forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Moxie group

No but they laughed at my carpal tunnel and the fact that I write down my dreams. (Which is why I never tell anyone about that unless I know them :((( I didn't know they were there.) Like NO THATS THE THING I'M SENSITIVE ABOUT

Bruh did I even know about that?
Also how did they figure out? We’re you writing right there?

Probably not, I haven’t mentioned it before. It flares up often but not everyday. It was just particularly bad today
My sister was on a zoom call with two of her friends in the dining room. I didn’t know they were still on the call because it was quiet so when I was talking to my mom I thought I was safe. I told her how I had written my dream down first thing this morning and now my carpal tunnel was really bad today. Then cue the laughter of three barely teenaged girls

@saor_illust school

speaking of books

i got the hobbit and the lord of the rings series today :D

Ushdggsgegdgd my favorite series. Have you read them before??

Ooh Izzy I’m so happy for you. I also got the Silmarillion yesterday so that’s Cool.

akjlsdfkjds ty

@ElderGod-kirky group

so i tell my sister that after my (ps4) game is finished downloading, i'm going to play for however long i want to play. and she tells me "you do know that i'm going to play tonight, right?" and i respond with "you do realize that you don't need to play every day." (because she has done so for a good few months). her 'witty' comeback? "No one really needs to play"

you do realize what you just said, right?


it’s ella time b*shes

No but they laughed at my carpal tunnel and the fact that I write down my dreams.

why would they laugh about writing down your dreams?! dreams are such a great thing to steal inspiration from, super heckin cool
also ,,! I’m not the only one who does that ?!! :DDD

@Moxie group

it’s ella time b*shes

No but they laughed at my carpal tunnel and the fact that I write down my dreams.

why would they laugh about writing down your dreams?! dreams are such a great thing to steal inspiration from, super heckin cool
also ,,! I’m not the only one who does that ?!! :DDD

Right?????? And its not like I said dream journal. I can at least see how that would be laughable.
You are not!! I was excited too cause I hadn't had a dream cool enough to write down in a while

@Pickles group

Something about the way boys in cp english turn into mini literature nerds after reading a classic and they make references to it with their friends and quote it to each other
I like it very much
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Something about the way boys in cp english turn into mini literature nerds after reading a classic and they make references to it with their friends and quote it to each other
I like it very much
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Honestly sounds cute as hell.

@saor_illust school

Something about the way boys in cp english turn into mini literature nerds after reading a classic and they make references to it with their friends and quote it to each other
I like it very much
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Honestly sounds cute as hell.

ajklfskjlfs i know rightttt

it sounds adorable
i could probably just sit there for hours listening to them nerd out

is it weird that theres certain things that people can talk about for hours on end
and i would willingly have them in the background talking for hours on end
and listen in occasionally

cause honestly its really good bg noise