forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


hey no offense to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) but FUCK THIS WEBSITE

i just spent like a good 20 minutes writing a scene in one of those documents because i wanted to fucking share it and get some feedback and then i made the mistake of pressing the 'analysis' button out of curiosity when i was done, and when i went back to the doc it was fucking GONE what the absolute mc fuck is this


I wrote a whole-ass first draft of a one-shot once. Three to four hours, I had a long car trip and was suddenly struck with Inspiration while waiting for my mom's eye exam to be done(we were at a Costco three hours downstate because that was the only place she could go at the time). Then my computer shut down, and everything was lost… I was fuckin furious. Not at the site, at my computer. It wasn't even the battery, my computer just said "ight imma head out" and reset itself.

Tl;dr I definitely understand how you feel

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Once I got inspiration and wrote for a solid hour straight, was halfway done with a chapter of my fanfic, tried to switch to Notebook to check my unreads, and reloaded ao3
In case you didn't know, you have to save manually on ao3. Which my stupid ass forgot to.

@ElderGod-kirky group

December 1st arrives
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Pennsylvania: oh shit, where did the time go? it's winter already? let's dump a fuckton of snow to make it seem like i did my job before, yeah? yeah. that'll be good. the people will love me
Circe: i think the fuck not

@Pickles group


I am thinking about the henna wars once again,,,, that was the first time I have e v e r,, in my entire life,, felt seen,,, I am never going to get that feeling back either


^^^^^ please tag that as a spoiler tho just in case
but yea there's a looonnggg way to go for good representation and Rick's is really disappointing

Okay, yes, he does, but the Riordanverse was the first book I ever read with a gay character, and I feel like my life would be different if I hadn't read about Nico and him coming out when I did. And yes, Nico and Will in the books are…there's not a lot of chemistry, but him being gay was just. It was great to read, as a very sheltered 12 year old that hadn't read about anything even remotely LGBTQ before. So yes, his representation can be very harmful, but. Yeah. Idk where this was going lmao


some of his characters fall flat as far as rep goes but some are good

also in defense of piper mclean, part of her character is her being out of touch with her heritage. her cherokee blood comes from her dad, who himself is incredibly out of touch and struggling with his identity. pair that with her going to a private school full of racist ass kids, and you can't expect her to be entirely accepting of that side of herself. culture is a weird thing, and when you grow up raised by someone who wants nothing to do with it and surrounded by kids who refer to you as any native american character ever, regardless of tribe, you're not going to welcome it with open arms.

parts of piper weren't okay. the cornucopia thing and the eagle feathers in her hair wasn't okay. craft feathers in her hair was fine, as was the harpy feather.

that recent thing everyone's talking about? completely not okay due to the grief she was feeling and the lack of build up to it. there were no hints, not like there was with nico. nico was so painfully obviously in love with percy, looking back. he was a starstruck little kid with a huge crush. but piper had no hints, no obvious signs, nothing that made rick dropping that feel right.

all in all, piper is a weird character for me. because i love what she could have been, and hate what she actually ended up