forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

KKK should be allowed to exist as long as they don’t harass, destroy property, kill people, etc.

oh absolutely the FUCK not

Also… That's the KKK's whole 'job'

@HighPockets group

What's that meme of the three people and they each have a gun pointed to the person in front of them's head?
I feel like that's NaNoWriMo, me, and my ADD lol

@Pickles group

What's that meme of the three people and they each have a gun pointed to the person in front of them's head?
I feel like that's NaNoWriMo, me, and my ADD lol


Deleted user

What's that meme of the three people and they each have a gun pointed to the person in front of them's head?
I feel like that's NaNoWriMo, me, and my ADD lol

this one?
Assassination Chain | Know Your Meme

@HighPockets group

Ughhh I'm supposed to be editing something for my drama class and only half the cast has sent me the clips I need :[
I'm already new to editing and stressed about the project so uh yeah, not too happy about that

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

KKK should be allowed to exist as long as they don’t harass, destroy property, kill people, etc.

What the fuck, Dom.
You realize that's their whole gig, right? They're a HATE group. They HATE.

And hate should always be perfectly legal. Would you like a world where if you expressed dissatisfaction to a group you could lose your job and friends?


So I was at a friend's house for Halloween last night, and somehow the conversation got onto the Trump rally that happened recently in Omaha.

They were all super Trumpies. I sat there quietly with a smile pasted on my face and suffered as they talked about supporting a man who would literally strip away my right to marry whoever I want, my right to healthcare (especially birth control or abortion), and such. It was not fun

Also happy birthday Ella!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's not the government's job to instill morals in you or tell you what to think, so no, they can't tell you to not have internalized homophobia, but it is their job to make sure that you don't commit crimes or discriminate

And that’s it. And the crimes should only be physically assaulting a person, damaging their property, not paying taxes, or breaking a contract. Everything else is overreach.

@Pickles group

KKK should be allowed to exist as long as they don’t harass, destroy property, kill people, etc.

What the fuck, Dom.
You realize that's their whole gig, right? They're a HATE group. They HATE.

And hate should always be perfectly legal. Would you like a world where if you expressed dissatisfaction to a group you could lose your job and friends?

If you're expressing the views of white supremacy and explicit, violent racism, yeah

@Pickles group

It's not the government's job to instill morals in you or tell you what to think, so no, they can't tell you to not have internalized homophobia, but it is their job to make sure that you don't commit crimes or discriminate

And that’s it. And the crimes should only be physically assaulting a person, damaging their property, not paying taxes, or breaking a contract. Everything else is overreach.

Okay fine, but I really don't think you want to live in a world where discrimination and racism is as rampant as it was even twenty years ago. If you have to reach so far as to side with a group that hates you, has it occurred to you that you might be wrong?


except it's not okay lmao

people who actually do the crime and harm of certain minorities can only do so due to the lack of adversaries they face. when so many people quietly stand by because they agrees with the sentiment, just not the accusation, people get lynched and shot and tortured and raped and kidnapped and have all sorts of horrible things done to them. because people who's hearts are so filled with hate are even more likely to snap, therefore actually literally making people who just hate others just as dangerous. they're prone to the same violence if they stay on that track, and claiming they don't is incredibly negligent and just continues to further a cycle of violence. it's the enabling of extreme violence for me lmao


Legality aside, you should be perfectly fine with being intolerant towards hate, socially. It's not just about whether or not it's legal. Your character is defined by how you react to it personally. If you condone it, you're a bigot.

@HighPockets group

you should be perfectly fine with being intolerant towards hate, socially.

The Paradox of Tolerance seems hella relevant rn
Society must not be tolerant towards intolerance, else the society will be seized and destroyed by the intolerant