forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Moxie group

not all Christians are Catholic Dom. I’ve never repented for anything let alone being bi

I am not Catholic. Just old fashioned. But I mean, I think repenting for sins is a big part of Christianity, even if you don't do it the traditional way.

Well, you do you bro

Do you just. Not say you're sorry for sinning?

lmao no. I mean I’ve just never done it? Or if I have I didn’t totally realize what I was doing. I am sorry for sinning (not sorry for being bi but I don’t see that as sinning) but we don’t repent at my church. Does that clarify lol?


I'm protestant or Baptist or something like that
I know it's different than catholicism but I'm not really sure how


I don't understand why Straights don't love the Aces. It's not like Gay. It's just no want Yiff.

The easiest way to explain this is that the straights sometimes hate us because we aren't straight ourselves. I've had many parents, grandparents, family friends, and of course classmates poke me and point at cute boys and ask me if I liked them, or asked me if I wanted their number, or ask me if I'd marry someone like that one day. If the answer is hesitant, if the answer is no, if I say they aren't cute, the straight person will start to suspect something is off.

If I don't play along with their "OoO look at him" behavior, they see me as different and as defective. So the question moves from "do you think they're cute" to "are you waiting to date?" If I answer yes, they back off. To them, I'm just waiting for the perfect guy and practicing celibacy and focusing on school. To them I'm responsible. But I answer no, because I'm not putting off dating. Then they get even more suspicious.

After all this time, after they've showed me so many pictures of boys, asked for my celebrity crush, offered to get some guy's number for me, they ask the third question in an ever so quiet tone "Is it girls then?" In other words, are you gay. I answer no.

Now this particular straight person is just confused. I'm not gay, but I don't have a crush? I don't think any of those boys are cute? How can that be? We're steeped in allonormative culture. To them, I should have a crush, I should think someone is hot, and if not a boy then AT LEAST a girl. It's human, right? Experiencing attraction, lusting for sex, it's the shared experience. If you don't have that what are you? This straight person can't define me, so they get angry or disgusted. Asexuality and the ace spectrum aren't widely known yet. It's still weird and taboo to just not have those feelings. Asexuality was a disorder only a couple years ago. People think we can be fixed, that we should be fixed. That we're supposed to be horny teenagers and want sex all the time and think people are hot. But we just aren't allo. So the straights get mad and confused and consider us less than. If you don't conform the structure, the "think person is hot, want to have sex with them" structure, then you're in the wrong. There are plenty of other reasons for acephobia, but I think that's the biggest one. also some aces do want the yiff, but experience this regardless

@Pickles group

Big one is "you're just gay/bi and in denial" ("are you sure you're straight?" well LaUrEn I'm not straight but I don't like girls either so) or "you're straight but you want to feel special because our society says being gay is kool and okay"


alright, am awake
got a few of the common aphobia examples/aphobic arguments that I could find, formatting's trash but it'll give you an idea

For a Christian standpoint, the general belief in some groups cough suffer cough is that marriage is a yiffual thing, two people uniting their bodies physically and being together as one for eternity (off-topic but how is it that even when people try to make yiff seem like a good thing it just sounds more and more graphic and disgustingly unappealing, come on you gotta have better descriptions than that), so if you aren't gonna do the thing you shouldn't get married or else you're not fully committing to the sacrament and that's Bad.
and it's a pretty general, common belief among ChristiansTM that if you're not dating with the intentions of marriage, it's sinful and disgusting.
So that leaves any allo-ro aces in the ??? zone, what are we supposed to do just suck it up?
Some people also see allo-ros as trying to rationalize the Gay, cause due to the somewhat blurred line between close friendships and romantic relationships, it raises the question of whether or not gay aces/bambis are sinful, if same-sex friends can cuddle, hold hands, or even kiss to show their platonic affection, when does it cross a line?
Usually that's answered by, instead of just accepting people, trying to simplify attraction, cause if you don't want to screw each other clearly you're just friends and you're trying to make yourself sound special with labels. (cause it's definitely not gay to make out with the homies, go on dates together, live together, share a bed, get married, and raise adopted children with them, you don't want to yiff so you're just friendssss, good ol friendssssssss)

There's also the typical sweet elderly lady's "aww sweetie it's ok, you just haven't met the right person yet, someone will come along and change your mind <3", which, with its many varieties, seems to be the most common aphobia argument. That we just need to hold out hope for some prince or something to save us from the evil ace dragon that we willingly adopted as a pet to guard the castle we happily live in, i'm not in any danger please get out of my house-

And another variety of that one, "how do you know you don't want yiff if you've never tried it", which is changed up and used against every sexuality out there, if you're not straight you'll be asked something like this at some point in your life and that's just the tea.

There's people confusing it with hyposexuality, which is a mental disorder resulting in little to no attraction, desire, or feelings at all when it comes to yiffy wiffy. This is where the "Asexuals are mentally ill" thing comes from, and why so many people might try and convince you to see a doctor/get help instead of just accepting your orientation.

In the LGBT+ community, a lot of people claim that aspecs shouldn't be included because they don't experience the same oppression, they aren't going to be kicked out of their homes or murdered because they don't like anyone.
and while it is partially true, some aces might have it easier than some gays, we're still a sexual minority, and from the multiple large cases of asexuals being raped or harassed in an attempt to "fix" them, I'd definitely consider us to be worthy of our spot in LGBTQIA+, regardless of whether or not others have it worse. (plus what about gay aces? they have all the gay problems and then some)

and there's also the divide between sex-repulsed (me) and non-repulsed (not me) aces, the non-repulsed might argue that the sex-repulsed ones are all just hypos, while the sex-repulsed ones sometimes claim the non-repulsed aren't real aces cause they like yiffy wiffy.
I don't have much to comment on it, it's all just pointless gatekeeping, but the divide is very real and sometimes not even ace spaces can feel welcoming because of it.

so ye now you know


Facts, pretty much. Luckily my church and my beliefs aren't all "have sex or don't get married". Marriage is for love to us, the yiffy wiffy is a bonus. It's not like an obligation or something you have to fulfill. That's kinda whack that people teach that. Yuck.

@Pickles group

My church isn't overly conservative. There's a married couple that don't want kids so they just don't do the wiff, and our youth pastor's wife knows that two of us are ace. I'm not very close to her and I haven't talked to her since she found out, but she had a bet on it so she's probably not extremely disapproving. Not sure how they'd react if I told them I was aro but honestly they might figure that out on their own now. I get super uncomfy when we talk about romance. And my pastor calls out Republicans more than Democrats. But he tends to stay away from hard-hitting, controversial topics.
Girl from afforementioned couple is extremely prolife so we did talk about that in youth group a little bit (she used to be a leader), and we briefly talked about someone being gay and then not being gay but it was more "lmao the way they did this video and said these things is really dumb"

@HighPockets group

Tbh my church does really talk about Gay Stuff? They're very anti-porn and pretty pro-life, but gay stuff isn't really brought up, except in some weird talk from the now-dead bishop.


porn is bad, life is fine(i'm pro choice because i support living ykno), also it's so weird how many of you go to church. like it always surprises me to hear about, cause i don't know too much about your regular old irl lives. my mom wants to find a non denominational church near us, bcs the church she went to as a teen/young adult was one and she's only like. minorly christian, more just believes in a higher power. tho dad and blyss are def and the boys are like 'whoms't is religion'

also, chiming in to say that yeah, religious societies especially are so deeply rooted in sex as a means of reproduction, occasionally pleasure(it varies depending on your circle whether that's okay), and a sign of a healthy marriage that it has developed into a complete lack of understanding that some people just. don't care. both casual sex and no sex are discriminated upon, which is slightly ironic because you'd figure if they hated one they'd appreciate the other, but no.

too many people get raised on this high horse that having committed sex makes you the only valid person, and unfortunately that leaves the rest of us–those who want to have as much sex as we want, those who don't like sex, those who fall anywhere on any spectrum–as something blasphemous.

and yeah, it's all just interpretations of the bible, and i really honestly have to say if a book is so easily taken a million different ways and reworked to support a personal agenda why are y'all worshiping it? like i'm honestly curious, because i don't quite understand it. from what i've seen you all like the sort of definitive guidelines offered by your religion, the god and his disciples and that there's no 'this and that' but…

@HighPockets group

Who decided that Hoopla gets so many good titles? Like I wanna read all of these books and comics but I don't like ebooks and I can only check out 12 a month :(

Deleted user

I 100% agree with Ella.

I think I’m one of the only aces that is still active on the site that isn’t sex-repulsed. I’m one would call Demi/gray ace.

I fall under the catagory of “Yes, I have yiffual thoughts of my partner” but “I will never act on those thoughts because woah that’s kinda wild lmaooo”.

In a


relationship, aces will not be pushed into things they don’t want. Their partners will respect their boundaries and see them as a person they fell in love with, rather than their physical body. In an unhealthy relationship (speaking from experience), an ace may feel uncomfortable around their partner due to things they say or do.

Yiffual things are not the same as being physically affectionate, though. This is important to understand, I think.

I love I mean, really enjoy cuddling with my partner. He’s great at it. It makes me feel very safe and it really helps us connect as a pair. I enjoy hugging and holding hands and whatnot. Some people say kissing is yiffual and it’s really not. Kissing’s not a big deal. Ofc everyone has their own opinions on what what things are yiffual and what’s not.


I think relationships can exist for a really long time without yiffual things. Both people might see it just as unsatisfactory and not right for either of them until later in the relationship. That’s okay. Those relationships exist, yet in order to have one like that where you are comfortable with the other person you must communicate it with them. You have to make it clear that indeed you do not want the yiffy wiffy until later, or, hell, never.

That’s unfortunately not gonna solve all of your problems. It’s whether or not your partner is mature enough to understand. If they aren’t, and they don’t respect how you are as an asexual person, then they’re not for you.

Am I making sense?

Did anyone ask?

That’s it

i mean if you have any questions about asexuality in relationships, hit me up

@HighPockets group

I don't consider kissing sexual, but I also really dislike the idea of someone else's fluids being in my mouth via kissing or….other things. They're just very gross to me and I do not like.

Deleted user

You know you don’t just french kiss people right

You’re thinking of like

bleleleleleel with tongue


Kissing is just putting your lips together and it feels nice

@Pickles group

Having two tongues in your mouth doesn't make your own tongue magically fit right. As far as I know, it's still going to not fit afterwards so what's the point


I remember my first kiss- under the bleachers, all classic like. We were sitting criss cross, we'd planned this carefully. He must've asked for the consent five times just to make sure I really wanted to kiss. I said yes, of course, and we pulled closer together and let our lips touch.

I pulled away, said "ew" and spat at the ground. 'Twas magical.