forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


If you intentionally call the police with false information, you are the worst kind of person and I fucking hate you. Go rot you stupid fuck.

t h i s

@Pickles group

Just noticed that I'm starting to wear down my stylus tip and I'm kind of proud that I've drawn that much since my birthday

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Fuck them (but not actually, don't reproduce with them please for the love of all things good)

this is my favorite part of this discussion. but also shoutout to the fact that i'm from the deep south and i agree


Fuck them (but not actually, don't reproduce with them please for the love of all things good)

this is my favorite part of this discussion. but also shoutout to the fact that i'm from the deep south and i agree

Sjdbdhhdb glad to be of service lmao

@ElderGod-kirky group

but fr let's be mean to the south because what the FUCKSTICK are y'all doing? honestly

i mean
they are the ones who were willing to go to war to keep their heavy racism and slaves


Bruh for reall. My dad was raised in the south for a while and it fucking shows. Like. He'll say that the confederate flag stands for the states right to secede from the US and I'm like "no, it stands for slavery". He goes "no, it stands for freedom". I respond, every time, with "…the freedom to own other people, which kind of negates the entire argument"

@tungsten fastfood

I got into an argument with one of my friends because she supports and wears the confederate flag– she said she thought it looked nice and she liked how it stood for independence or something like that

and i was like honey no it's a racist symbol

THEN my old band director (we had this argument in the band room) came in and was like "stop arguing people can believe in what they want to believe"

I like to think MD isn't in the south but my county is a different breed

@tungsten fastfood

it doesn't even look good either like what do you MEAN

the american flag is also a racist symbol but it's fine I don't think the south is ready for that one


The american flag stands for democracy nd the freedom of the country. The confederate flag stands for the freedom of the states.

Obviously. What are you, a northerner?

(Please read all of the above in heavy sarcasm)

@Pickles group

The american flag stands for democracy nd the freedom of the country. The confederate flag stands for the freedom of the states.

Obviously. What are you, a northerner?

(Please read all of the above in heavy sarcasm)

Me, a northerner, draping myself across a grand piano in sweatpants and holding an empty wine glass:

@tungsten fastfood

in a stupid white person voice for those commercials

are you tired of the PESKY feds getting in the way of YOU and your HUMAN RIGHT TO ANOTHER HUMAN?

well don't we have the thing for you???

a confederate flag that basically rips off the american flag and is ugly as hell so fashionable!!!

we stand against people trying to "earn rights as Americans" and "stop being separated from families like animals"

because what the hell is that nonsense?

order today!!

@ElderGod-kirky group

yes, i am indeed a northerner. a northerner annoyed with the southerners and the morons in my area who are legitimately comparing democrats to the fucking mafia and cults

america itself just needs some sort of IT guy to come over, turn it off, then turn it back on again and see if it'll update like the rest of the system

@HighPockets group

If I hear one more goddamn Southern talk about their bullshit traitor flag I will dig through my closet until I find my Union hat. Try me, bitch, I didn't spend my childhood going to Civil War events to support the Union only to see the "iT sTaNdS fOr fReEdOm" crowd simping for Daddy Davis's failed country that lasted for a shorter amount of time than Seinfeld ran for.


I would like to be rude to my period for coming today and giving the worst cramps I've had in a while, resulting in me not being able to sleep

I would also like to be rude to it for making me cry after watching a man in a halo suit on tiktok being sweet. 😒😒😒

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

If I hear one more goddamn Southern talk about their bullshit traitor flag I will dig through my closet until I find my Union hat. Try me, bitch, I didn't spend my childhood going to Civil War events to support the Union only to see the "iT sTaNdS fOr fReEdOm" crowd simping for Daddy Davis's failed country that lasted for a shorter amount of time than Seinfeld ran for.

That was art


‘And we’re off’ by Dana Schwartz, should be renamed, “how to make someone instantly want to gouge their eyes out after the first page: a novel.”

I need to find some eye bleach