forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

Making it illegal will shut down numbers.

No. It won't. They won't be reported because it will be illegal but they're not going to stop. It's naive and quite frankly plainly uneducated to think they will.

And people will not be dying in droves like they say.


PP has a propaganda team. Abortion is their Deal. It’s their money maker. They do other stuff sometimes. But abortion is what they stand for.

This is the very top of their website:

Our medical professionals are experts in reproductive health who serve with one mission - providing high quality, compassionate care. No matter what. Schedule an appointment today.

And then they have links to what they do, one of which being birth control.
This is what shows up under the link when you Google "planned parenthood":

Same or Next Day Appointment. Receive Trusted Care at One of Our Centers. Visit Planned Parenthood Today! Trusted Health Services. Affordable Options. 100% Confidentiality. Services: Birth Control, STD Testing, Men's Health Care, LGBTQ Services, HIV Testing, Pregnancy Testing, Women's Health Care.

Do your own research before you claim that something's a "propaganda team" jfc

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Making it illegal will shut down numbers.

No. It won't. They won't be reported because it will be illegal but they're not going to stop. It's naive and quite frankly plainly uneducated to think they will.

It might make people not so casual about sex when they realize they would have to either care for a child or find a person working an illegal trade. It would reduce numbers simply by the fact that you wouldn’t be able to google directions.

And people will not be dying in droves like they say.


People always saw it will end in back alley abortions that will kill millions.

@Pickles group

It might make people not so casual about sex when they realize they would have to either care for a child or find a person working an illegal trade. It would reduce numbers simply by the fact that you wouldn’t be able to google directions.

It won't though. It's literally been illegal and that's not what happened. And I will not be googling it but I'm fairly fucking sure you can Google directions, and it being illegal wouldn't change that. I need you to like. Actually look up what happened during the time it was illegal because it seems like I remember more from talking about it briefly in world history my freshman year than you know.
We're not saying it's going to kill millions, we're saying it's not safe. Not killing millions ≠ safe
I'd also like to remind you that this is a banned subject and this is the reason why.

@The-Magician group

And this is why I don’t get involved with my parent’s bullshit views 😂😂

Moving swiftly on, I’d like to be rude to literally ever asshole who thinks they know me and what goes on in my life and then decide to make comments about how I should “eat more” and “get some sleep”. Like, bitch? First of all, I talk to three (3) people on a regular basis so don’t fucking assume you know me. Secondly, if it was as simple as “eat more” and “get some sleep” then I would do it! But unfortunately I don’t like a carefree life like you overglorified Girl Scouts and have a lot more on my plate that leaves little room for food and sleep. How dare you think you have the right to make comments about my life when you have no fucking clue what I have to deal with!

That is all, thank you.

@Pickles group

The only valid POV tik tok is the one where you're a nonbinary kid talking to a gangster and he pats your head and asks you if you want to rob a bank

@saor_illust school

ima be rude to my dad
after i made a few comments earlier about how i don't think my swimsuit fits me that well anymore (i was dragged out for swimmin at 8am today)
apparently that gives him the right to say, and i quote, "thats bc youre putting on them pounds"

like bruh
i'm already insecure enough about my weight and how much fat is visible, i really dont need that
i'm surprised ive gone this long without caring about it
but now imnot gonna be able to shake it from my mind for a few days


ima be rude to my dad
after i made a few comments earlier about how i don't think my swimsuit fits me that well anymore (i was dragged out for swimmin at 8am today)
apparently that gives him the right to say, and i quote, "thats bc youre putting on them pounds"

like bruh
i'm already insecure enough about my weight and how much fat is visible, i really dont need that
i'm surprised ive gone this long without caring about it
but now imnot gonna be able to shake it from my mind for a few days

please try and ignore him, that was such an assholish thing to say and anyone who says shit like that is not someone who's opinions on your body matter, nor should you listen to them


when i was a kid, my little siblings were like four at most and they would all gather around the monitor of my grandma's husband's computer in his office and make him play the duck song on repeat like twenty times