forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@larcenistarsonist group

A counselor called me in today to talk about my schedule for next year (I'm taking 4 AP classes) and she was like "oh how are you?" and I told her I was tired and she started talking about how technology was the cause of all that and I'm like "-bitch no. It's my bipolar depression and insomnia." so yes my hatred of counselors continue :))

@HighPockets group

It wasn't even a fucking joke bc it was TRUE, one of the bathrooms got locked up bc someone scrawled bomb threats in it :))) super annoying since it was the one we used as a dressing room and it was tech week

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

A counselor called me in today to talk about my schedule for next year (I'm taking 4 AP classes) and she was like "oh how are you?" and I told her I was tired and she started talking about how technology was the cause of all that and I'm like "-bitch no. It's my bipolar depression and insomnia." so yes my hatred of counselors continue :))

i- literally. i don't even have my phone at night, don't tell me why i'm tired bro.

@tungsten fastfood

I live in a red county so my school barely gets support as is– I've gone and talked to my counselor several times about my own mental health but stopped at certain points because I knew she'd tell my parents. It was especially prominent in freshman year where I was literally ripping my hair out from stress (I'm also still doing that today– don't worry about it) and I was told that "not a lot can be done" for me and moved me along

I'm better with stress control now but my counselors piss me off

Also my mom just told my dad as if it's a big deal and I'm gonna get yelled about my 74 in, again, a subject I hate that is extremely physical. For it is fucking physics (and precal but I guess that one is more understandable???). So yeah 😍🥰💅 can I give up yet?

@HighPockets group

Schools will be like "omg why is no one coming to talk to our counselors?? :(" without realizing that 1) it can be super stressful to schedule appointments with counselors, 2) you're missing/leaving class to talk to them, which is–again–anxiety inducing, awkward, and makes you fall behind in class, and 3) the counselors don't do shit to help and instead go "oh no :( how does that make you feel? :)"

@Pickles group

It was like a running joke at my school that every year the 8th/9th grade building got a bomb threat, I hate being an American schoolkid

When I was in eighth grade, the high school got a whole bunch because the seniors that year were…well. We've gotten one or two I think since I've been in high school but those seniors were the worst about it. Now it's mostly "let's make r*pe jokes and hurl slurs at people"

@HighPockets group

It was like a running joke at my school that every year the 8th/9th grade building got a bomb threat, I hate being an American schoolkid

When I was in eighth grade, the high school got a whole bunch because the seniors that year were…well. We've gotten one or two I think since I've been in high school but those seniors were the worst about it

It's weird bc the actual high school (10-12th grade) is pretty good, it's just that the 8-9th grade school is horrible. Like we're talking

but the high school high school is good overall.
I'm hoping that it gets better when the new high school is built and the 8-9 school gets turned into a middle school.

@Pickles group

It was like a running joke at my school that every year the 8th/9th grade building got a bomb threat, I hate being an American schoolkid

When I was in eighth grade, the high school got a whole bunch because the seniors that year were…well. We've gotten one or two I think since I've been in high school but those seniors were the worst about it

It's weird bc the actual high school (10-12th grade) is pretty good, it's just that the 8-9th grade school is horrible. Like we're talking

but the high school high school is good overall.
I'm hoping that it gets better when the new high school is built and the 8-9 school gets turned into a middle school.

The junior high here is worse than the high school too, I think

@HighPockets group

Any school where 14 year olds are the top of the hierarchy is bound to be bad imo. They're old enough to think they're mature but too young to realize that they're not. At least 18 year olds tend to have some general idea of what to do and what not to do in a school setting

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Any school where 14 year olds are the top of the hierarchy is bound to be bad imo. They're old enough to think they're mature but too young to realize that they're not. At least 18 year olds tend to have some general idea of what to do and what not to do in a school setting

true. i thought i was the shit in the 8th grade because that's like- middle school seniors, you know? we were like, "ha, 6th graders" instead of "ha, freshman" you know? but you're right, it's terrifying

@ElderGod-kirky group

i remember one specific bathroom incident where someone was stupid enough to smoke at the start of school in the bathroom right next to a classroom where the teacher comes in late—and therefore, able to smell it when she walked by

and another time where the resident "bad boy" dumbass Chad challenged a dude to a fight right in front of a classroom. Chad proceeded to immediately get into a headlock and couldn't get out before the both of them were football tackled by the classroom's teacher

@Katastrophic group

while we're ranting about schools, here's some fun bits on the public school system from me/teacher mom!

  • Teacher mom is not allowed to write up bullying, cause it causes investigations
  • Teacher mom is responsible for 31 kids in a single class with at least 5-8 speds
  • Speds are supposed to only be in classes with a teacher assistant or a secondary carer (which yeah, that's not happening)
  • Throwing a chair through the wall does not quallify as a reason to send someone to the office apparently???
  • There is a massive teacher shortage to the point where my district is foregoing student teaching which is kinda important training (skipping assistant too, just straight up throwing these new teachers to the wolves)
  • Despite said shortage there have been severe teacher cuts that may or may not be based on (not proven) political orientation even though teachers are not allowed to voice or show political opinions in the classroom
  • Also teachers are supposed to buy their own tech for online teaching. Microphones, webcams, external storage, online programs like canvas, and theyre responsible for making kids attend, not the parents for some reason,

There was also a time my mom's school got shut down for a gassing scare. A girl had her mace can (illegal to have on school grounds but w/e) leak, and she sat next to an intake vent. Two hallways of classrooms had mild reactions and the entire school closed for a few days while it got investigated.

@Pickles group

True Crime Don'ts with Pickles: fat is yellow. Don't mention this to police when you're being questioned. And don't help clean up crime scenes for your friend


And don't help clean up crime scenes for your friend

But they're my friend

But they inject sex workers with antifreeze

Then they're not my friend