forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


I pulled away, said "ew" and spat at the ground. 'Twas magical.

This just made my night!

~Thank you~


my mom gave me her old phone cuz she just got a new one and while setting it up she put her fingerprint on the thing which, fine whatever, but in order to do that you're supposed to put some sort of password and she did a pattern thing and I just swiped my finger around to make a password frankly I was being a stupid cuz I didn't want her fingerprint on there and I was gonna change it right after I did but then instead I FORGOT THE STUPID PATTERN and I can't get into my phone unless I figure out the pattern or ask my mom to use her fingerprint since I didn't get the chance to put my finger in and \
yeah I'm dumb


my brain's freaking out and idk if my mom remembers the pattern I put and I'll probably get a small lecture
Why Did You Do That You Absolute Dipstick And How Did You Forget It Right After Putting It On Ahhhhhh

Deleted user

Just ask her dude

I’m sure she won’t care, and if you get lectured it’s literally not your fault what you do and don’t remember

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

and yeah, it's all just interpretations of the bible, and i really honestly have to say if a book is so easily taken a million different ways and reworked to support a personal agenda why are y'all worshiping it? like i'm honestly curious, because i don't quite understand it. from what i've seen you all like the sort of definitive guidelines offered by your religion, the god and his disciples and that there's no 'this and that' but…

It aint worshiping the book itself. And the anti gay is pretty easy to find if you know where to look.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I remember my first kiss- under the bleachers, all classic like. We were sitting criss cross, we'd planned this carefully. He must've asked for the consent five times just to make sure I really wanted to kiss. I said yes, of course, and we pulled closer together and let our lips touch.

I pulled away, said "ew" and spat at the ground. 'Twas magical.

Beautiful Lol.


and yeah, it's all just interpretations of the bible, and i really honestly have to say if a book is so easily taken a million different ways and reworked to support a personal agenda why are y'all worshiping it? like i'm honestly curious, because i don't quite understand it. from what i've seen you all like the sort of definitive guidelines offered by your religion, the god and his disciples and that there's no 'this and that' but…

It aint worshiping the book itself. And the anti gay is pretty easy to find if you know where to look.

isn't the anti gay like…very likely a mistaken translation that actually serves as a 'don't be a pedophile' message

Deleted user


first kisses don’t fucking matter

no one cares



first kisses don’t fucking matter

no one cares

they so don't. i've had one and all i remember was a mild anxiety attack and it being on my couch. also my little sister being a fucking creep and spying on me. ykno what matters? FIRST HUGS

Deleted user


first kisses don’t fucking matter

no one cares

they so don't. i've had one and all i remember was a mild anxiety attack and it being on my couch. also my little sister being a fucking creep and spying on me. ykno what matters? FIRST HUGS


First hugs get you everything you need to know

How tight they squeeze, over the shoulder or around the waist?, do they smell nice?


first hugs, as well as like the following few notable ones, are so fucking great ESPECIALLY if you cant stand people touching you but that person is an exception

unfortunately my exception was a dick but anyway plenty of time for more first hugs, the future is bright and so unending for now


just gonna pop in n say something real quick—
could y'all chill about other people's typing style? like fr? bc ngl it. bugs me a lil bit
(this is not by any means supposed to sound rude, so i apologize sincerely if it does.)
but honestly, i get a bit miffed when i see people telling others that they need to quote-unquote "type like an adult". that they need to stick to prim and proper grammar and capitalization. and it especially irks me when i see "this is a writing site!" ,,,,,,,,,so you apparently have to keep the good spelling/grammar switch on on online forums, even outside of writing a story? it's just. it sounds so pretentious. half the adults i know online are excellent writers, and their online chatting style is very much like mine.
(and lmao if you knew me when i first joined you'll remember how i was a Grammar Stickler™, and look at how i've changed! i've developed my own "accent", so to speak. it makes me wonder, though—would i have been nearly as welcomed if i had joined with what is now my own typing style?)
anyway, i guess basically what i'm trying to say is just,,,, let people type how they want to type?
i've said my piece so imma head out. peace ✌️

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I would say that the typing thing has both sides that make a point. (And did we settle this already?) We are pretty chill here for the most part. It's just when people have lots of massive misspellings and use 2 instead of to that anyone gets annoyed mostly because it breaks the reading flow imo.