forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


here to be rude to my lack of hot women to casually make out with.

it's this very weird mood i'm in. sex is icky obviously, but god i just. want Kiss. that's all i ask. and like maybe a hug but i can get those from my mom so like


I'd like to be rude to myself for not liking breakfast foods except pancakes and the occasional muffin

I like coffee cake. smoothies. some avocado toast is good. apart from that breakfast is gross and I don’t get the hype

@Pickles group

I'd like to be rude to myself for not liking breakfast foods except pancakes and the occasional muffin

I like coffee cake. smoothies. some avocado toast is good. apart from that breakfast is gross and I don’t get the hype

Oh yeah coffee cake is good. And I like avocados, just not with stuff

@HighPockets group

I like breakfast food, I just rarely eat breakfast nowadays. Waffles with whipped cream and strawberries are god-tier though, same with a good breakfast burrito.

@Katastrophic group

cooked eggs that aren't in something are absolutely disgusting and the smell makes me nauseous I hate eggs so much

I used to really like eggs in the morning but my housemate somehow burns every type of egg, including boiled eggs, and makes the whole house stink like sulfur. She likes eating them overcooked and that's great and all but now I can't stand the smell of eggs at all.

@Pickles group

@ candace owens it's not me being "woke" or lying for me to say I want my husband to wear a dress at our wedding. If I marry a man you best fucking believe I want him to wear the prettiest goddamn dress you ever did see because men in dresses are hot as heck and I'm not going to spend my life with a man who's not going to steal one of my dresses and wake me up at two am for a fashion show
I was literally thinking about this this morning and how if I get married to a man, I want him to want to wear a dress. We can match and we'll be cute as hell

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also what do y’all think about me having my Uncool Takes. Like, how do you still stay friends with me and acknowledge we have deeply conflicting beliefs. I know how I do it, I just wanna know how y’all handle/think of it.

@Pickles group

For the most part I try to avoid politics around you but when I don't it's pretty rough, ngl. I've taken to ranting about politics in places that you are not eva's pms, that's the only place. the only one because I don't feel like you coming back and starting a fight over me hating capitalism
In full transparency, your homophobia makes me entirely very uncomfortable and I've blocked you several times because of that and reasons unrelated to your shitty takes
I'm holding out hope that one day you'll understand why they suck and not have them anymore. I mean. I did. So
I try for the most part to not think about how your takes essentially invalidate my existence and focus on stuff that's not politics healthy, I know

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Whoa you’ve blocked me. Shook.
And I suspected you talked about me somewhere so that’s not a shock if you’ve done that.
(I’ll keep this short I promise.) It’s valid to hate Capitalism. As a Capitalist nearly autocorrected to Catholic Lol I can see that it’s a not perfect system that can be/is downright cruel. I’ll leave the defense out of it for now.
Well I wish I could help with the homophobia. But y’know. I stand by (some of I’m imperfect) what I think is right even when I wish “we could all just get along”.
Is your hope more for my sake or yours?
I think your view of how my beliefs affects you is incorrect but I’m not gonna argue with that since it’s probable that you have a view of the world I cannot see that might be correct.

@Pickles group

Is your hope more for my sake or yours?
I think your view of how my beliefs affects you is incorrect but I’m not gonna argue with that since it’s probable that you have a view of the world I cannot see that might be correct.

Both, I think. I feel like some of what you say is sort of hypocritical and deliberately ignorant and I wish you could see that, but I also have the inability to put thoughts into words so I can't really explain why. If that makes sense. but you also have overall Leftist Vibes and it's weird to see you be a conservative. Which isn't like an actual complaint, just a haha
I could go on about how conservatism in general affects minority communities and women, and also how your personal views have affected me, but I don't think I can phrase it without coming across as whiny and guilt-trippy so I'm not going to try because you didn't ask "hey pickles will you guilt trip me into not being homophobic?"


aw man I wanna rant abt politics with you guys

Always, dude. Also sorry that I haven’t responded to your Gay Defense yet.

It's fine. If you only have time to watch one video/read one thing, that Christianity and LGBTQ persons by Justin Lee covers the most important points.