forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

I have
never been kissed before
seventeen and very single

Bruh I'm 20 and these lips are still virgin. It's okay, my dude.

Okay, but have you dated before? Cause the closest I've gotten to that is declaring Crocs my online boyfriend
And agreeing to give them my first kiss if that has yet to happen by the time we meet

@Pickles group

I have
never been kissed before
seventeen and very single

Bruh I'm 20 and these lips are still virgin. It's okay, my dude.

Okay, but have you dated before? Cause the closest I've gotten to that is declaring Crocs my online boyfriend
And agreeing to give them my first kiss if that has yet to happen by the time we meet

Sort of

@Pickles group

What even was your relationship, Pickles? You always talk like a peer pressure sort of deal. What did you even do? Did you like the dude? Was he a chill guy?

When I was a freshman, I pretty much only had one friend and she always talked about dating and guys asking her out and

So I thought I was supposed to do the same thing. I wanted a boyfriend, but only one guy had ever liked me and fessed up to it (sixth grade).
Enter Chad (not his real name, but same vibes. He was also the definition of my aesthetic attraction to guys, but at the time I had no idea that aesthetic attraction=/romantic attraction, hence problems, but he also became infinitely more attractive when I found out he liked me), who had basically the same idea as I did. He wanted a girlfriend and had a list of girls he liked. It was a very long list and I was at the bottom. He awkwardly arranged with some other band kids to ask me to homecoming. Obviously I wanted a date so of course I said yes. Also the flowers were pretty so that didn't hurt.
This was a few weeks before homecoming and we never actually went on a date but we held hands at football games and he would put his cold ass hands on the back of my neck to watch me squirm. Then we went on a big band trip up over the weekend (and a Friday. We got to miss a day of school. Very exciting) and to an amusement park that's around there. He ignored me all weekend and wouldn't tell me why, so my ass got upset and dumped him. Come sophomore year when I found out he does that to all his girlfriends to figure out how clingy they are. Back to freshman year though. He was pretty cool, at least I thought. There was one time he told me "Well you survived the Holocaust, that's good enough for me". And he's kind of loud and annoying and apparently swore never to speak to me again.
My one friend (let's call her Francesca) was talking to a lot of guys, two of importance to this story. We'll call them Sam and Sim. Sam was a cute senior and Sim was a horrifyingly creepy junior. Francesca told me one day that Sim had a crush on me and wanted to ask me out and I was revolted. Following freshman girl logic, the solution to this was get another boyfriend because then Sim can't ask you out and if he does, you have an excuse that doesn't make you sound awful. Being a terrible person, I had a lot of trouble finding someone that liked me. Until one day Francesca says, "I know someone that likes youuuu" but wouldn't tell me who for the longest time. I found out it was Sam and after a while, he asked me out and of course I said yes. He hugged me after every band practice and once before he asked me out, he put his shako (funny marching band hat for you non band people) on my head after a game. We also sent each other weird pictures we took of each other. That was the extent of our relationship. I couldn't go an actual date with him because I couldn't tell my parents their 14 year old daughter was dating a senior and I didn't think they'd let me go on a date anyway. And we couldn't stay after the same days to hang out. Very good, because I found out from Francesca later that Sam was way worse of a person that I thought. And I'm terrified of what might have happened if I had actually gone on a date with him.

This was way longer than it should have been, but yeah, freshman year was a Time, plus there was a bunch of other drama that I didn't get into, and that's why I'm so adamant that people shouldn't be in a relationship just because they want one. And also that as a freshman, you shouldn't date seniors and juniors. They are not in it for the relationship part, I do not care how well you think you know their motives.
But in case this is the part you were wondering about, no one pressured me (or tried to) into having sex or doing something I didn't want to do. Except holding hands sometimes but it wasn't that bad. Not pleasant, but not unpleasant, y'know?

@Pickles group

That was a ~lot~, sorry. And it took extra long because I'm traveling and in and out of having a data connection. It's also hot as Big Titty Satan in this car and it's distracting


Come sophomore year when I found out he does that to all his girlfriends to figure out how clingy they are. […] There was one time he told me "Well you survived the Holocaust, that's good enough for me".

Nani the fuck

@Pickles group

Yeah. I think he was referring to the fact that I have blonde hair and blue eyes but that's a weird ass thing to say to your girlfriend


People need to stop making fucking Holocaust jokes. I can't remember how many times I've had swastikas drawn in my notebooks and people "jokingly" telling me they're a nazi and they're gunna come after me, or others. Nazis are still real. Real nazis are fucking terrifying. So dear "funny" people, stop talking about the deaths and terror of millions of people to get laughs. It's fucking disgusting. That is my rudeness. And I think that's all the "fucks" I'm allowed for the day.


They are not in it for the relationship part, I do not care how well you think you know their motives.

thank god somebody else said it. you're entirely right. also if you're in a lower grade and a senior or junior tries to date you, ask their classmates about them. because its highly likely that no one their age will date them, hence going after young teens

@Pickles group

They are not in it for the relationship part, I do not care how well you think you know their motives.

thank god somebody else said it. you're entirely right. also if you're in a lower grade and a senior or junior tries to date you, ask their classmates about them. because its highly likely that no one their age will date them, hence going after young teens

And if they volunteer that information, it's not because they're jealous


They are not in it for the relationship part, I do not care how well you think you know their motives.

thank god somebody else said it. you're entirely right. also if you're in a lower grade and a senior or junior tries to date you, ask their classmates about them. because its highly likely that no one their age will date them, hence going after young teens

And if they volunteer that information, it's not because they're jealous

especially if multiple people can confirm. bcs then it's not just one person saying something that could be bullshit but could not, it's multiple people being like 'yeah he's a fucking creep'

@Pickles group

Pro tip: if people say "yeah he went to court his freshman year for sexually harassing a girl, he asked me to send nudes at a time he knew I have trouble saying no to things, he sent me dick pics, called me a whore, and he has a list of girls he wants to sleep with," don't date him, and if you're the friend, tell them that before the relationship happens, not months after it's over

@ElderGod-kirky group

They are not in it for the relationship part, I do not care how well you think you know their motives.

thank god somebody else said it. you're entirely right. also if you're in a lower grade and a senior or junior tries to date you, ask their classmates about them. because its highly likely that no one their age will date them, hence going after young teens

And if they volunteer that information, it's not because they're jealous

especially if multiple people can confirm. bcs then it's not just one person saying something that could be bullshit but could not, it's multiple people being like 'yeah he's a fucking creep'

@ Seth

Deleted user

Pro tip: if people say "yeah he went to court his freshman year for sexually harassing a girl, he asked me to send nudes at a time he knew I have trouble saying no to things, he sent me dick pics, called me a whore, and he has a list of girls he wants to sleep with," don't date him, and if you're the friend, tell them that before the relationship happens, not months after it's over


This is why you should also be friends with upperclassmen. Some, if not all of my friends are now seniors (damn I’m a fucking junior). They told me about a guy who had his eye on me freshman year that he was literally fucking caught taking pictures of girls’ feet. This guy rode my bus and we talked really often, but it was mostly about him and what he was up to. After learning this knowledge (and getting together with Nate) I basically just resolved myself to listening to music rather than talking to him as I waited for the bus.

~Emi backing up straight facts~

@Pickles group

Pro tip: if people say "yeah he went to court his freshman year for sexually harassing a girl, he asked me to send nudes at a time he knew I have trouble saying no to things, he sent me dick pics, called me a whore, and he has a list of girls he wants to sleep with," don't date him, and if you're the friend, tell them that before the relationship happens, not months after it's over


This is why you should also be friends with upperclassmen. Some, if not all of my friends are now seniors (damn I’m a fucking junior). They told me about a guy who had his eye on me freshman year that he was literally fucking caught taking pictures of girls’ feet. This guy rode my bus and we talked really often, but it was mostly about him and what he was up to. After learning this knowledge (and getting together with Nate) I basically just resolved myself to listening to music rather than talking to him as I waited for the bus.

~Emi backing up straight facts~

And most upperclassmen are more than happy to spill the tea so just ask if you get a bad vibe from someone

@HighPockets group

Pro tip: if people say "yeah he went to court his freshman year for sexually harassing a girl, he asked me to send nudes at a time he knew I have trouble saying no to things, he sent me dick pics, called me a whore, and he has a list of girls he wants to sleep with," don't date him, and if you're the friend, tell them that before the relationship happens, not months after it's over


This is why you should also be friends with upperclassmen. Some, if not all of my friends are now seniors (damn I’m a fucking junior). They told me about a guy who had his eye on me freshman year that he was literally fucking caught taking pictures of girls’ feet. This guy rode my bus and we talked really often, but it was mostly about him and what he was up to. After learning this knowledge (and getting together with Nate) I basically just resolved myself to listening to music rather than talking to him as I waited for the bus.

~Emi backing up straight facts~

And most upperclassmen are more than happy to spill the tea so just ask if you get a bad vibe from someone

As a soon-to-be junior with a handful of senior friends, this.
Upperclassmen "dating" freshmen isn't too common at my school bc of the "upper middle school"/high school split, so they're not in the same building, but still. There's a weird power dynamic in that relationship, where you're like barely a teenager and still figuring so much stuff out, and they're practically an adult.

@HighPockets group

People need to stop making fucking Holocaust jokes. I can't remember how many times I've had swastikas drawn in my notebooks and people "jokingly" telling me they're a nazi and they're gunna come after me, or others. Nazis are still real. Real nazis are fucking terrifying. So dear "funny" people, stop talking about the deaths and terror of millions of people to get laughs. It's fucking disgusting. That is my rudeness. And I think that's all the "fucks" I'm allowed for the day.

Yes this thank you-
Were you here when the squidward swastika kids joined?


People need to stop making fucking Holocaust jokes. I can't remember how many times I've had swastikas drawn in my notebooks and people "jokingly" telling me they're a nazi and they're gunna come after me, or others. Nazis are still real. Real nazis are fucking terrifying. So dear "funny" people, stop talking about the deaths and terror of millions of people to get laughs. It's fucking disgusting. That is my rudeness. And I think that's all the "fucks" I'm allowed for the day.

Yes this thank you-
Were you here when the squidward swastika kids joined?

Mm I don't recall, so probably not