forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community want to join something: no ew
Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community start their own version of that same something: wait no let the straights join that's discrimination you're going to hell

god yes exactly. It's like. If you were part of a Christian marching band, you wouldn't let an LGBTQ person join. so don't say it's discrimination. I love her, but gkjsdhfbkgsjdfhb

It is still discrimination. But not all discrimination is equal. I’m sorry Lol. Discrimination is not inherently bad. At least in concept. It has very negative connotations because discrimination is normally used for say, racist purposes (that is if we talk about it as an action.) Discrimination I start like judgement. Judgement is a very good thing, but people don’t like it because of how the word Judging is used in our modern society.
So it is discrimination. And that’s not a bad thing. Christian Club shouldn’t have to include Satanists. Gay Parades shouldn’t have to include straights. Called Freedom of Association and it’s a good thing.

@Pickles group

Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community want to join something: no ew
Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community start their own version of that same something: wait no let the straights join that's discrimination you're going to hell

god yes exactly. It's like. If you were part of a Christian marching band, you wouldn't let an LGBTQ person join. so don't say it's discrimination. I love her, but gkjsdhfbkgsjdfhb

It is still discrimination. But not all discrimination is equal. I’m sorry Lol. Discrimination is not inherently bad. At least in concept. It has very negative connotations because discrimination is normally used for say, racist purposes (that is if we talk about it as an action.) Discrimination I start like judgement. Judgement is a very good thing, but people don’t like it because of how the word Judging is used in our modern society.
So it is discrimination. And that’s not a bad thing. Christian Club shouldn’t have to include Satanists. Gay Parades shouldn’t have to include straights. Called Freedom of Association and it’s a good thing.

The church thing is probably not the best example, sorry Ice although I do get your point, because there are gay Christians, but excluding them, it's discrimination because it's saying "We don't like you and we don't want you in our band" while the marching band not including straight people is saying "we're proud of who we are and want this thing for us because we don't have much", similar to Hamilton. Your Satanist thing isn't discrimination in the same way, because the church band isn't saying "we don't like you" they'd be saying "this is for our religion to praise a god you don't believe in"
Discrimination is based on things like gender, race, and sexual orientation, and it comes from a place of hate, so yes, it is inherently bad. While you may think judgement is good in some cases, God saying "you've sinned" or a judge being like "you committed this crime" and not giving someone rights, a home, a job, etc because you don't like some unchangeable aspect of them are not the same thing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Discrimination can be based off of literally anything. And you should be able to put a No Boys Allowed sign on your hunting store geared to really cool girls. It’s dumb. But people shouldn’t be able to force stuff on you against you will.


Based Pickles
Look at the word "dis-crim-in-ating"
Crim probably comes from the same root as "criminal" and "dis" is to remove in this case, so discrimination is removing people with a percieved criminal trait. It's always biased (defintionally).
Judging people isn't inherently bad- if I see someone sweating nervously with something shoved up their shirt rushing out of a store, then it would be a sound judgement to say that person is shoplifting. But discrimination is inherently bad- that would be me seeing a black person in a store and automatically assuming they must be committing theft (racial profiling=discrimination).
Judging is making informed accusations or descriptions, while discrimination is, definitionally, "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

@Pickles group

Because.. it's for girls. Not boys. Having a store for girls isn't discrimination either.
It should also be noted that women, people of color, and queer people, are all minorities and/or already being discriminated against and can't do any real, massive harm to the people discriminating against them. No amount of "we won't serve straight white men" is going to cause straight white men to become the oppressed minority


Actually, having a (public) store only for girls is discrimination because it's leaving out a protected class (males as a sex).

"Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class.

At the national level, protected classes include:

Race or color
National origin or citizenship status
Religion or creed
Disability, pregnancy, or genetic information
Veteran status"

@ElderGod-kirky group

judgement and discrimination are not the same thing. that should be common knowledge. I can judge a person without preventing them from doing something, even if i'm judging them for it. but the moment i prevent them from doing something just because of their gender, race, age, sexuality, or whatever, then it becomes discrimination, and that's Not Good

@Pickles group

Actually, having a (public) store only for girls is discrimination because it's leaving out a protected class (males as a sex).

"Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class.

At the national level, protected classes include:

Race or color
National origin or citizenship status
Religion or creed
Disability, pregnancy, or genetic information
Veteran status"

Well fuck there goes my plans for the future

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Based Pickles
Look at the word "dis-crim-in-ating"
Crim probably comes from the same root as "criminal" and "dis" is to remove in this case, so discrimination is removing people with a **percieved* criminal trait. It's always biased (defintionally).***

You just used speculation and assumed your thought was the truth in order to back your argument. And you were wrong. It comes from the word discern (or a Latin version of). Your argument is more than flawed. It’s baseless.

Judging people isn't inherently bad- if I see someone sweating nervously with something shoved up their shirt rushing out of a store, then it would be a sound judgement to say that person is shoplifting.

Or not but whatever it’s for an argument so sure. Sorry, I sound like an ass probably.

But discrimination is inherently bad- that would be me seeing a black person in a store and automatically assuming they must be committing theft (racial profiling=discrimination).

Except it’s not. It’s differentiating between people for an arbitrary or nonarbitrary reason.

Judging is making informed accusations or descriptions, while discrimination is, definitionally, "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

Except it’s not. But you were right in your description of judging.
Just gotta clarify that I’m not having bad vibes to you.


Judging is making informed accusations or descriptions, while discrimination is, definitionally, "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

Except it’s not. But you were right in your description of judging.

You got me in the first part, that was an assumption, but I did say probably.
But this part is literally the definition of discrimination.
Here ya go, since you can't do it yourself lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because.. it's for girls. Not boys. Having a store for girls isn't discrimination either.

It is. Y’all got the wrong definition.

It should also be noted that women, people of color, and queer people, are all minorities and/or already being discriminated against and can't do any real, massive harm to the people discriminating against them. No amount of "we won't serve straight white men" is going to cause straight white men to become the oppressed minority

I mean they could theoretically kill people stand stuff. So not powerless. But I get what you’re trying to say.
I will also point out that in some Leftist circles the Straight White Man is becoming pretty darn hated and put down lingually. First step to being political enemies that are denied rights, if I know my history.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That is the definition of discrimination, Dom

Merriam-Webster Definition of discrimination
a : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment
b : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Judging is making informed accusations or descriptions, while discrimination is, definitionally, "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

Except it’s not. But you were right in your description of judging.

You got me in the first part, that was an assumption, but I did say probably.
But this part is literally the definition of discrimination.
Here ya go, since you can't do it yourself lol

That’s how it’s used. Which does sort of change the meaning bc language is a constantly changing beast. But it comes from the Latin word for discerning. So I still think I have it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Actually, having a (public) store only for girls is discrimination because it's leaving out a protected class (males as a sex).

"Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class.

At the national level, protected classes include:

Race or color
National origin or citizenship status
Religion or creed
Disability, pregnancy, or genetic information
Veteran status"

Well fuck there goes my plans for the future

Very sad.


okay just because a handful of women hate men(straight and white) doesnt mean they're ever going to reach a level like that of women, people of color, or the lgbt. nice try but no

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

okay just because a handful of women hate men(straight and white) doesnt mean they're ever going to reach a level like that of women, people of color, or the lgbt. nice try but no

Not saying it’s gonna happen. Gonna be snarky sorry. I can’t read the future. Probably a lot of Germans thought the Jews would never be persecuted.


It's sad that you're trying to pull a semantics argument to defend discrimination. You're trying to defend discrimination.
Tell me, do you really think discrimination, using the definition Google provided, is ok? Meaning, do you think it's ok to innact "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex,"?

@ElderGod-kirky group

discrimination should not be defended or said to be okay in any way. people are held back in life and because of things that they cannot control—people are harmed when they are discriminated against, and it's fucked up. saying that it isn't bad is wrong

@Pickles group

Unrelated but I look at such a small range of things on pinterest that when I accidentally click on one john mulaney meme, half my feed is tweets about him. This is peak performance

@HighPockets group

Unrelated but I look at such a small range of things on pinterest that when I accidentally click on one john mulaney meme, half my feed is tweets about him. This is peak performance

Me but YouTube


okay just because a handful of women hate men(straight and white) doesnt mean they're ever going to reach a level like that of women, people of color, or the lgbt. nice try but no

Not saying it’s gonna happen. Gonna be snarky sorry. I can’t read the future. Probably a lot of Germans thought the Jews would never be persecuted.

Oh yes, because LGBTQ, POC, and women are raiding straight white men's homes/businesses and actively discriminating against them, that happens all the time

Oh wait