forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


I showed my brother this and he was like 'its obviously a joke why are you being so worried?' Like I love him to death, but they both can be very dense. And obviously I cant let them know exactly why I'm scared, they don't know my history that well. I basically told them ti shut the fuck up let me do whatever. Its not a joke if the cops are getting involved.

@ElderGod-kirky group

i can't let the dogs out for two fucking minutes to go to the fucking bathroom without them running down the fucking road

i love dogs but shit like this is why I don't think I'm going to have any when i move out. i can hardly be responsible for myself let alone a creature that needs constant attention and responsibility

i feel like snakes would be easier

Deleted user

I will be rude to myself for wanting to die and also for moving back in with my parents even though my dad's cousin is literally staying with us right now and that's bad for various reasons but hey, my cat lives there and I will protect her with my life. Should have taken her when I moved out lol.

Deleted user

Eh I'll be fine. Mom beat the shit out of me when I got back (not literally don't worry, she mostly just yelled and then bodyslam hugged me) and I think she's mad but dad doesn't care, he just doesn't want me to pull that shit again.

Deleted user

fuck gotta go i hear someone coming upstairs and I think it's you-know-who. Gonna just be rude in advance if it is.

Deleted user

okay nvm it was just mom anyways can I be rude to Texas Senate Bill 1646 for a sec?

Deleted user

My trans ass is about to kill a man. I'm about to kill whoever proposed that stupid bill my god. Seriously, this bill will kill trans kids! Why would you want that?

Deleted user

But I digress. Anyways this should be a violation of basic human rights but unfortunately it technically isn't so wow. That sucks. Glad I don't live in Texas.


Yeah I saw that, and it just aldbhdbshs it makes me sooo fucking angry and I'm not even trans but what the fuck. Why aren't more people angry about this

@HighPockets group

Ugh and the Florida one too.


Oh my god I hadn't heard of that one, that is definitely going to lead to sexual assault of children, fuck, I hate that so much, why can't the GOP just let people fucking live

@HighPockets group

Like there's totally going to be a case where


Like there's totally going to be a case where

Oh god that…yeah. Yeah. I hate that

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate Idaho so much.

I want to cry.

"One of the laws bans transgender people from changing the sex on their birth certificates while the other bars transgender girls and women from playing on sports teams that align with their gender identity."

I hate this place so much. I don't feel safe here, I don't feel supported here, I need to get out as soon as I can.

I'm not even trans and I feel so unsafe and anxious whenever I walk outside.

Jesus Christ.

@tungsten fastfood

Just move here with me, we can hide in the mountains and swim and eat good food

But fr please stay safe and god damn fuxk them red states bro