forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


this is the late lateness talking but I have no real updates and I feel like no one would actually care so ¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯

Ummmmm your gf??????

Did I know this? I don't think I knew this

Pardon? Aftie got a gf?! :O

DNFJSKH okay my brain was being mean to me last night but yeah!! me and my might I add amazing and beautiful girlfriend have been dating for almost 2 months now!!

other tiny updates that people may or may not know idk what I've talked about here and what I haven't so

  • I've been doing better mental health wise!
  • I've painted more things on my walls and I love it so much cuz it's avatar and adventure time (I posted them on instagram so yeah)
  • I rescued a plant from my brother's evil hands
  • I started driving!
  • my (supposedly) last ear surgery was going to be happening in august/september (idk now cuz of covid)
  • my grandma's here
  • and I'm thinking about talking to my parents about my mental health

@saor_illust school

DNFJSKH okay my brain was being mean to me last night but yeah!! me and my might I add amazing and beautiful girlfriend have been dating for almost 2 months now!!

Spill the teaaaaa
How'd you meet jklsdflkd
I wanna know lkjf

other tiny updates that people may or may not know idk what I've talked about here and what I haven't so

  • I've been doing better mental health wise!

Aaaa that's amazing fren!!!

  • I've painted more things on my walls and I love it so much cuz it's avatar and adventure time (I posted them on instagram so yeah)
  • I rescued a plant from my brother's evil hands
  • I started driving!

Hehe, sounds fun!

  • my (supposedly) last ear surgery was going to be happening in august/september (idk now cuz of covid)
  • my grandma's here
  • and I'm thinking about talking to my parents about my mental health



Spill the teaaaaa
How'd you meet jklsdflkd
I wanna know lkjf

okay okay sit your butts down cuz it's story time
there's really not that much of a story but whatever
we've known each other for pretty much our whole lives. best friends for years and stuff. I mean I met her 7(?) years ago and since then she's been my literal best friend. we came out to each other at the same time and then in December 2018 she was all like "hi I have a crush on you"
I'm a literal dumbass. I went "aight cool" and moved on and despite knowing that she like liked me, I just ignored it for a long time and then months later, we had a conversation and I said "I don't know how I feel, if it's like romantic or not and I don't know how to be a good significant other either"
but yeah time went on and I was kinda accepting that I did have feelings for her.
and May 15th came around and we were talking and finally I asked her and listen,, we're both huge nerds so I was like
"hey, will you be the adora to my catra?" she ra reference for y'all who don't know and I got all giddy and excited and she said yes and yeah we've been together since!!

@saor_illust school

Spill the teaaaaa
How'd you meet jklsdflkd
I wanna know lkjf

okay okay sit your butts down cuz it's story time
there's really not that much of a story but whatever
we've known each other for pretty much our whole lives. best friends for years and stuff. I mean I met her 7(?) years ago and since then she's been my literal best friend. we came out to each other at the same time and then in December 2018 she was all like "hi I have a crush on you"
I'm a literal dumbass. I went "aight cool" and moved on and despite knowing that she like liked me, I just ignored it for a long time and then months later, we had a conversation and I said "I don't know how I feel, if it's like romantic or not and I don't know how to be a good significant other either"
but yeah time went on and I was kinda accepting that I did have feelings for her.
and May 15th came around and we were talking and finally I asked her and listen,, we're both huge nerds so I was like
"hey, will you be the adora to my catra?" she ra reference for y'all who don't know and I got all giddy and excited and she said yes and yeah we've been together since!!


@saor_illust school

okay so i kinda forgot about this since it was a couple hours ago but it still bugs me so here's a lil rudeness from izzy-
so i love my irl best fren, she's a gud fren and all but
okay fren, i get that you love your dog, that's fine and all but
could you not literally steal her away from me when all i'm doing is just giving her some love???
you're around her basically 24/7
you have all the time in the world to get attention from her
you do not need to be the only one giving her attention all the time
and if she doesn't feel like getting attention at the moment, going over and dragging her over to you is no the way to go ljkglksd
honestly this is such a minor thing but
it's just kinda annoying

@Mojack group

Got home from surgery 4 hours ago
I remember every detail correctly except for the point where I closed my eyes and when I opened them the surgery was over
turns out I was overthinking the iv, that doesn’t hurt
I got a headache so I’m gonna have to cut this message short and return to watching netflix
Just wanted to say
It went well


are the teen years really "the greatest time of your life" or is that just a myth?
like clearly sitting around in a small room all day making and undoing a bunch of scribbles to distract you from your thoughts until mealtime can't possibly be better than getting together every week in the church basement for bingo night with your 80-year-old gal pals to pet your tiny dogs and eat jello salads, right?
i refuse to believe my current life is above that of a single elderly religious lady


It's a lie. I believe teen years could be considered "the learning years", but there's not such thing as "the best years" or whatever.

@HighPockets group

The only people who say that are the people who peaked in highschool

Like that one line in The Great Gatsby
I don't remember it right now but that line about Tom Buchanan peaking at like 20

@Pickles group

The only people who say that are the people who peaked in highschool

Like that one line in The Great Gatsby
I don't remember it right now but that line about Tom Buchanan peaking at like 20

I'm on team Tom Buchanan Didn't Have A Peak Because He Is And Always Was A Little Bitch


Random interuption but

why is it that when I'm sitting down at the computer to write, my brain is like "what r werds" and then when I'm trying to go to sleep, my brain is like "here have the entire scene and you better write it down right fucking now or you're going to forget it all" and so I have to hand-write things at like two AM, and handwriting things makes my hand cramp up and hurt??? Why does my brain only make writing juice when I don't have a computer handy??

@HighPockets group

The only people who say that are the people who peaked in highschool

Like that one line in The Great Gatsby
I don't remember it right now but that line about Tom Buchanan peaking at like 20

I'm on team Tom Buchanan Didn't Have A Peak Because He Is And Always Was A Little Bitch

Tom Buchanan doesn't deserve rights-
I'd fistfight him if I ever got the chance


The only people who say that are the people who peaked in highschool

Like that one line in The Great Gatsby
I don't remember it right now but that line about Tom Buchanan peaking at like 20

I'm on team Tom Buchanan Didn't Have A Peak Because He Is And Always Was A Little Bitch

Team All the characters are little Bitches and the Story should Never have been Written

@HighPockets group

The only people who say that are the people who peaked in highschool

Like that one line in The Great Gatsby
I don't remember it right now but that line about Tom Buchanan peaking at like 20

I'm on team Tom Buchanan Didn't Have A Peak Because He Is And Always Was A Little Bitch

Team All the characters are little Bitches and the Story should Never have been Written

Team Your Opinion Is Bad :P