forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user


Y-You're 15 now… God, I feel old–

Deleted user

I'd like to take a moment to be rude to myself because I'm so fucked up and I'm over it


Also gonna be rude to all the “Tolerant People” because they deserve capital letters at this point.

Who are the Tolerant People and what did they do


Anyone who is pro gay or whatever in the name of tolerance but refuses to. y’know. actually tolerate someone they disagree with.

I think it's completely acceptable to be intolerant of people who are homophobic, if that's what you mean. Plus I don’t know anyone here who's "pro gay" in the name of tolerance, we support the LGBTQ community in the name of human decency. If you don't, like it or not, your decency comes into question.

@Pickles group

You can't be tolerant to a group of people and at the same time be tolerant towards people who commit hate crimes against that same group. It's like someone saying "I support the black lives matter movement and think that racism is bad but you know, I just don't think the kkk is that bad and we should let them be." Does that make sense?
And I wouldn't exactly call allies being "tolerant". It's more "I think these people deserve rights and aren't doing anything wrong" and tolerance is "well I don't agree, but you also shouldn't be killed". And those people aren't really that opposed to the less explicit homophobia that's everywhere in society because for the most part they're a little homophobic too (see: the I don't agree part), they just mostly mind their own business and don't attack people

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You can't be tolerant to a group of people and at the same time be tolerant towards people who commit hate crimes against that same group. It's like someone saying "I support the black lives matter movement and think that racism is bad but you know, I just don't think the kkk is that bad and we should let them be." Does that make sense?
And I wouldn't exactly call allies being "tolerant". It's more "I think these people deserve rights and aren't doing anything wrong" and tolerance is "well I don't agree, but you also shouldn't be killed". And those people aren't really that opposed to the less explicit homophobia that's everywhere in society because for the most part they're a little homophobic too (see: the I don't agree part), they just mostly mind their own business and don't attack people

Crimes are crimes. Homophobia, on the other hand, should have no legal repercussions in it of itself. The fact that people think people have to think the right things or they don’t deserve the same rights as everyone else pisses me off. KKK should be allowed to exist as long as they don’t harass, destroy property, kill people, etc.


KKK should be allowed to exist as long as they don’t harass, destroy property, kill people, etc.

What the fuck, Dom.
You realize that's their whole gig, right? They're a HATE group. They HATE.

@Pickles group

It's not the government's job to instill morals in you or tell you what to think, so no, they can't tell you to not have internalized homophobia, but it is their job to make sure that you don't commit crimes or discriminate (imo, and no I don't want to debate this. the laws we already have should be a precedent that this is something the government does) against someone because of who they are. Or even what they believe. However. You shouldn't need the government to make laws for you to know that you just shouldn't say some things. Like "I think your existence and identity is a sin" even if you add a "but you still deserve rights" because it's still homophobic and super damaging to people's mental health.

@Pickles group

On a slightly related note, I wish being gay WAS a choice so I could go back to being straight and not have to cry every time I think about my best friend and how she'll never like me and not have to worry so much about one Mike Pence