forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

I saw a man (or woman(?)), walking around dressed as a Jedi and I tried to tell them they were an inspiration to me but they didn’t hear. But still cool.

Straight cis people's obsession with the binary and the subtle refusal to use gender neutral language permeating their life will always be fascinating to me

@ElderGod-kirky group

I exposed Potato (my very ace and prudish sister) to Straight Tiktok and she was horrified to the point her cries of agony warranted a cheek chomp from our grandma-like cat

Why. Did you do that. Who deserves that?

I was feeling particularly Evil tonight

@Pickles group

It's passive aggressively directed at you

Alright. I am solidly miffed. What’s up. Say it straight (or not Lol but spit already).

Was it too gay for you? I don't know how to elaborate


It's passive aggressively directed at you

Alright. I am solidly miffed. What’s up. Say it straight (or not Lol but spit already).

Can't speak for Pickles, but I think she said that because you typed

I saw a man (or woman(?))

Instead of just "I saw someone …"
It has strict binary undertones, like you're indicating they could've only been a man or a woman.
Who knows what you actually meant tho, that's just one way it could be read 🤷

@Pickles group

It's passive aggressively directed at you

Alright. I am solidly miffed. What’s up. Say it straight (or not Lol but spit already).

Can't speak for Pickles, but I think she said that because you typed

I saw a man (or woman(?))

Instead of just "I saw someone …"
It has strict binary undertones, like you're indicating they could've only been a man or a woman.
Who knows what you actually meant tho, that's just one way it could be read 🤷

Yeah that
And you did say "them", but it's still interesting to me that the cishets still are like "binary ✨✨" even when they're using gender neutral pronouns

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Means probably a man but I though “maybe it could’ve been a woman idk” as I typed it. It’s no secret that I think of the binary. It’s not an “obsession” it’s what I’ve been raised to think of based on what all humans have been able to observe since forever ago. The links provided by you (Owen. I’m typing this after a break so I guess I should clarify.) were very interesting, and though they made me consider, I am still pretty sure it I should based on the… how do I say… outer situations instead of inner. (I know there’s a proper English way to say this.)
Whatever the case. You know we think and believe differently. I knew that the moment I met you all. Yet I, albeit warily at first, accepted you as dear to my heart.
Pickles. You seem to have grown antagonistic to me. I have mostly ignored it on here because I did not want to fight. You are my friend. I love you. I do not want to be hurt by you. (Please do not assume this is some sort of sympathy ploy. I speak frankly.)
You might wonder (at this point it would make sense for you to have wondered) why I saw it that I am friends with those I differ with so morally. Why are you friends with me? You must answer that yourself, I suppose.
Most of you support -and I am sorry to break the rule but I am not here to argue, so please do not respond in that manner because then I couldn’t respond which would vex me very much- abortion. I see it as the killing of a human. I see it as a great and sorrowful crime against humanity.
So why can I stand to be with people who support it? Because I know that many if not all of you are trying to be good people. Why should I hold your wrong (and I mean Wrong. No subjective about this.) beliefs against you? And so I allow you to be close to my heart. It is a strict belief I have. Almost all humans are trying, at least in a small amount, to bring Good to the world. Having grown some, I have discovered that to go after the evils that people believe in is of no use. It isn’t better to find the common goals of Good in them and honor that. A really easy feat when you try.
Do I believe in the strict binary? Maybe not as strict as I once did. I have changed from you (many you’s are plural btw (why does English not have a formal plural of you anymore)). That doesn’t mean I’m going to insist an enbie is a male or female. Because I try not to be a dick.
If you decide not to be friends with me, it will make me unhappy. But obviously that is your choice that I shouldn’t have control of. That goes for all of you. But if I can be friends with people so different, you can too, right?

@Pickles group

(why does English not have a formal plural of you anymore)

because "you" used to be the formal "thou" and when people started using "you" for everyone to be polite, thou fell out of use
and that's all I have the energy to answer right now

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(why does English not have a formal plural of you anymore)

because "you" used to be the formal "thou" and when people started using "you" for everyone to be polite, thou fell out of use
and that's all I have the energy to answer right now

Yeah I know. But it’s like a lingual necessity imo.

Also. Take your time. Mental health is important. But get back to me.