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Thoughts about Leigh Bardugo? Heard was good worldbuilding?

She's great, in my opinion. Six of Crows is the best tho, Grisha trilogy is pretty skippable


I don't remember the violence. No sex. Of the six main characters, two of the guys do end up together but the focus of the book is not the romantic aspect at all


Yeah I don’t bring Gay Books into my parents house. Idek if I would on my own. Who knows. I don’t. But maybe as long as it wasn’t a romance.

cemetery boys is heavier on romance than wilder girls. wilder girls just kinda has it there in parts but it doesn't have much focus


I don't remember the violence. No sex. Of the six main characters, two of the guys do end up together but the focus of the book is not the romantic aspect at all

yeah, the two guys get together in the second book. not heavy on violence but when its there its There. there's romance but the heist is the big part


Yeah I don’t bring Gay Books into my parents house. Idek if I would on my own. Who knows. I don’t. But maybe as long as it wasn’t a romance.

cemetery boys is heavier on romance than wilder girls. wilder girls just kinda has it there in parts but it doesn't have much focus

Yeah Wilder Girls is barely really gay?? Like there's some kissing and cuddling and stuff but the focus is not in any way on the romance

@HighPockets group

How violent? How much sex? Gay?

@HighPockets group

oh yeah did anyone else read the kiss of deception and the following series? i vibed with that shit, but it took me years to remember what it was called

Haven't but I want to. First series is called Remnant Chronicles and the second series is called Dance of Thieves

@Mojack group

bitches be seeing someone’s pet centipede on Twitter and saying “I’m gonna step on it”

That’s someone’s pet
You may find centipedes creepy or gross or whatever, but not everyone’s gonna align with that
So don’t be qrting the post saying stuff like “she cannot feel love” when the original post is of a centipede drinking mango juice and its captioned “she loves her mango juice”

I see the same thing in regards to snakes where I saw a video of a snake being saved by a vet (blanket removed through surgery; the snake ate a blanket) and the comments were filled with “should’ve let it die”
That is someones pet
Just because you find it weird doesn’t mean everyone shares the same mindset. And you see it on all of the ‘weird’ or ‘uncommon’ pets too. Insects, spiders, snakes, etc. People are all “oh, I’m gonna kill it, I’m gonna burn it,” or even “I don’t trust someone who calls spiders cute”. I say this as a cat owner, but if you said the same about ‘normal’ pets, people would most definitely freak out. And you know? I would too, except I don’t have the double standards when it comes to pets. It can be a spider, a centipede, or a cat, if someone ever says that about someone’s pet, it will be upsetting for me.

Sorry that’s been on my mind for a while, just had to get that out.

@Katastrophic group

How violent? How much sex? Gay?

Six of Crows is very violent, but pretty realistic for using what's pretty much magic. uhhh no explicit sex but it takes place in the "bad part of town" so there are brothels and mention of previous stuff. There are romance subplots, one gay, but the story mainly focuses on the action and crazy plotting than any sort of kissing. I really like it because it feels like the characters built the story, they're all really in-depth. Also even though its a pretty serious book, there are very funny parts and banter. The second one in the series has more romance, but it more follows the character developement further than escalating into anything steamy.

@HighPockets group

I'd recommend

  • Wilder Girls by Rory Power, unless you're bad with body horror in which case,,,,do not
  • Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, if only for its formatting
  • Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. Maybe a bit romance-heavy for you but the worldbuilding is interesting
  • Vicious by V.E. Schwab. It's like an anti-superhero story, not anti as in "against" but anti as in "not what you'd expect"
  • I feel like you'll either love or hate Scythe by Neal Shusterman. Interesting world, but I didn't really connect to the characters.
  • Idk why but I feel like you'd really vibe with Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger
  • The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. Barely remember anything about this one but I remember it being sort of neat
  • This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab. Super interesting magic system and lots of musical bits
  • Darius the Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram. Idk man I just think you'd really vibe with this one.


Oh we're talking about books that traumatized us as kids? I read the Hunger Games in like. Sixth grade? Loved them but also dksalvnkv. One time I had a nightmare where my brother and I were tributes and some guy killed him and that's the only time in my life I can remember actually wanting to take someone's life. Old Yeller was also pretty traumatizing for me, we watched the movie too and somehow I was the only person in my class to cry. Typically I'm not as sensitive to written violence as I am to visual, on-screen violence. Probably the most affected I've been by something written is either Old Yeller(seriously that fuckin killed me) or more recently a fanfic I read at Halloween. Sounds stupid but the author's description of the gore was really unsettling. Turns out describing mostly things other than what the character sees is actually extremely scary.


As far as like. Actual movies tho? My friends and I watched(?) Bandersnatch at a sleepover one time and they told me to do a certain thing and cover my eyes until they said it was safe so I did, then it went on for a while and I thought they'd just forgot that I was sitting there with my eyes covered so I opened them and

So I cried that night. A lot.

@Mojack group

I actually don’t recall if I watched anything particularly traumatizing except for one thing
// animal death

@Moxie group

Thoughts about Leigh Bardugo? Heard was good worldbuilding?

Super good world building
I would read the Grisha Trilogy first, you’ll get a better sense of the world that way

@Moxie group

How violent? How much sex? Gay?

Wylan is gay and Jesper is bi (maybe pan? idk if it's been confirmed how he identifies), they get together in the second book. Nina is bi. There's not really much sex, but there's some steamy stuff between Nina and Matthias iirc.

Jyn spoilers

@HighPockets group

How violent? How much sex? Gay?

Wylan is gay and Jesper is bi (maybe pan? idk if it's been confirmed how he identifies), they get together in the second book. Nina is bi. There's not really much sex, but there's some steamy stuff between Nina and Matthias iirc.

Jyn spoilers

Oof, sorry!

@HighPockets group

Thoughts about Leigh Bardugo? Heard was good worldbuilding?

Super good world building
I would read the Grisha Trilogy first, you’ll get a better sense of the world that way

Definitely read TGT if you plan on reading King of Scars though (or even Crooked Kingdom tbh, there's some certain characters towards the end)