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oh my god i remember the one thing that ever fucked me up bad.

so edgar allen is like, very common as required reading. well, one of my ela classes in like jh had us read that one with the cat. and i literally got to the part with the eye and had to stop. i don't do well with animal abuse, so i like. literally ended up emailing my teacher and asked if i could skip reading it, and she was like 'oh yeah no prob just flip through the quizzes and try to pass em'

same thing happened watching ryan reynolds' amityville horror. the dog? nearly stopped right there, and then ryan reynolds' character got like super angry and started getting like. borderline abusive and i had to stop.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group


This morning, I woke up at 3 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I did what any normal person would do and wrote fanfiction in my head. At around 6, I got up and went downstairs and played with my dog. Then I saw this giant bug run across the floor, and I panicked and ran into the closet in the laundry room. Without turning the light on. So there I was, stuck in the dark in a cold closet, and I'm looking around, and I see it. The laundry chute. Now, this laundry chute starts in my parent's bathroom, so I had the brilliant idea to yell in the general direction of the laundry chute(there are a bunch of shelves right below it, so I couldn't stand under it). 5 minutes later, my mother finally gets up and I explain the situation, she comes downstairs to confirm that the bug disappeared, then went back to bed. I ran out of that closet at light speed, and jumped over the gate separating the laundry room from the rest of the house just before my dog could grab my pant leg.

That was much longer than I expected

@Pickles group

What little I've read of Edgar Allen Poe fucked me up, but like, in a good way if that makes sense
But oh boy, The Landlady fucked me up horribly. Holy shit I shouldn't have been allowed to read that as a baby seventh grader

@Pickles group

okay but have you read the box lunch social, or the yellow wallpaper? there's this other one i read that had a weird ass vibe but i cant remember the name

I read the box lunch social on my own a few months ago because we didn't read it for school and at this point I consume too much murder shit for it to scar me
The Most Dangerous Game fucked me up in a similar way to poe. I enjoyed it but it did something to my brain

@HighPockets group

I wasn't a huge fan of The Yellow Wallpaper, might've been bc I read it on my whole while waiting in line for a COVID test though.
I've read a bit of Poe in middle school, namely The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado (my favorite), The Telltale Heart, and The Masque of the Red Death. I really want to read The Fall of the House of Usher bc of its importance in Ghost Quartet.
I also read The Gift of the Magi, which did slightly fuck me up bc I know I'd be pissed if that happened to me; Lamb to the Slaughter, which I loved; and The Lottery, which I want to reread.
All of that in 7th grade.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Thoughts about Leigh Bardugo? Heard was good worldbuilding?

Super good world building
I would read the Grisha Trilogy first, you’ll get a better sense of the world that way

Definitely read TGT if you plan on reading King of Scars though (or even Crooked Kingdom tbh, there's some certain characters towards the end)

So basically I asked about it and got Read it it’s all good and I don’t mind.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

okay but have you read the box lunch social, or the yellow wallpaper? there's this other one i read that had a weird ass vibe but i cant remember the name

I read the box lunch social on my own a few months ago because we didn't read it for school and at this point I consume too much murder shit for it to scar me
The Most Dangerous Game fucked me up in a similar way to poe. I enjoyed it but it did something to my brain

I wanna read. Except I did w YW and I really wasn’t impressed.

@HighPockets group

I appreciate what The Yellow Wallpaper was trying to do and I'm glad that it exists (especially as someone who would've 100% been subjected to that sort of treatment if I'd been alive back then) but I just couldn't get into it, I thought it was a bit too short. My copy was also formatted really badly though.


hfkdbjshfbks so I'm at my grandparents house and we're like 45 minutes behind on the parade

about ten minutes ago, we watched the Gay and Lesbian Marching Band and my grandma said that it's discriminatory that they wouldn't let a straight person join the marching band and I :) want :) to :) scream :)

dskfghbdfkjhsdfkgvb it's not fucking discrimination, you homophobe :)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community want to join something: no ew
Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community start their own version of that same something: wait no let the straights join that's discrimination you're going to hell


Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community want to join something: no ew
Homophobes when members of the LGBTQ+ community start their own version of that same something: wait no let the straights join that's discrimination you're going to hell

god yes exactly. It's like. If you were part of a Christian marching band, you wouldn't let an LGBTQ person join. so don't say it's discrimination. I love her, but gkjsdhfbkgsjdfhb

@Pickles group

hfkdbjshfbks so I'm at my grandparents house and we're like 45 minutes behind on the parade

about ten minutes ago, we watched the Gay and Lesbian Marching Band and my grandma said that it's discriminatory that they wouldn't let a straight person join the marching band and I :) want :) to :) scream :)

dskfghbdfkjhsdfkgvb it's not fucking discrimination, you homophobe :)

:OO I didn't know that was a thing I'm so mad that I missed that


hfkdbjshfbks so I'm at my grandparents house and we're like 45 minutes behind on the parade

about ten minutes ago, we watched the Gay and Lesbian Marching Band and my grandma said that it's discriminatory that they wouldn't let a straight person join the marching band and I :) want :) to :) scream :)

dskfghbdfkjhsdfkgvb it's not fucking discrimination, you homophobe :)

:OO I didn't know that was a thing I'm so mad that I missed that

It was gorgeous, they had the prettiest fucking flags, all glittery and sparkly and colorful, and it sounded really great too

@HighPockets group

hfkdbjshfbks so I'm at my grandparents house and we're like 45 minutes behind on the parade

about ten minutes ago, we watched the Gay and Lesbian Marching Band and my grandma said that it's discriminatory that they wouldn't let a straight person join the marching band and I :) want :) to :) scream :)

dskfghbdfkjhsdfkgvb it's not fucking discrimination, you homophobe :)

:OO I didn't know that was a thing I'm so mad that I missed that

It was gorgeous, they had the prettiest fucking flags, all glittery and sparkly and colorful, and it sounded really great too

I watched bits of it as I made a snack tray and I loved it, hella impressive and the flags were gorgeous


hfkdbjshfbks so I'm at my grandparents house and we're like 45 minutes behind on the parade

about ten minutes ago, we watched the Gay and Lesbian Marching Band and my grandma said that it's discriminatory that they wouldn't let a straight person join the marching band and I :) want :) to :) scream :)

dskfghbdfkjhsdfkgvb it's not fucking discrimination, you homophobe :)

:OO I didn't know that was a thing I'm so mad that I missed that

It was gorgeous, they had the prettiest fucking flags, all glittery and sparkly and colorful, and it sounded really great too

I watched bits of it as I made a snack tray and I loved it, hella impressive and the flags were gorgeous

god yes. I had to pretend not to like it tho bc of my grandma :[

@Mojack group

going to rant

Crytyping is extremely guilt trippy and occasionally manipulative
People like to say that making fun of it/disliking it is ablelist but I’ve seen it used to guilt trip people. I’ve had it used against me, to guilt trip me.
And I feel as though some people do over exaggerate it? Like I can see making mistakes when someone’s really upset or scared, and they might not have time to go and correct it. But I’ve seen some crytyping that took me a minute or so to decode because of how jumbled it all was.
For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a thing that I commonly see on certain twitter communities (but I have heard of it happening on tumblr) where people begin to type and they have grammatical errors in what they’re saying, making it seem as though the person were ‘crying.’

Thi;;s is aN example oof ccrytyping

It’s kind of a grey area for me, since not everyone who does this does it to manipulate people, and there are some that legitimately cannot help it. But it’s just the amount of times in the past (within recent times esp.) that have used it as a way to get everyone on their side or to sympathize with them, just really tics me off. The person could’ve actually done something bad/been in the wrong, they could just start ‘crytyping’ and boom, they’ll have people on their side.
And then there’s been cases where someone livetweets worrying content. They might not always crytype in this case, but I’ve seen things happen where I could be really worried because the person hasn’t been active in a few hours (after some worrying messages) then they get back on, and proceed as though nothing happened (hence why it feels like manipulative behaviour. I get that some people really DO need help at times, but I feel that there’s better ways to send out a message than possibly worry (or even trigger other people) whoever sees the messages. Again, it’s sort of a grey area for me, since crytyping is not always something that can be avoided; some people really do get that upset and they can’t help it.
But most of the time, I’ve seen it used as a tactic to control how people perceive them (the person getting called out.)

Back to Twitter, I’d also like to mention (and this goes for in general) that the “I’m a minor ://“ isn’t a get out of problems free card. I don’t condone people sending weird images and harassing the person who got called out, but if they say something bad, then, maybe DMing them is the better option to try and let them know? (And of course, if their DMs aren’t open, you could always just @ them.)
I’m going to be honest, if people didn’t call me out on some of the stuff I’ve said when I was younger, I would probably pretty bad today. I didn’t say anything particularly nasty - but I feel, that with those people who actually spoke up, I learned and became a better person overall.
Now there ARE certain situations where saying “I’m a minor” could work. But if someone says something racist, then of course I’ll make an attempt to educate them on it. No matter if they’re a minor OR adult.