forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

Y'all ever had someone you kind of know shout at you to climb into his car and you sort of go on a little Adventure. Because that was nice.

No because I'd like to not get brutally murdered

@tungsten fastfood

Y'all ever had someone you kind of know shout at you to climb into his car and you sort of go on a little Adventure. Because that was nice.

No because I'd like to not get brutally murdered


looks in Ted Bundy and James DeAngelo disrespectfully

@Moxie group

If I ever go to nyc, I wanna make it my goal to be the weirdest thing people see that day

It’s literally not hard, I just wore a dress that was all pink and had pink hair and I got a lot more stares than I do in California. Just wear bright colors, no one wears them in New York apparently

@Moxie group

Y'all ever had someone you kind of know shout at you to climb into his car and you sort of go on a little Adventure. Because that was nice.

That’s adorable

@Pickles group

True Crime Don'ts with Pickles: if you think your friend could be a serial killer, reevaluate your friendship, even if you trust them to not murder you
Similarly, a general life don't: don't be friends with someone who's mean to everyone else except you. And I don't mean like how me or emi are mean, I mean like they beat other people up, genuinely bully other people, or are just shitheads to other people and before you pipe in, emi, no you occasionally making fun of newbies is not actually bullying


The power went out across my town last night, and there's no wifi (but still like data, idk how internet works). All school assignments went online during quarantine, so there's no way to do any schoolwork today. It be a free day, woot woot.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

accidentally ate some of my facewash, wouldn't recommend

kjfbvsdbujbsjus you ever wash your face or like put product on it and it gets on your lips, then you accidentally lick it- don't recommend that either

@tungsten fastfood

Hi big fuck you to the people

And at the same time my parents opening my report card to two mid-level Cs which are the lowest I've gotten all year and thinking that it's a normal year and that yeah they can hold me to the same standards? I also had to explain that my motivation is literally underground and I can barely bring myself out of bed to do the things I enjoy, let alone do a subject like physics that I despise entirely online.

Thank you this has been "I hate that school is giving me the same amount of work they would if I were in person and how the fuck I myself haven't gone to a mental hospital because it feels like my head is going to fall off"

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Hi big fuck you to the people

And at the same time my parents opening my report card to two mid-level Cs which are the lowest I've gotten all year and thinking that it's a normal year and that yeah they can hold me to the same standards? I also had to explain that my motivation is literally underground and I can barely bring myself out of bed to do the things I enjoy, let alone do a subject like physics that I despise entirely online.

Thank you this has been "I hate that school is giving me the same amount of work they would if I were in person and how the fuck I myself haven't gone to a mental hospital because it feels like my head is going to fall off"

i completely get that. and having parents that don't understand id very hard to deal with. this year in school has been so hard for a lot of us. i missed 6 weeks of school from being quarantined and i didn't test positive for covid any of those times. it's been a rough year, but we only have a couple weeks left. we'll get through it, and i'm always always always here if you wanna talk about it. just take it day by day, you'll get through it.


america's school system just cares about their appearance so much that they hire counselors to look good but the counselors are crappy and just say "how does that make you feel?" to everything

@HighPockets group

Bruh when I was in 9th grade we told the counselor that I had bad depression and anxiety and guess what? The fucker didn't show up to a single meeting to talk about my IEP. Like I get missing one but I never even met him.


Bruh when I was in 9th grade we told the counselor that I had bad depression and anxiety and guess what? The fucker didn't show up to a single meeting to talk about my IEP. Like I get missing one but I never even met him.

see, this is what i mean
fuckin dumbass counselor ppl being all "oh you don't have depression! you're little!" and refusing to show tf up
iep gang asdfghjkl

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

literally. our old counselor didn't even do that. she just handled schedules and severe things, but nobody could ever go to her for anything else. and when i say "severe things" i mean like kids getting death threats and things like that, which, mind you, were never handled or solved. the only thing she'd take seriously was when someone told on someone who had drugs or vapes. like that's what's important right now. anyways, i'd like to shout out the new counselor we got this year because she's everything this school could have hoped for and more. as we lost one of our best teachers this year, one who might as well have been the school counselor for how much kids went to her for things, we need this counselor more than ever. she fights for us and advocates for us, and we need that. so i just hope this shows you that sometimes you get a stroke of luck. a good person. and i'm grateful for that.