forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

Bro, have y'all heard of the bunch of trump supporters in Texas who literally tried to run a Biden bus off the street?


Bro, have y'all heard of the bunch of trump supporters in Texas who literally tried to run a Biden bus off the street?

Yeah I saw that video
Voter intimidation is at it's peak (pretty much always coming from the right). And those "poll watchers" are such bs. Their only job is to intimidate which is illegal.


Also Ella, I'm sorry you feel nervous about your best friend ditching you. But honestly, if she's willing to ditch you over your sexuality or anything like that, she's not a good friend and she's better off out of your life. You deserve better than to be taunted. If it comes down to it, and you do come out, I hope it goes well and your friend just has internalized homophobia or something. Maybe you can work it out with her, discuss feelings and society and whatnot. If it comes down to that. But you got this broski, you're amazing.

@Pickles group

Bro, have y'all heard of the bunch of trump supporters in Texas who literally tried to run a Biden bus off the street?

Yeah I saw that video
Voter intimidation is at it's peak (pretty much always coming from the right). And those "poll watchers" are such bs. Their only job is to intimidate which is illegal.

Can't say I'm surprised

Deleted user

Businesses are already boarding up for the protests and riots that are 100% going to happen after the election, no matter who wins.

If they take away our marriage rights today, there will definitely be protests, and you best believe I'll be there.

Deleted user

Tbh, I'm prepared to go buy a bunch of first aid kits to help people in the riots
my neighbors are a family of doctors so I'll get them to teach me waht to do


I watch a lot of lefty content, and I see they're all preparing to riot no matter who wins. I get if Trump wins, but if Biden wins, why are left leaning people planning to protest? Forgive me, I just don't get it completely.

@HighPockets group

Bro, have y'all heard of the bunch of trump supporters in Texas who literally tried to run a Biden bus off the street?

Yeah I saw that video
Voter intimidation is at it's peak (pretty much always coming from the right). And those "poll watchers" are such bs. Their only job is to intimidate which is illegal.

I'm like 99% sure that we watched the same video

@HighPockets group

I watch a lot of lefty content, and I see they're all preparing to riot no matter who wins. I get if Trump wins, but if Biden wins, why are left leaning people planning to protest? Forgive me, I just don't get it completely.

I think it's less of a "we're going to riot if Biden wins" and more of "if Biden wins, he's better than Trump but we're not going to cut him slack once elected because he's better than Trump"

Deleted user

I watch a lot of lefty content, and I see they're all preparing to riot no matter who wins. I get if Trump wins, but if Biden wins, why are left leaning people planning to protest? Forgive me, I just don't get it completely.

I think it's less of a "we're going to riot if Biden wins" and more of "if Biden wins, he's better than Trump but we're not going to cut him slack once elected because he's better than Trump"

that makes more sense then what I was thinking

@HighPockets group

I watch a lot of lefty content, and I see they're all preparing to riot no matter who wins. I get if Trump wins, but if Biden wins, why are left leaning people planning to protest? Forgive me, I just don't get it completely.

I think it's less of a "we're going to riot if Biden wins" and more of "if Biden wins, he's better than Trump but we're not going to cut him slack once elected because he's better than Trump"

that makes more sense then what I was thinking

Not to mention that I doubt Trump supporters will take a Biden victory very well.


Also Ella, I'm sorry you feel nervous about your best friend ditching you. But honestly, if she's willing to ditch you over your sexuality or anything like that, she's not a good friend and she's better off out of your life. You deserve better than to be taunted. If it comes down to it, and you do come out, I hope it goes well and your friend just has internalized homophobia or something. Maybe you can work it out with her, discuss feelings and society and whatnot. If it comes down to that. But you got this broski, you're amazing.

It’s not that simple though, she’s not like my other friends, she’s the biggest ray of sunshine and my favorite person in the whole world, I’m not better off without her cause I’m nothing without her. She’s a lot like me, her slightly insane parents have some not good takes and as a result, she doesn’t know any better than to believe them-
I’ve been crying off and on since yesterday, the thought of her hating me because of my stupid issues just haunts me, maybe I’m too attached to her but we’ve spent our whole lives together, she’s been there for me through everything, she’s my only real friend and I can’t lose her, the very thought of it makes me sick to my stomach, I’m so fucking terrified-


Tbh, I'm prepared to go buy a bunch of first aid kits to help people in the riots
my neighbors are a family of doctors so I'll get them to teach me waht to do

For those looking to be a first aid presence in the prospective protests.
I'm not encouraging anyone purposely head into danger, especially if you're young and alone, but if you're gunna do it anyway here're some first aid tips. There are other general protest safety tips you should look up on your own. Be safe out there. Don't go alone.

Remember the 3 Ps
Preserve life
Prevent further injury
Promote recovery

You must ask for permission to treat someone. Offer water and snacks to people you treat and those who look exhausted. Learn CPR.

In your backpack
Water bottles👏water bottles👏water bottles
Antibiotic ointment
Wet wipes
Hand sanitizers
Medical tape
A hand fan
Moisturizer, like aloe vera
Clean white cloth or gauze
Umbrella (for shielding yourself and/or people you're treating)
Sugary snacks

When treating someone, change your gloves each time, and be especially careful if there's tear gas floating around. Use hand sanitizer on your gloves

What to wear
-head covering (to protect identity and keep tear gas out of your hair)
-close toed shoes
-long sleeves and pants

Make sure no skin is showing. Consider wearing an extra layer in case there are rubber bullets.

For tear gas

Use any liquid to wash it away.

Encourage victims to wait until it dries. This will be painful and will take quite a bit, but tear gas is a powder more than it is a gas. Pouring liquid on it will make it go deeper into the eyes or wounds, which will cause more pain for longer. Make sure the victim doesn't touch it or rub it in. After it dries, use a fan to gently and carefully blow away what you can.

If you see a canister, warn others and get away from it. There are ways to neutralize tear gas canisters, but if your focused on first aid stay focused on that. Other people can worry about disarming them.

For shallow cuts and scrapes
-Apply pressure to the wound until the blood clots
-Rinse the wound
-apply antibiotic
-cover wound with bandage
-warn victim dangers of getting tear gas in the wound, tell them not to take the bandage off.

For nosebleeds
-have the person lean forward (looking down) not backwards, this could cause them to choke on their blood
-Press a cloth against the nostrils until the blood clots

For deep cuts and wounds
-Apply pressure and wrap with white cloth. If it bleeds through, add more cloth, don't replace it.
-Don’t apply ointment, seek professional attention and protect your person from further injury

For minor burns
People might be throwing canisters back, which may explode in their hands.
-Rinse with cool water
-Don't break any blisters
-Apply a moisturizer, like aloe vera, on the burn
-Don't use antibiotic ointment
-Wrap the burn loosely and offer a glove to keep the wrapping in place
-Offer ibuprofen

For major burns
-Don't apply ointment or water or anything
-Cover the burn loosely with a cloth to prevent foreign material from getting on the burn. Be gentle.
-seek professional medical attention

For rubber bullets
More often then not, they'll only bruise. But if there's a rubber bullet lodged in someone's wound, this requires professional medical attention. Consider loosely covering the wound to manage blood and keep foreign debris away.

For sprains
-keep the injured limb elevated
-Apply cooler pack, but not directly. Use a cloth in between
-keep the injured area compressed.
-Wrap it tightly (look up and learn how to correctly wrap a sprain before you attempt this)
-Encourage them to to home, they shouldn't be putting pressure on it
-Offer ibuprofen

For fractures
-don't try to straighten it or move it
-Encourage them not to move
-you can try to use something to stabilize it, or help them hold it in place while you seek professional medical attention.
-Offer Ibuprofen

Be aware of professional street medics or ambulances nearby. Look for the red cross. Help direct your people to them. You are not a professional unless you are. Remember what you can and can't do. Always ask for consent and inform your people what you're doing to treat them and why. Don't be stupid. Know when to go home.


Danke, but I'm not mom material lol
Maybe an uncle, like I'm fairly knowledgeable and can teach you dumb tricks, but overall our maturity levels are equal

@HighPockets group

Owen nailed most of it, here's my lackluster additions

  • If someone has an injury to the spine or neck, do not move them. That will only make things worse.
  • If you have to do CPR, send someone to find an AED. Alternate between who does compressions and who does the AED, otherwise one of you will be exhausted very quickly. Also, you do not need to make mouth-to-mouth contact if you up the amount of compressions. Helpful during this pandemic.
  • White protesters, try and put yourself between the cops/opposition and the protesters of color.
  • Don't wear a mask, hoodie, hat, etc. that's easily recognizable. You don't want the police or any right-wing militia types to recognize you. Maybe even bring an extra to swap out.
  • DO NOT PUT ICE ON BURNS! The butter thing is a myth as well. Direct contact with ice will not make it better, it will make it worse.
  • Tampons can be used to plug bullet wounds, if it comes to that.
  • The Good Samaritan Laws vary by state iirc. Make sure you are aware of them beforehand.
  • Going along with the prior point, know your rights. Know what you do and don't have a right to in the case of an arrest. Maybe even write them down, since you'll likely be very shaken in such an event.
  • Make sure you recognize and know how to treat signs of shock!