forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


Also what do y’all think about me having my Uncool Takes. Like, how do you still stay friends with me and acknowledge we have deeply conflicting beliefs. I know how I do it, I just wanna know how y’all handle/think of it.

you have a cool personality and Good Vibes that make big disagreements not much of a big deal. sure you’re kind of insane at times but you’re also more than your opinions and I like who you are

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Is your hope more for my sake or yours?
I think your view of how my beliefs affects you is incorrect but I’m not gonna argue with that since it’s probable that you have a view of the world I cannot see that might be correct.

Both, I think. I feel like some of what you say is sort of hypocritical and deliberately ignorant and I wish you could see that, but I also have the inability to put thoughts into words so I can't really explain why. If that makes sense. but you also have overall Leftist Vibes and it's weird to see you be a conservative. Which isn't like an actual complaint, just a haha
I could go on about how conservatism in general affects minority communities and women, and also how your personal views have affected me, but I don't think I can phrase it without coming across as whiny and guilt-trippy so I'm not going to try because you didn't ask "hey pickles will you guilt trip me into not being homophobic?"

You can go ahead. I encourage you even. Unless it’s mentally draining in which case, don’t worry yourself.
Also yeah, I have Leftist vibes. I also have Conservative vibes. It’s hilarious bc when I talk to Righties they think I’m a Commie and when I talk to Lefties I’m an Alt Righter.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also what do y’all think about me having my Uncool Takes. Like, how do you still stay friends with me and acknowledge we have deeply conflicting beliefs. I know how I do it, I just wanna know how y’all handle/think of it.

you have a cool personality and Good Vibes that make big disagreements not much of a big deal. sure you’re kind of insane at times but you’re also more than your opinions and I like who you are

Aww that was sweet. Thank you.

@Pickles group

Is your hope more for my sake or yours?
I think your view of how my beliefs affects you is incorrect but I’m not gonna argue with that since it’s probable that you have a view of the world I cannot see that might be correct.

Both, I think. I feel like some of what you say is sort of hypocritical and deliberately ignorant and I wish you could see that, but I also have the inability to put thoughts into words so I can't really explain why. If that makes sense. but you also have overall Leftist Vibes and it's weird to see you be a conservative. Which isn't like an actual complaint, just a haha
I could go on about how conservatism in general affects minority communities and women, and also how your personal views have affected me, but I don't think I can phrase it without coming across as whiny and guilt-trippy so I'm not going to try because you didn't ask "hey pickles will you guilt trip me into not being homophobic?"

You can go ahead. I encourage you even. Unless it’s mentally draining in which case, don’t worry yourself.
Also yeah, I have Leftist vibes. I also have Conservative vibes. It’s hilarious bc when I talk to Righties they think I’m a Commie and when I talk to Lefties I’m an Alt Righter.

Maybe eventually
Because Righties™ don't know what communism is

@HighPockets group

Also what do y’all think about me having my Uncool Takes. Like, how do you still stay friends with me and acknowledge we have deeply conflicting beliefs. I know how I do it, I just wanna know how y’all handle/think of it.

you have a cool personality and Good Vibes that make big disagreements not much of a big deal. sure you’re kind of insane at times but you’re also more than your opinions and I like who you are


Deleted user

imagine showing someone from the 1800s a keyboard smash and trying to explain its purpose

lmaooooo they'd be concerned for their future

@ElderGod-kirky group

imagine showing someone from the 1800s a keyboard smash and trying to explain its purpose

oh my mother saw a keyboard smash convo between me and crocs and was very confused. i could not come up with a reasonable explaination for the purpose of a keysmash, nor how we could seemingly converse in keysmash

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

imagine showing someone from the 1800s a keyboard smash and trying to explain its purpose

oh my mother saw a keyboard smash convo between me and crocs and was very confused. i could not come up with a reasonable explaination for the purpose of a keysmash, nor how we could seemingly converse in keysmash

Idk either. It seems to be very subjective, so that it cannot be deciphered without seeing what it was a reaction to.


i accidentally keysmashed while texting my grandma, managed to explain that one

then i did it in the chat of a work zoom and one of the board leaders stopped the entire conversation to ask me 'what the heck is that random bunch of letters you just typed'

Deleted user

i express my love for certain artists by making guttural groans and caveman noises (I ALMOST TYPED CAVETOWN FUCK)