forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

Hang on didn't Trump actively try to strip rights from Trans people??

Yes and I'm pretty sure also the rest of the community. But like. Once he said he liked gays I heard so that means he didn't do any of that and the clip of him saying outright that he doesn't support gay marriage is all fake news

@Moxie group

Controlled processes are those that require our conscious attention to a fairly high degree, such as driving, carrying on a conversation, or taking notes in your psychology class (you are taking notes, right?).

What the hell psych textbook :(

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

It's picture day and I'm wearing a plain black t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie because I don't wanna mess up my hair and aaaaa
I miss my graphic tees
I miss my pullover hoodies that actually fit
And I forgot to wear my pins

@Pickles group

Mine referred to "gay people, lesbians, and heterosexuals" and I almost died

Why is this funny? I am a simple heterosexual and know nothing.

Idk?? All of my friends cackled but ?? Why??

@HighPockets group

The funny part to me is that is says "gay people and lesbians" and then just "heterosexuals", when I feel like saying "homosexuals and heterosexuals" or "gay people, lesbians, and straight people" would have provided less of a weird contrast lol


Also the fact that it says gay people but also says lesbians is weirdly funny to me?? Like technically lesbians could be included under the umbrella term of "gay people" but?? Not in this textbook?