adaptations lately, and I think I was lumping it in with that), but then I thought about it and I'm not mad about it. Broadway is already super inaccessible, so this makes it so more people are able to see the show. Plus, there was a fragment of a scene with Zoe in a car that couldn't have happened with any other medium. I'll be mad if they take out too many songs, but 14 is a lot for a movie-musical.
It will be weird to go from an 8 person cast to an entire movie cast, but I don't think it'll be too bad

@Katastrophic group

or here's an idea we do the reversible cheaper thing and give all men vasectomies. yeah i got that from tiktok but it makes sense

also kat congrats on your graduation :D

lol and thanks!