forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

2. I feel the ACAB dudes.


All Cops Are Bad/All Cops Are Bastards
Not each cop individually, it's more complex that that
Brooklyn and Sarah have good explanations in their BLM and The Cure To Misinformation threads that are better than anything I can give

I know what it means, I was asking why he mentioned it

@Pickles group

2. I feel the ACAB dudes.


You mentioned police again. I had this thought for a bit.

Eh. I don't think all. But I saw a tweet (? Maybe? I can't remember and I can't find it) on Pinterest about the "not all men" that sums up my thoughts on police pretty well. Not all, but enough that's it's a problem


honestly it's hardly shocking at all. we've seen it as a problem for years, in the few domestic abuse cases involving cops and the science explaining that barely any get reported, and the same thing in violence against poc and minorities. the cops have been going undercover to start violence at rallies so that other cops waiting can come in and arrest everyone under the 'oh we don't know who was being violent yet' thing. for like ever. it's no secret. people just don't care because before everyone rallied together a handful of people speaking up didn't do much more than get you to go missing or wind up dead due to mysterious circumstance


also did you guys see that thing about how rubber bullets are meant to be aimed at the ground from a distance away from the target, in order to not do more than deter them from causing problems? and cops are shooting from five feet away at children's heads with these fuckers? which are literally capable of breaking bones and going through a skull????

@Pickles group

also did you guys see that thing about how rubber bullets are meant to be aimed at the ground from a distance away from the target, in order to not do more than deter them from causing problems? and cops are shooting from five feet away at children's heads with these fuckers? which are literally capable of breaking bones and going through a skull????

That's horrifying


also did you guys see that thing about how rubber bullets are meant to be aimed at the ground from a distance away from the target, in order to not do more than deter them from causing problems? and cops are shooting from five feet away at children's heads with these fuckers? which are literally capable of breaking bones and going through a skull????

That's horrifying

what's even worse is that tear gas was outlawed on battlefields lmao. they aren't allowed to use it even in an active military zone

not to mention that the military isn't allowed to shoot. if you're a soldier, you're taught to try talking, if that doesn't work, you're taught like ten different methods to get out of a dangerous situation and/or incapacitate a threat, with killing being an ABSOLUTE last resort. and yet the police, who get a whole nine months of 'training' open fire without any probable cause or reason on a house belonging to a woman based on drug trafficking claims made about a man who neither lived there, frequented there, and was in custody at the time. while the woman was sleeping.

i also got to watch a video, unfortunately for me but fortunate to spread awareness of how absolutely shitty cops are, where a man having a seizure tried to alert cops that he was, ykno, having a fucking seizure. so naturally they knock him to the ground and pin him down while one of the cops repeatedly punches him in the head when he tries to speak. even tho he's, idk, not exactly capable of moving because he's pinned and wasn't even struggling fucking at all

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i also got to watch a video, unfortunately for me but fortunate to spread awareness of how absolutely shitty cops are, where a man having a seizure tried to alert cops that he was, ykno, having a fucking seizure. so naturally they knock him to the ground and pin him down while one of the cops repeatedly punches him in the head when he tries to speak. even tho he's, idk, not exactly capable of moving because he's pinned and wasn't even struggling fucking at all

I'm sorry
They did what
No. That's not okay.

@HighPockets group

Not to be dramatic but sometimes I feel like we're in a dystopia
This is shit that I'd read about a fucking Peacekeeper doing in The Hunger Games and it's horrifying to know that this is happening this year in the country I live in.

@Pickles group

Not to be dramatic but sometimes I feel like we're in a dystopia
This is shit that I'd read about a fucking Peacekeeper doing in The Hunger Games and it's horrifying to know that this is happening this year in the country I live in.

There's not even a semi-cool part. Everything just sucks

@HighPockets group

Not to be dramatic but sometimes I feel like we're in a dystopia
This is shit that I'd read about a fucking Peacekeeper doing in The Hunger Games and it's horrifying to know that this is happening this year in the country I live in.

There's not even a semi-cool part. Everything just sucks

And the children who speak up here are just ridiculed by adults who will die without making any significant impact on the world.

@Pickles group

Not to be dramatic but sometimes I feel like we're in a dystopia
This is shit that I'd read about a fucking Peacekeeper doing in The Hunger Games and it's horrifying to know that this is happening this year in the country I live in.

There's not even a semi-cool part. Everything just sucks

And the children who speak up here are just ridiculed by adults who will die without making any significant impact on the world.


lmao but it's not like they care

@HighPockets group

Not to be dramatic but sometimes I feel like we're in a dystopia
This is shit that I'd read about a fucking Peacekeeper doing in The Hunger Games and it's horrifying to know that this is happening this year in the country I live in.

There's not even a semi-cool part. Everything just sucks

And the children who speak up here are just ridiculed by adults who will die without making any significant impact on the world.


lmao but it's not like they care

Love how they yell "sOmEbOdY tHiNk oF tHe cHiLdReN!!!" when it comes to things like LGBTQ+ acceptance but jump through hoops to explain why the things that are actually hurting the children are brought up.


i also got to watch a video, unfortunately for me but fortunate to spread awareness of how absolutely shitty cops are, where a man having a seizure tried to alert cops that he was, ykno, having a fucking seizure. so naturally they knock him to the ground and pin him down while one of the cops repeatedly punches him in the head when he tries to speak. even tho he's, idk, not exactly capable of moving because he's pinned and wasn't even struggling fucking at all

I'm sorry
They did what
No. That's not okay.

which part? because the first is breonna taylor, but i don't know the name of the man from the second story. it was a video a family friend posted on facebook


See, i'm kind of of the opinion that we need police, but we don't need the kind of police we have now. Not all cops, no, but enough. Too many. Just like not all men are rapists, not all cops are bad, but they still uphold a broken system. They may not be directly at fault and i'm not saying that they are, but I am saying that the entire american system is just fucked. up. It relies so heavily on guns and promotes them as the be-all end-all solution, and then feigns surprise when, guess what? The cops open fire on an innocent person, or another troubled teen decides that the solution is to shoot up their school. Time and time again, things are proposed to help end the violence, and time and time again, the cry is raised "but the second amendment" "you're just sensitive" "stop being dramatic". Over and over and over again, while the children are terrified to go to school, terrified that one day they'll hear gunshots echo down the hallways and through the building, terrified that one day some of their friends will be shot and killed. Time and time again, it happens and the government does nothing to fix it, nothing to make sure it won't happen again. Over and over and over again, black men and women are killed in the streets and in their homes by cops, off of the "well they look suspicious". And when an outcry is raised, when people protest, they are told "stop being dramatic". Yeah, I'm a middle class white girl, so maybe I shouldn't be saying anything about this. Maybe it isn't my place to point out racism. But when black girls try and speak up about this, they're told it's all in their heads, that they need to be quiet and sit down, because they aren't white. Because they're female. Because because because…and there is never ever ever a good reason. So if I can help them, I will. Because i am tired of my country standing by while innocent people are shot and killed over this. I am tired of reading articles from other countries and seeing what a joke america has become. I am tired of America being like this and I wish I knew a way to fix it, but I don't. I don't, because both of our political parties are so against each other, so dead-set that the other will not get their way, that our country cannot change. And there's the root of the problem. The Democrat and Republican parties have grown so polarized and so antagonistic, that neither can see why things need to happen. The Republicans oppose stricter gun control…because the Dems advocate for it. And that's how our political system works. This is what it has become, and it needs to stop. This country essentially needs to be rebuilt and remade from the ground up and i don't know how we can do that.

Jesus fuck that was a lot.

thanks for coming to my TEDtalk I–

@HighPockets group

That moment when a kid makes miles more sense than 90% of all adults, including our national fucking leaders

Honestly I've gotten used to that moment by now-

@Pickles group

Side note, Trump getting rid of all the environmental laws he can because it's a little more expensive and worse for his eCoNoMy pisses me off. Fuck dude, we'll all be dead before long so just stop and go back to being a super rich dude with your wife. Come on. Just go be a hermit in one of your fifty towers and leave our safety in someone else's hands
You know what else pisses me off? The way when someone asks a question of someone else and the person starts talking and he fucking interrupts to restate the question to them. And then turns around with his funky ass, fake politician, New York voice and dances clumsily around questions asked to him. It's hypocritical and the former embarrasses everyone including me.


Side note, Trump getting rid of all the environmental laws he can because it's a little more expensive and worse for his eCoNoMy pisses me off. Fuck dude, we'll all be dead before long so just stop and go back to being a super rich dude with your wife. Come on. Just go be a hermit in one of your fifty towers and leave our safety in someone else's hands
You know what else pisses me off? The way when someone asks a question of someone else and the person starts talking and he fucking interrupts to restate the question to them. And then turns around with his funky ass, fake politician, New York voice and dances clumsily around questions asked to him. It's hypocritical and the former embarrasses everyone including me.



honestly it's hardly shocking at all. we've seen it as a problem for years, in the few domestic abuse cases involving cops and the science explaining that barely any get reported, and the same thing in violence against poc and minorities. the cops have been going undercover to start violence at rallies so that other cops waiting can come in and arrest everyone under the 'oh we don't know who was being violent yet' thing. for like ever. it's no secret. people just don't care because before everyone rallied together a handful of people speaking up didn't do much more than get you to go missing or wind up dead due to mysterious circumstance

I didn't really have an opinion on cops for a long time. I just figured they come when they're called/ordered to. I have this friend, who about this time last year warned me over and over that law enforcement was going to crumble before our eyes, and for the better. He always went on about how the policing agencies were corrupt and going to mess up big "sometime soon". He told me stories of evil cops, most of which I thought were exaggerated. He's pretty politically eccentric, so I never really understood him. Then I took a law enforcement class. Mostly as a joke- and easy A, learn how to trick the police, ya know? I reccomend everyone take one of those, if your school offers it. I learned so much. My teacher was a former cop, and she was really cool and full of stories. She was one of the good ones. But boy, did she have some stories about corrupt cops.. She taught us about the system, the agencies, the reporting processes, and I realized how terrifyingly easy it was to totally screw over citizens. She taught us how easy it was for police to loophole the law, or just flat out lie to us. She never held back- she told us all the flaws of the system from an unbiased, objective perspective. I was a amazed at how shitty our laws surrounding policing agencies are. And it turns out my friend was completely right, of course. That class was really an eye opener. There are good cops, but it's way easier to be a bad one.

@HighPockets group

I know a pretty good cop whose arm got fucked up when he was helping evacuate people after the explosion, and my uncle is a cop, but I know that they're some of the few good ones. It's a corrupt system that needs a big overhaul, or straight-up abolition.

@Pickles group

I used to not be terrified of being wrongfully accused of a crime can you imagine that lmao
Enter true crime and all the ways police have fucked over innocent people to fit their agenda that everyone who's not like them (cis, het, white, conservative, Christian, etc) is evil
And damn, if I was accused of a crime, I'd probably go to jail because a lot of police just want AN answer, not necessarily the right one. And my memory is really bad so my story would probably change a ton