forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

Fuck spotify's mobile web player. Fuck it. Fuck them. Fuck you, spotify. You suck.

kill bill: the rapper? is that you?

lmao i hate spotify too but i need it for Unreleased Song Purposes
it's laggy and stupid and get rid of it

@Pickles group

How dumb am I, you ask?
I just realized that when I move out, I don't have to eat foods that I don't like
Another day, another example of how dumb Pickles is


Ahaha I'd like to be rude to my entire fucking immediate family for not being quiet when I need to record a band assignment. My brother was being extremely loud and I told him to be quiet, and my mom replies with "it's a house it's not gonna be completely quiet" but?? It was??? When my brothers were recording their things?????? If this is an unuseable recording I'm going to commit arson I swear to fucking god because I WILL FAIL IF IT'S UNUSABLE AND HAS A BUNCH OF BACKGROUND NOISE, FUCK LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD


next time they're recording be loud and shit so that when they bug you to be quiet you can be like 'but you said that the house is never going to be fully quiet'

@saor_illust school

I'd like to be rude to myself.

Two reasons:

Number one: How the actual fuck did you even think he was a decent person, Izzy. You put up with him for the last five years of school together, and for two of those years he was an actual decent person. But then he goes on to do these attention seeking behaviours, and it- it was okay at first. It bothered me, but, you know, let people do their thing, right? Fucking hell, I should have known better. Because we were unknowingly telling him that it was okay, when he sent screenshots of him pissing people off, on purpose. And sometimes it could be funny. None of us did anything, and so he continued. But no, that wasn't enough for him. Tonight, he crossed a line. It was a line that no one should ever fucking cross and I've had enough. I'm so glad that Nathan was able to say the things I couldn't to him. He is not a decent person Izzy, and you should've seen that coming.

Number two: I knew it was a bad idea to skip school and you did it anyways, Izzy. Sure, maybe orchestra was worth skipping. We don't ever do anything interesting in orchestra anyways. But science and history? You don't even fucking know what we did in history yet because you've been trying to finish science stuff. And it's taken you what, four and a half hours now?? With all the procrastinating you've done? Will you even get around to looking at whatever we did in history today? God I hate all this stress I've put on myself. Doesn't really help with all that Jack shit that just went down.

God I need a break.

But I can't.

get through two more slides…
and then I can be done with science…

sigh I'm so tired ;;
sleep won't help me
I'm so tired of everything I've just gone through today.

I cried so many times this morning because of Ethan and Trina and I felt absolutely fucking miserable.

Can't I get a break from life just once nowadays?

@Pickles group

Hot take. Gay people who vocalize their internalized homophobia are just homophobic and we shouldn't give them an edge over straight homophobes by calling it "internalized". It's not internalized when you're being homophobic to other people. It's just homophobia.


True, once it's externalized you're just as bad as any other homophobe, who cares if you're questioning your sexuality, that's not a good way to deal with it.

Another hot take, the apathy towards climate change is religiously charged and it's something scientists/activists aren't even addressing. In Christianity and Islam (the two biggest religions in the world) there are last days coming, an apocalypse. Adherents to these religions welcome it with open arms. According to scripture, there'll be fire everywhere, demonic creatures terrorizing civilians, abnormal weather, etc. I have first hand experience observing the attitudes Christians have about climate change. A frequent phrase repeated in church is "it's all going to burn," meant to encourage believers that nothing in this world truly matters and their life is in God's hands. That type of outlook may provide hope, but also encourages apathy towards the state of the Earth. When churches see golf ball size hail and glaciers melting and California burning, it's all just prophecy being fulfilled and signs that Jesus is coming soon, so why waste time trying to fix climate change? It's all inevitable anyway. Jesus is coming soon and this world is gunna die so we might as well let it, right? It's a self fulfilling prophecy and honestly I don't know how anyone could start to attempt to fix it. I remember the year it was raining ash in my town for a month or two and my church was almost dead set on the Rapture happening that fall. The only verse (in the Bible at least) that could convince Christians to pay attention to the Earth is the one about being stewards of creation. But even then, many religious people are convinced that they're living in the end times, therefore climate emergency is just a sign that no one has to do anything about.


religion is such a terrible excuse for that
like, if God’s bringing an apocalypse, it wouldn’t be something caused by us that we’re capable of fixing
recycle, people

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

set a church on fire and see how much they like it then

Obviously it was just a joke but anti religious arson is way more common then you’d think. Does that make what you said off? Idk. It was funny though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

religion is such a terrible excuse for that
like, if God’s bringing an apocalypse, it wouldn’t be something caused by us that we’re capable of fixing
recycle, people

Idk. Maybe it would be. There is a thing about God sometimes just letting people go along with their destructive desires and reaping the consequences.
But recycle. I actually don’t though so whoops. But my fam does plenty to reduce waste etc.

@Pickles group

religion is such a terrible excuse for that
like, if God’s bringing an apocalypse, it wouldn’t be something caused by us that we’re capable of fixing
recycle, people

Idk. Maybe it would be. There is a thing about God sometimes just letting people go along with their destructive desires and reaping the consequences.
But recycle. I actually don’t though so whoops. But my fam does plenty to reduce waste etc.

Ur family literally doesn't believe in climate change domino


set a church on fire and see how much they like it then

Obviously it was just a joke but anti religious arson is way more common then you’d think. Does that make what you said off? Idk. It was funny though.

no yeah it was fully a joke. like I love arson but not when its mean. tho people should stop being stupid and pitch in on saving the goddamn earth

and bro I know it happens lmao I'm more versed in motivated crime than you seem to think

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

religion is such a terrible excuse for that
like, if God’s bringing an apocalypse, it wouldn’t be something caused by us that we’re capable of fixing
recycle, people

Idk. Maybe it would be. There is a thing about God sometimes just letting people go along with their destructive desires and reaping the consequences.
But recycle. I actually don’t though so whoops. But my fam does plenty to reduce waste etc.

Ur family literally doesn't believe in climate change domino

Yeah but we still green.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

and bro I know it happens lmao I'm more versed in motivated crime than you seem to think

My mom used to be in this FB group where Christians would talk theology and mock Christians everywhere, including each other. Really fun place until someone who couldn’t take a joke shut it down.
But anyways, they had one inside joke, there was an FB post pic or smth with this lady who was in wonder about a bible surviving a fire. But like. People had died in the fire.
So they like to say “Someone died, Bethany” in response to that Christian Silver Lining in the face of legitimately bad things.
This is unrelated. But it’s funny.


Remember hotsexy69 and the toxic friend group?
guess who fucking ditched them today with not a drop of regret
there are some things you Do Not do, and my god, making fun of my sister's disability in her DMs? I'm not putting up with that shit. A-di-freaking-os