forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

People need to stop making fucking Holocaust jokes. I can't remember how many times I've had swastikas drawn in my notebooks and people "jokingly" telling me they're a nazi and they're gunna come after me, or others. Nazis are still real. Real nazis are fucking terrifying. So dear "funny" people, stop talking about the deaths and terror of millions of people to get laughs. It's fucking disgusting. That is my rudeness. And I think that's all the "fucks" I'm allowed for the day.

Yes this thank you-
Were you here when the squidward swastika kids joined?

Mm I don't recall, so probably not

One had Squidward in the shape of a swastika as their pfp and so we told them that it wasn't okay, and their response was "well it isn't technically a swastika-" :/

@HighPockets group

Me: Finally finds a good lexicon site to use
The Website: You've searched 20 words on here, now you need to pay-
Me: D:<
Guess I'll gather all the electronics in the house this afternoon lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As a soon-to-be junior with a handful of senior friends, this.
Upperclassmen "dating" freshmen isn't too common at my school bc of the "upper middle school"/high school split, so they're not in the same building, but still. There's a weird power dynamic in that relationship, where you're like barely a teenager and still figuring so much stuff out, and they're practically an adult.

Not to make light of a serious situation. But HA! because I know nothing at all and am screaming.

@Pickles group

As a soon-to-be junior with a handful of senior friends, this.
Upperclassmen "dating" freshmen isn't too common at my school bc of the "upper middle school"/high school split, so they're not in the same building, but still. There's a weird power dynamic in that relationship, where you're like barely a teenager and still figuring so much stuff out, and they're practically an adult.

Not to make light of a serious situation. But HA! because I know nothing at all and am screaming.

You also know a lot more than a baby teen and are not trying to get in their pants


As a soon-to-be junior with a handful of senior friends, this.
Upperclassmen "dating" freshmen isn't too common at my school bc of the "upper middle school"/high school split, so they're not in the same building, but still. There's a weird power dynamic in that relationship, where you're like barely a teenager and still figuring so much stuff out, and they're practically an adult.

Not to make light of a serious situation. But HA! because I know nothing at all and am screaming.

You also know a lot more than a baby teen and are not trying to get in their pants

yeah it's a maturity thing. like no, these teenagers are not mature especially the guys(i'm referring to the general population of teenage boys which are scientifically way less mature. i like to call them toddlers because that's what half of them seem to be), but they've been through more, know more–at least most of the time– and carry a level of maturity literally only accomplished with age that young teens are just now getting into. a male senior very often looks to freshmen girls as easily manipulated, because i'm sorry but there's nothing sexy about a fifteen year old, let alone anything younger.

how do you look at someone the age of you or your friends' younger siblings and think 'ah yes, what a mature romantic partner' you don't. more often than not it's a) a manipulation bid, hence 'you're so much more mature than other girls your age' or 'i really forget that you're younger than me sometimes' or b) it's a sex thing. whether he's looking for girls who are super insecure and going to have sex with him because he tells them they're incredible and beautiful while making them also feel like he's the best they can get, or because he's a pedophile in the making

so @ any young girls reading this i'm sorry but that senior is not in love with you. he really isn't. in fact, please don't date at all in highschool because highschool boys suck(except for like a whole two, also most of them just suck to date not as friends) and you deserve to figure out who you are as a whole ass person before trying to figure out how to hold down healthy relationships.

god that doesn't even scratch the surface of what i want to tell everyone reading this but nobody wants to hear me rant about it forever so

@Pickles group

There's such an obvious power dynamic between me and the incoming freshmen and I've only known them a few days. It makes me uncomfortable. I can't imagine wanting to date one of them
Also, there's a guy like this in my grade and I've watched him work his way through all the people in our grade who want to date him all the way down to freshmen (he literally dated two last year. As a junior) and I don't think it's gonna change because he's a senior this year. When everyone is warning you, hey this guy is an absolute shithead do not date him, you shouldn't date him because he's literally that guy who wishes he was black so he could say the n word and then says it anyway. But noooo girls don't listen to their own friend saying listen I dated this guy, he's the opposite of cool and also he's 17 and you just turned 14 so that's icky. Anyway I really hate that kid and I really wish he wasn't in my grade so I didn't have to deal with him. Because people like him and not even romantically. Fine go be friends with an assface who doesn't believe in global warming and thinks he's not racist because he dated a black girl once but keep that filth away from me


dw pickles i have a plan

send me a location near you, public ofc so that internet safety rules about meeting people you met online are being followed. give me his address or anywhere you know he could go. hell, we do this at your school so i can just go right to him

then i can. 'talk' to him

@ElderGod-kirky group

I remember when I found out Stalker Guy (Seth, not afraid to put his name out there) had a crush on me, thanks to my senior friend—he's a year between the two of us, I was Sophomore, he was a Junior), I know I did my due diligence. I am not the kind of person to have someone crush on me, so I was skeptical. I watched him when he was around me, like, watched, and also paid attention to my Vibe-Detector. It was flashing red every time he was near me. I was uncomfortable just being around him. He basically cornered me into a 'date' thanks to my mom, so I was forced to be alone with him at a local cafe well, local to him, about ten minutes from my place after school. I had to ride in his truck, and then spend time with him at the cafe. I refused food, just a drink (I think? probably refused that as well) because I was just so uncomfortable and wanted out. When my mom texted me how it was going, I used that as an excuse to leave, lying that she was asking if I could come home. He took me back to my dad's workplace, and I felt like I could finally breathe, though I was still vibrating from my shaking.

After that, I asked around, and so did my friend. Found out that nobody wants to be around him because he's a creep, so I tried to stay away as much as possible. Even lied about having a boyfriend to get him away from me (only worked for a bit :/)

Doesn't help that he looks like a future serial killer

@Pickles group

dw pickles i have a plan

send me a location near you, public ofc so that internet safety rules about meeting people you met online are being followed. give me his address or anywhere you know he could go. hell, we do this at your school so i can just go right to him

then i can. 'talk' to him

I'd do it myself but he's popular and everyone would be like "you're overreacting leave him alone it's not a big deal" even though half the people secretly hate him. Also I lack the ability to defend myself, especially in person and when I'm upset. And he's the kind of person that mocks you when you mess up a word (I know so many people that do that and I hate it but that's another vent)


dw pickles i have a plan

send me a location near you, public ofc so that internet safety rules about meeting people you met online are being followed. give me his address or anywhere you know he could go. hell, we do this at your school so i can just go right to him

then i can. 'talk' to him

I'd do it myself but he's popular and everyone would be like "you're overreacting leave him alone it's not a big deal" even though half the people secretly hate him. Also I lack the ability to defend myself, especially in person and when I'm upset. And he's the kind of person that mocks you when you mess up a word (I know so many people that do that and I hate it but that's another vent)

that's why it's perfect if i do it! because then i can beat the shit out of him while wearing a t-rex costume or something and then go home and no one can do anything about it! i don't go there, i'll make sure no one knows you were speaking with me, and it'll be a single isolated and really weird event

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

dw pickles i have a plan

send me a location near you, public ofc so that internet safety rules about meeting people you met online are being followed. give me his address or anywhere you know he could go. hell, we do this at your school so i can just go right to him

then i can. 'talk' to him

I'd do it myself but he's popular and everyone would be like "you're overreacting leave him alone it's not a big deal" even though half the people secretly hate him. Also I lack the ability to defend myself, especially in person and when I'm upset. And he's the kind of person that mocks you when you mess up a word (I know so many people that do that and I hate it but that's another vent)

that's why it's perfect if i do it! because then i can beat the shit out of him while wearing a t-rex costume or something and then go home and no one can do anything about it! i don't go there, i'll make sure no one knows you were speaking with me, and it'll be a single isolated and really weird event

I wanna join in
Wearing full cosplay
Lemme get a Stealth Black costume set up and I'll be on my way

@Pickles group

Disclaimer: this is about the West Memphis 3 and not about whatever's happening right now
How the hell can you be a police officer and pull this shit? How??? Why are you making shit up and acting like it's fact just to get answers? HOW HOW HOW??? 3 little boys were fucking brutally murdered and instead of trying to actually figure out who did this, you're spending all your time making stuff up to fit your narrative because you wanna go out with a bang? Fucking hell, no. Fuck you. Solve the damn case. It's big enough on its own without you lying about it. It's a damn good thing you're retiring because you don't deserve to be an officer. Fuck. You.

@Pickles group

You gotta, it's great. They only do one case an episode and it's so detailed and they're so cool and I love them both and ugh


I'm kinda late but I figured I could come in and say that my first/only kiss was when I was between the ages of two and four
So uh
Get on my level I guess

@HighPockets group

As a soon-to-be junior with a handful of senior friends, this.
Upperclassmen "dating" freshmen isn't too common at my school bc of the "upper middle school"/high school split, so they're not in the same building, but still. There's a weird power dynamic in that relationship, where you're like barely a teenager and still figuring so much stuff out, and they're practically an adult.

Not to make light of a serious situation. But HA! because I know nothing at all and am screaming.

You also know a lot more than a baby teen and are not trying to get in their pants

yeah it's a maturity thing. like no, these teenagers are not mature especially the guys(i'm referring to the general population of teenage boys which are scientifically way less mature. i like to call them toddlers because that's what half of them seem to be), but they've been through more, know more–at least most of the time– and carry a level of maturity literally only accomplished with age that young teens are just now getting into. a male senior very often looks to freshmen girls as easily manipulated, because i'm sorry but there's nothing sexy about a fifteen year old, let alone anything younger.

how do you look at someone the age of you or your friends' younger siblings and think 'ah yes, what a mature romantic partner' you don't. more often than not it's a) a manipulation bid, hence 'you're so much more mature than other girls your age' or 'i really forget that you're younger than me sometimes' or b) it's a sex thing. whether he's looking for girls who are super insecure and going to have sex with him because he tells them they're incredible and beautiful while making them also feel like he's the best they can get, or because he's a pedophile in the making

so @ any young girls reading this i'm sorry but that senior is not in love with you. he really isn't. in fact, please don't date at all in highschool because highschool boys suck(except for like a whole two, also most of them just suck to date not as friends) and you deserve to figure out who you are as a whole ass person before trying to figure out how to hold down healthy relationships.

god that doesn't even scratch the surface of what i want to tell everyone reading this but nobody wants to hear me rant about it forever so

Definitely! Like I said, I'm going into my junior year, and I see the incoming freshmen as babies. Yeah, a few are my friends, but I see them as "younger siblings" as opposed to potential partners. A solid handful are literally the siblings of my friends. Even incoming sophomores seem more like friend material than partners to me (but also who even knows if I'm romantically interested in anyone lmao, I sure don't-), I see them as friends. Also yeah most teen boys suck, I know like 3 that don't and that's about it.

@HighPockets group

2. I feel the ACAB dudes.


All Cops Are Bad/All Cops Are Bastards
Not each cop individually, it's more complex that that
Brooklyn and Sarah have good explanations in their BLM and The Cure To Misinformation threads that are better than anything I can give