forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


So. Google and Apple have both blocked Parlor(Parlour?) which is a conservative social media site. My parents are bitching about it and saying "this is censorship :(" and "America is going down the drain" and "this is discrimination :((" and all this shit and like…yeah, I don't think Google and Apple should have removed the app, but also… conservative white men (like my dad) are literally one of the most privileged groups in America, and have controlled the country for literal generations, and now that there's a tiny bit of pushback they're all screaming "discrimination"?? The fuck?? Calm the hell down and let other people live, maybe??


Well yeah, but also that's not what's going on?? Idk. Conservatives need to calm the fuck down and let people live. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and let ppl live, I guess

But seriously. The banning of one(1) app and one(1) president from social media does not equal the loss of free speech


freedom of speech has never equalled freedom from the consequences of hateful speech. me punching someone for spouting homophobic slurs would not equal censorship, anyone claiming so is just pissy about consequences finally actually happening and I spare no pity


If you're gonna quote Dream, then allow me to quote Wilbur(and replace GREEN BOI with ORANGE BOI)



In this case orange boi lmao


I can't believe that someone had the audacity to ask what Trump has ever done to the LGBTQ community. I can't believe someone has the audacity to tell me that Trump isn't a bad person and that Biden is a bad person


I replied to them, and they've told me that, supposedly, Biden has said he doesn't support the LGBTQ community and Trump has. Sweetie, Turnip has consistently tried to strip away our rights and Biden is literally the one who pushed for same-sex marriage when he was Obama's VP. Do your fucking research


@tungsten fastfood

hi Trump elected amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) Coney Barrett, the worst FUCKING person to be on SCOTUS. She is a politician, Over-Catholic, OBVIOUSLY BIASED, barely experienced piece of shit who wants to undo everything RBJ did for American Women, LGBTQ+, and minority groups.

Need an argument against fuckers who say Biden is anti-LGBTQ? Use horrible, despicable, sickening ACB.


gonna become president and 'exile' the gays to countries with better health care and more tolerance so that when, inevitably, a shitty president takes my place and tries to do bad things to the gays they'll be gone.

watch me spend like the entirety of my allotted presidential budget on one way tickets for anyone who wants to leave the country lmao

Deleted user

i'm just gonna be rude to america because w h y
fuck our country and fuck the conservatives, literally just let me move

@ElderGod-kirky group

i'm just gonna be rude to america because w h y
fuck our country and fuck the conservatives, literally just let me move

i'm stuck with a highly conservative family
they think i'm joking when i say i want to move to alaska and away from them