forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


update: mom is now not making fun of trans people, but as she’s reading our American history for the day she’s already made three separate off-topic comments on

  • millennial men being weak because they… ask for whipped cream on their starbucks coffee and don’t want to be hung for war crimes?
  • environmentalists because they caused the California fires by not chopping down the entire forests so there’d be nothing left to burn
  • people who believe in global warming, cause something about hurricane hugo

I don’t know anymore

@HighPockets group

  • environmentalists because they caused the California fires by not chopping down the entire forests so there’d be nothing left to burn

This take is so bad that I audibly sighed


yeah for fire prevention lmao

but do we want to also talk about how we've over indulged in deforestation and now there's a hole in the ozone layer(it's healing!), entire forests and ecosystems have been destroyed to be replaced by factories and cities and housing that's completely unnecessary?

also forests are used to wildfires. wildfires are actually good for them, because they renew the cycle of life, getting rid of old trees taking up too much resource, and allow new plants to grow and new trees to start over in their place.


I've been at physical school for two days and I haven't felt this anxious in a long time
also being here, is literally pointless. they let some kids back slowly but we're literally logged into zoom and sitting in a classroom all day while doing our classes online. it's not any different from being at home. I get to see some of my friends on A days at lunch which is cool but other than that it's like, why am I here?
thankfully my mom said I only had to try it out for a week and after my complaining she knows it's useless being here too so I'll probably be back home next week
we're being babysat. that's what's happening when I'm at school and it's honestly just

@saor_illust school

(being rude to brain and emotions today)

hi brain,
(and emotions)
could you not tell me that i might bother my v gud fren if i dm them just cause i wanna talkkkkkk?
i know that they won't be bothereddd
but there's this smol smol voice inside my head that whispers "what if you're bothering them?"

@Pickles group

It's legitimately disgusting that some straight men's reaction to even the possibility of being sexualized is "idk man I just stabbed him a bunch of times". Like FUCK, how do you think women feel all the time???

@saor_illust school

being rude to my pe teacher today
our principal literally wrote up a letter to all the kids at our hs sayingthat having camera on wasn't required but then OUR PE TEACHER

"yOU mUsT hAvE cAMerA oN oR eLsE yOU aRe NoT hEre"


I'd like to be rude to my blue lives matter mother, so please explain y'all's stuff because all I ever hear is "cops are there to p r o t e c t you what are you gonna do when they're gone" even though they're clearly having a problem doing their jobs :)

It's really awkward tho like she doesn't have a problem with any minorities? The occasional joke that makes everyone uncomfy but at this point I just Pretend I Do Not See, she's never like…ehh idk. Her thing is that she sees cops as "risking their lives for us" and won't hear a word against police or the military

@Katastrophic group

tbh I used to be a blue lives matter, but that was back when i only had experience with my hometown. The cops there were really good and kind, not to mention very diverse. After one of the first police brutality events that made it to the news a long time ago, several of the nice cops houses and families were attacked by people. We learned after they were arrested that they were mostly aggravators from out of town trying to stir shit up, but still.

Now I know that phrase is harmful and belongs to people who are usually racist. I still respect the police in my town, and I think they did a pretty good job protecting the local protesters over the summer while dispersing the "raiders" who came in to loot and try to rile up everything. But those dumbass racist cops who are in it for a powertrip? Put em to a trial by fire and get someone who knows what they're doing to rework the system to make it work properly. On that note fix the privatized prison system and the school-prison pipeline as well, cause that shit is f'ed up.