forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

Dude, no one hates you. No offense, but you seem to be having some sort of breakdown or panic attack (no shame, I get them too) based off of your comments, maybe log off for the night?


Hey it's oki, you're pretty new to the forums, it's perfectly alright to not quite blend in yet. your intentions weren't harmful, and I don't think anyone hates you over this.

It feels like they do now.

people are just suggesting you calm down a bit, and have patience. that's all

I have patience every day. It's hard to calm down and have patience when everything's falling apart.

you're projecting your problems onto an online community. i'm sorry, but people really don't appreciate that, nor do they know exactly what's going on in your life at any given time

Deleted user

Hey it's oki, you're pretty new to the forums, it's perfectly alright to not quite blend in yet. your intentions weren't harmful, and I don't think anyone hates you over this.

It feels like they do now.

people are just suggesting you calm down a bit, and have patience. that's all

I have patience every day. It's hard to calm down and have patience when everything's falling apart.

you're projecting your problems onto an online community. i'm sorry, but people really don't appreciate that, nor do they know exactly what's going on in your life at any given time

My parents yell at me every day, I self harm, I get made fun of at school and even in quarantine people leave joke comments on my instagram so I had to delete it. Now you know. I just wish people could be kinder to "absolute strangers."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Dude, no one hates you. No offense, but you seem to be having some sort of breakdown or panic attack (no shame, I get them too) based off of your comments, maybe log off for the night?

Deleted user

Dude, no one hates you. No offense, but you seem to be having some sort of breakdown or panic attack (no shame, I get them too) based off of your comments, maybe log off for the night?

I'm not having a panic attack, I get them and this isn't it. I'm just frustrated.


you are actively being negative to other users. i'm sorry you're going through bad things, but you are far from the only one. notebook is a safe haven for some users, often used as a way to ignore the problems they're facing and have a moment of safety and solitude. your experiences are in no way being dismissed, and neither are your feelings. what we are dismissing is negative and toxic behavior.

Deleted user

you are actively being negative to other users. i'm sorry you're going through bad things, but you are far from the only one. notebook is a safe haven for some users, often used as a way to ignore the problems they're facing and have a moment of safety and solitude. your experiences are in no way being dismissed, and neither are your feelings. what we are dismissing is negative and toxic behavior.

And it can't be a safe haven for me? I didn't start out being "negative and toxic," I just suggested a change to the venting chat rules.

@HighPockets group

you are actively being negative to other users. i'm sorry you're going through bad things, but you are far from the only one. notebook is a safe haven for some users, often used as a way to ignore the problems they're facing and have a moment of safety and solitude. your experiences are in no way being dismissed, and neither are your feelings. what we are dismissing is negative and toxic behavior.

And it can't be a safe haven for me? I didn't start out being "negative and toxic," I just suggested a change to the venting chat rules.

A change which was accepted. I don't see why you're still going on about it.

Deleted user

Could you tag that? Self-harm is a triggering topic so we spoiler-tag posts involving it.

I still don't know how to spoiler tag because nobody gave me clear instructions on how to do it in the venting chat.

@HighPockets group

Could you tag that? Self-harm is a triggering topic so we spoiler-tag posts involving it.

I still don't know how to spoiler tag because nobody gave me clear instructions on how to do it in the venting chat.

@/ccb37 literally did though
Or you could quote her post and see for yourself how to

Deleted user

Could you tag that? Self-harm is a triggering topic so we spoiler-tag posts involving it.

I still don't know how to spoiler tag because nobody gave me clear instructions on how to do it in the venting chat.

@/ccb37 literally did though
Or you could quote her post and see for yourself how to

She triggered me and now everybody's acting like I'm fully in the wrong.

Deleted user

I am not being unreasonable here. People misread my tone and suddenly I'm being piled on.
@PatienceKills You were overly aggressive when I made a small mistake in the Venting Chat and it all spiraled from there.
@crocs-to-a-knife-fight You started calling me toxic and negative in here over basically nothing.
@ccb37 You posted something triggering and then tried to make me feel bad for "clogging" the Venting Chat.
@RedTheHopeless You were trying to help and I'm thankful for that but I also felt patronized.
@Whats_Up_Its_Brooklyn and @salami Thanks for actually being nice to me.

I wish you would all just give me an apology and then forget this and start over. I'm not unstable. I'm young and just sensitive and I don't always know what to do. And I say what I think but I don't think that's a bad thing. Either way, I'm not leaving the forums. But I'm going to bed now. Night everyone, peace out. Let me know if you want to be nice (aside from Brooklyn and Salami since you already were).


We aren't asking you to leave the forums. We just want you to take a moment and calm down, because right now, you're clearly in a bad state and taking it out on others.
It's ok to not be ok. The problem is when you make everyone else not ok.
Again, we're not going to hate you for this, I've done the same thing, but please just get some rest. It'll be healthier for everyone in this situation.


i owe you nothing. don't you ever tell me i need to apologize for protecting my own mental well being. you come in here all pissed off about something, take it out on people entirely uninvolved, and then when someone calls you out on it you pull a victim card you claimed you had no intention of pulling

i want nothing to do with you. at all. you are toxic. i do not hate you. i never said i did. i never said you were a horrible person or anything along those lines. you need to find a healthy space to vent your frustrations because i will not tolerate another fucking person taking out their internal struggles on me. get off your fucking high horse. we're all young and sensitive. you're not the only one dealing with crap but the rest of us have some sense not to take it out on other people. kindly refrain from ever speaking to me again, until you've learned to maturely deal with your problems

@ccb group

@Nerdy_Theater_Kid again, i feel so bad that what i posted triggered you and that i was careless enough to leave something pretty heavy untagged, and i'm so, so sorry. i know what it feels like to see something jarring and upsetting that just kind of ruins your night and i hate that i did that to you, even inadvertently. i feel terrible. when i said i didn't want to clog the venting chat, i was mostly talking about my own lousy post formatting instructions. i know i'm likely one of the last people you want to talk to, but please know, i am still here for you should you ever want to talk, and i've been where you've been (like i said in the pm i sent to you). i'm glad you're getting some rest now and i hope you feel better soon. also, i'm remembering now that i made you a moodboard once and i loved the character you gave me for it! you have a lot of good ideas, and if you'd like to stick around here, i hope that one bad night doesn't scare you away.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I really wish I didn't have to be genuinely scared of that happening to me.

Shit's rough my guy. At least people look at me and see a white boy. But my older brother doesn't at all and that's a tad scary somtimes. And then there's my brother under me who's autistic. Police do shit to people like him. It's rough out there.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The lefty zoomers are pretty good, but the others…are not.

That's because gen Z is literally the representation of what's going on in our political parties. Z's raised conservatively/in a Republican home, that are Republicans themselves? Tend to be even more gung ho guns guns guns than their parents. Whereas lefty Z's tend to a bit more laid-back, at least in my experience

Big true. Most of my friends are either lefty zoomers or centrist/slightly conservative zoomers and all very chill, but there's a lot of super conservative zoomers that make me worried about our future. Apparently Tik Tok in particular has a ton of conservative zoomers.

Bruh Left Zs can be really bad too. They're all moving to Byte now and starting a campaign to bully Millenials off the platform and Stop the Straights. Whatever that means. It's toxic politics that they know basically nothing about. I'm not down for the Rights either but at least… Idk. They seem less vicious. I think that's the difference. Lefts are more on the Radical side while the Alt Rights are harder to find.


It really depends what social media you use
Reddit’s got a heck ton of both extremes, half the popular subs are communist and the other day I got multiple DMs and full on pedophile accusations for saying trans people are part of LGBT
chill zoomers are the best zoomers, if they refer to themselves as left or right wing 90% of the time they’re not that great

@Pickles group

Lmao imagine calling a child a pedophile
And for such a stupid thing calling you a pedophile for including trans people in their own community, not the you including them part
How does that make sense??


I just read through everything and this

I wish people wouldn't post suicidal thoughts without trigger warnings here. I'm not being passive aggressive. It just makes me sad especially because I know I can't do anything since people here don't interact with me.

Is not simply suggesting a rule. Even with your first comment, you were victimizing yourself and trying to guilt trip people. The bolded part of the sentence is really the problem here. Without it, you are just suggesting something and giving a reason why. The last part is entirely unnecessary and is clearly a cry for attention. All your posts afterwards are basically the same thing. Also, you've only been here for two months. You can't expect to be super recognized on the forums in such a short amount of time unless you make yourself recognizable. It just takes time.