forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

dom that doesn’t matter rn we’re being rude

@HighPockets group

Yeah, the autism section you posted was disgusting, misrepresentative bullshit that serves to demonize people like me. Did you put even a second of research into the topic before posting outdated and, frankly, offensive misinformation in a masterpost for how to write characters.

Deleted user

man the boobs video is really missing some


Deleted user

The entire chat tagged you, dude just go back and read

@ccb group

i’d like to be mildly rude to my very dear friend for sending me conspiracy/we-live-in-a-simulation/people-are-out-to-get-you stuff nonstop when i’m already hardcore dissociating/derealizing. i’m not going to be rude to her directly because she doesn’t know how it’s affecting me and i would rather put up with her texting me a couple times a day with creepy reddit threads than to have to explain my mental state to her. which i guess makes it my fault that this is happening. so really i’d like to be slightly irrationally annoyed with my friend and rude to myself