forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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I just found out one of my favorite artists is ace and I know it’s silly but this makes me so stupidly happy and I’m really proud of her for coming out, even if it was months ago and I just now learned-

@Mojack group

its 40 degrees Celsius outside and there’s a heatwave warning all weekend where I live..
this will be the end of me

@Pickles group

so uh there was a house fire a little ways away from my friend's house (where I was all evening but that's irrelevant) and an old lady died so I'd like to be rude to fires that don't stay where they're supposed to


I accidentally sliced my finger open
Cutting bread
And they had to glue my finger shut

My sister did that with a bagel because she wanted to use the largest knife possible. 7 years later and our granite counter tops are still stained with her blood. Did you have to get a splint?

Deleted user


be careful with knives people

or don’t use the biggest knife possible or serrated edges for fucking bread

@HighPockets group

I cut my finger open while cutting a bagel
I was holding it like a dumbass and got my dues
One time my mom was cutting cauliflower with a butcher knife (long story) and had to go to urgent care because she sliced open her thumb

@HighPockets group

One of my best friends cut the tip of his finger (thumb, iirc?) off while we were making balsa wood structures. Another teammate suggested to glue the wound shut with hot glue. In our defense, we were in 7th and 8th grade.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I cut my tongue on a pretzel stick, made drinking water painful because it stung

uhh. lots of other injuries. i have a scar on the back of my heel from a sand bucket taking a chunk of skin off. more scars from itching too much. i've gouged out skin from my own nails.

my mother is the one that makes everyone afraid whenever she grabs a knife. she has a tendency to be stupid and somehow make a wound that shouldn't be possible to make

@HighPockets group

Currently my ankle hurts to touch since I stabbed it with my bike stand (the handlebars got caught on my parents' bikes and I pulled back very hard and somehow it ended up jutting into the soft part of my ankle :[) and I still have scars from the cuts I gathered on that miserable hike 2 weeks ago.