forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


i have three words
its time for me to be rude to a company today:

fuck u nintendo

Are you referring to the #FreeMelee thing?

the what
i'm referring to where nintendo decided that this custom joycon someone made to raise money for a mental health fundraiser after etika's death was a threat to their company and shut it down

Ah. Watching a video on that right now, I'm losing braincells. First of all, it's a charity and he's not making money off of it; secondly, he bought your product to make it. HE PAID YOU

Nintendo's out here making me reconsider hyping for Zelda's big 35 next year :/

Anyways I guess I'll explain FreeMelee. Just found out about it this morning and I've watched like…two videos on it? So I'm not exactly speaking from the most educated place here. Anyways, there was going to be a Smash Bros tournament that got cancelled due to the virus, but the organizers still wanted to hold it online. They were going to do so with a mod that allowed Melee to be played online, but Nintendo sent out a cease and desist because they were "protecting their IPs" or something and people got pissed off. Fast forward to more recently, there's a Splatoon tournament being held. Some players decide to set their usernames as things like "FreeMelee" and the like and Nintendo throws a shit fit and shuts the whole thing down.

Not really as big a deal as going after a charity, but people are still pissed off and I had assumed that was what you were talking about. My bad lol

Deleted user

I saw a tik tok a while ago talking about how homophobia and transphobia are racist and I haven't stopped thinking about it


@Pickles group

I saw a tik tok a while ago talking about how homophobia and transphobia are racist and I haven't stopped thinking about it


To begin with, homophobia and transphobia are directly linked to white colonialism. It wasn't a thing in communities of color until they were colonized. Secondly, and what this particular tik tok was focusing on, a lot of cultures had trans, other genderqueer and queer people as well as a multitude of genders and varying gender expressions, so by saying things like "there's only two genders" and "you were born a girl so you're a girl" you're invalidating a whole lot of non-white cultures and religions


I haven't seen that tiktok but I THINK ABOUT THAT ALL THE TIME cuz I like to study religion and the history of ideas and stuff like that is impossible to miss.


And even white and Abrahamic cultures (sets religious ideas that encouraged white Christianization*) had gender non-conforming people completely integrated in their societies, so it's just Big Dumb

Deleted user

the people who misgender sophie meiers– this absolute ICON is living their best life, shut
just because you've known them as female for so long doesn't mean you can be a bigot

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also what do y’all think about me having my Uncool Takes. Like, how do you still stay friends with me and acknowledge we have deeply conflicting beliefs. I know how I do it, I just wanna know how y’all handle/think of it.

I’m gonna be real, it’s really hard sometimes.

I know that you care about me but when you say homophobic things it feels kinda hard to believe it.
I try to compartmentalize and stop talking about it when I feel too emotionally drained, but it can still be hard.
It’s also kinda hard when I get very emotionally invested in discussions like that (because this is such a HUGE part of my life and it’s really hard for me) and you obviously do not. That’s not your fault, but it is something that makes it harder for me and makes it feel like you care about me less

Like Lizzie said, idk if this is the healthiest response, especially the compartmentalizing part, but it’s what I’m doing until I get a therapist that can help me deal with it better

Can’t say much. But be reassured of my affections.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And even white and Abrahamic cultures (sets religious ideas that encouraged white Christianization*) had gender non-conforming people completely integrated in their societies, so it's just Big Dumb

But also weren’t the Jews the first seriously homophobic society?

@Pickles group

By anything.
Sorry, when I wrote that I was having a bit of a mental breakdown over my art and the lack of success it’s bringing me.

If it helps the last thing you put in the show off your art chat made me super gay

@Pickles group

You don't not have enough energy to hate things, you're too chicken to have any differing politics from your parents beyond "gay people deserve rights" so you sit there saying you hate capitalism while being a capitalist and you simply don't give a damn about the things I'm passionate about. You hate plenty of things, you're just too bad at conversation to bring them up aside from random ranty text messages, and you have the audacity to say that I'm so tired because I hate things when I call you out for not hating something you should. Fuck you and your stupid takes. I don't want to talk to you. You make me feel like shit 90% of the time.
not any of you, don't worry lmao


And even white and Abrahamic cultures (sets religious ideas that encouraged white Christianization*) had gender non-conforming people completely integrated in their societies, so it's just Big Dumb

But also weren’t the Jews the first seriously homophobic society?

Yes, they were seriously homophobic (gay sex deserved stoning to death at the city gates of both parties involved) and although eunuchs and those with deformed or damaged reproductive parts weren't allowed in the temple, eunuchs were still allowed to uh, exist. There was also a prophecy in Isaiah where these untraditionally gendered people would be fully accepted in God's kingdom. They weren't considered boys or girls and could freely move between gendered spaces. Pretty well respected. Christianity kinda put some twists on gender roles (women aren't property, women and men are each other's property, also Jesus was very feminist in his time) but it was growing in a place and time when gender roles were more strict. Christianity isn't the best example, but as I'm sure Ella will point out, there were plenty of gay, trans, and gender non-conforming saints. It wasn't always religiously taboo, at least not in every sect or community. As Judaism evolved they recognized six biological sexes, but gender roles were still traditional. Later on, when Islam was beginning there was a gender non-conforming individual named Hit who was a companion of the Prophet's wife. Hit was a mukhanath. A mukhanath was someone who was male but didn't desire women and was fine to pass through gendered spaces as they pleased. They were generally respected members of Islamic society. Islam didn't have any "homosexuality is unnatural" idea, until they adopted it from European Christians, which is now a norm in modern practice. In modern Reform Judaism, they don't heed to gender roles and trans people are fully welcomed. All these religions come from the same spiritual grandfather, and they've all shown gender fluidity throughout their evolutions.
This was all very poorly put together, I encourage you to look it up yourself. It's an interesting topic and quite the eye opener.


Yo I think in Japan? gay men were considered manly because they were attractesd to other men which makes them double manly, while straight men were weaker since they needed femininity in their lives.