forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ccb group

ALSO so this has nothing to do with politics, I'm just pissed

I've been begging my parents to let me get Minecraft since i was 8 years old. fucking. eight. I've been begging them for literal years (since obviously i'm not eight anymore). The begging has slowed down over the years since I realized they were never going to say yes. Why? I have no fucking idea.

Fast forward to a few days ago, and my dad just casually tells my youngest brother (who is nine, by the way) "oh, we decided to let you get Minecraft" and I'm like "???". Because when I was nine I got lectured that they didn't want me playing it because it was addictive and stupid and blah blah blah, but now he just gets it after six months of asking??? It's not fair. And yes this is such a stupid thing to be angry about, but it happens over and over and over. I spend years begging for something and doing things to try and earn it, and it just gets handed to my brothers with no fighting. I spent years begging for a new Xbox, and then my brothers start asking, and BAM. Two months after they really start asking, my dad buys a brand-new Xbox One. And yes, I do get to play on it, but it still doesn't feel fair that I spend years begging for something, and then as soon as my siblings ask, they just get it without any of the fucking work and tears and years that I spend for the exact same thing. And again, I know this is such a stupid thing to be upset about, but I still am

that sucks and i'm sorry. it's not a stupid thing to be angry about. i'm not sure if this is the reason for 100% of it, but being the older sibling is the WORST sometimes.


dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

A few months ago my brother broke a keychain, like a mini microscope one, over my head and didn't get in trouble. My ears were ringing for hours, and my parents just say "You probably deserved it."
What did I do to deserve this?
I poked him.


(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

Fast forward to a few days ago, and my dad just casually tells my youngest brother (who is nine, by the way) "oh, we decided to let you get Minecraft" and I'm like "???". Because when I was nine I got lectured that they didn't want me playing it because it was addictive and stupid and blah blah blah, but now he just gets it after six months of asking??? It's not fair. And yes this is such a stupid thing to be angry about, but it happens over and over and over. I spend years begging for something and doing things to try and earn it, and it just gets handed to my brothers with no fighting. I spent years begging for a new Xbox, and then my brothers start asking, and BAM. Two months after they really start asking, my dad buys a brand-new Xbox One. And yes, I do get to play on it, but it still doesn't feel fair that I spend years begging for something, and then as soon as my siblings ask, they just get it without any of the fucking work and tears and years that I spend for the exact same thing. And again, I know this is such a stupid thing to be upset about, but I still am

But yeah I feel you. That's laaaaaame.



ALSO so this has nothing to do with politics, I'm just pissed

I've been begging my parents to let me get Minecraft since i was 8 years old. fucking. eight. I've been begging them for literal years (since obviously i'm not eight anymore). The begging has slowed down over the years since I realized they were never going to say yes. Why? I have no fucking idea.

Fast forward to a few days ago, and my dad just casually tells my youngest brother (who is nine, by the way) "oh, we decided to let you get Minecraft" and I'm like "???". Because when I was nine I got lectured that they didn't want me playing it because it was addictive and stupid and blah blah blah, but now he just gets it after six months of asking??? It's not fair. And yes this is such a stupid thing to be angry about, but it happens over and over and over. I spend years begging for something and doing things to try and earn it, and it just gets handed to my brothers with no fighting. I spent years begging for a new Xbox, and then my brothers start asking, and BAM. Two months after they really start asking, my dad buys a brand-new Xbox One. And yes, I do get to play on it, but it still doesn't feel fair that I spend years begging for something, and then as soon as my siblings ask, they just get it without any of the fucking work and tears and years that I spend for the exact same thing. And again, I know this is such a stupid thing to be upset about, but I still am

that sucks and i'm sorry. it's not a stupid thing to be angry about. i'm not sure if this is the reason for 100% of it, but being the older sibling is the WORST sometimes.

oh it's definitely because I'm the oldest sibling

@Pickles group

A few months ago my brother broke a keychain, like a mini microscope one, over my head and didn't get in trouble. My ears were ringing for hours, and my parents just say "You probably deserved it."
What did I do to deserve this?
I poked him.

No offense, but your siblings are going to grow up to be spoiled, entitled brats
But like. So is their whole generation

@ccb group

dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

that is the mood!! my first phone was a flip phone when i was 11, and i had an ipod nano until i was 12 (fancier stuff was widely available at this time and most of my friends had iphones). my younger sisters got ipod touches when they were 4 and 7, and then got iphones the year after. and they both broke them MULTIPLE times within the span of a few years…. what were we expecting here lol


dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

EXACTLY. I only just got my own phone not even a year ago. Before that it was a "kids phone" that I had to share with all three of my younger siblings. And guess what? I got my own phone, and so did they. The nine year old and the eleven year old share one, but still. When I was nine, I didn't have a phone. When I was eleven, I had a dumb phone that couldn't do anything, and they just get a fucking smartphone??? And I'm just,,, I hate it, because then the youngest has the absolute gall to complain that I get more screen time than him, and I'm like "I'm almost twice your age, you little shit. When I was your age, I didn't even get a phone, much less a smartphone"

@HighPockets group

dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

that is the mood!! my first phone was a flip phone when i was 11, and i had an ipod nano until i was 12 (fancier stuff was widely available at this time and most of my friends had iphones). my younger sisters got ipod touches when they were 4 and 7, and then got iphones the year after. and they both broke them MULTIPLE times within the span of a few years…. what were we expecting here lol

I legit didn't get a phone until I was going into 8th grade, and it was my mom's old phone/the home phone.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.


(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.



dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

that is the mood!! my first phone was a flip phone when i was 11, and i had an ipod nano until i was 12 (fancier stuff was widely available at this time and most of my friends had iphones). my younger sisters got ipod touches when they were 4 and 7, and then got iphones the year after. and they both broke them MULTIPLE times within the span of a few years…. what were we expecting here lol

I legit didn't get a phone until I was going into 8th grade, and it was my mom's old phone/the home phone.

i got my first phone at ten/eleven and it was a flip phone. i had it because sometimes i had to walk my siblings to and from the bus stop, and my mom wanted to be able to get ahold of me when i was with friends. i had like a whole five contacts if even, most family, and like two were friends. the cell came when i was thirteen and tbh both of them were like never in my possession bcs that was my 'rebelling against the responsibility that had been forced on my as the eldest daughter since the twins were born' phase

@Pickles group

(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.

I agree and I'd like to add that some of the things you read aren't suitable for such younglings

@ccb group

i counted myself lucky to even have my flip phone and ipod nano. unfortunately, i lost that ipod nano… after the first day of seventh grade, my mom returned my backpack to staples (i can't remember why) before i had a chance to take it out of the pocket. when we went back to ask about it they couldn't find it anywhere. i still miss it sometimes :'( but that was why i got my first smartphone. my mom felt bad about losing my ipod nano and it was almost time to renew our phone contract anyway, so she figured we'd just knock it all out with one device.

(although it was actually my fault for losing it because i forgot to take it out of the pocket, come to think of it)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

And we all know that Dom is secretly 70 years old.

What do you mean, secretly
We all know he knows we know

we know that he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows


(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.

I agree and I'd like to add that some of the things you read aren't suitable for such younglings

Bam, proof that I'm not a child also the way you phrase that sounds like I'm reading erotica or something. I'm not

@HighPockets group

dude i feel you, younger siblings suck ass. my ten year old sister has a phone! despite being literally the most immature person in the house. my brothers had to wait until they were thirteen(this year) but as soon as they get them, she gets the home cell. which before then was pretty much already hers, she never let anyone use it, it was always in her room when she was told to keep it out by the tv, and she would sleep with it in her bed. my parents waited until the boys were thirteen to give them phones, because giving me a phone before that was a mistake that i'll gladly own up to. and yet the CHILD WHO THROWS FITS WHEN SHE'S TOLD SHE CANT GO TO THE STORE UNTIL TOMORROW GETS ONE

like, what??? excuse me???

that is the mood!! my first phone was a flip phone when i was 11, and i had an ipod nano until i was 12 (fancier stuff was widely available at this time and most of my friends had iphones). my younger sisters got ipod touches when they were 4 and 7, and then got iphones the year after. and they both broke them MULTIPLE times within the span of a few years…. what were we expecting here lol

I legit didn't get a phone until I was going into 8th grade, and it was my mom's old phone/the home phone.

i got my first phone at ten/eleven and it was a flip phone. i had it because sometimes i had to walk my siblings to and from the bus stop, and my mom wanted to be able to get ahold of me when i was with friends. i had like a whole five contacts if even, most family, and like two were friends. the cell came when i was thirteen and tbh both of them were like never in my possession bcs that was my 'rebelling against the responsibility that had been forced on my as the eldest daughter since the twins were born' phase

I only got mine bc I was supposed to go to Washington DC (and then depression/anxiety happened, rip) and they just let me keep it because of heading to the "big school" in 9th grade.

@Pickles group

(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.

I agree and I'd like to add that some of the things you read aren't suitable for such younglings

Bam, proof that I'm not a child also the way you phrase that sounds like I'm reading erotica or something. I'm not

seven year olds shouldn't really be reading YA. But some of them probably do

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And we all know that Dom is secretly 70 years old.

What do you mean, secretly
We all know he knows we know

we know that he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows



(since obviously i'm not eight anymore).

See I'm suspicious about this. It's the internet after all. You never know who's on the other end of the screen.

-_- I'm not fucking eight, Dom

I can't be sure. You might be seven? Mir is five after all.

I agree and I'd like to add that some of the things you read aren't suitable for such younglings

Bam, proof that I'm not a child also the way you phrase that sounds like I'm reading erotica or something. I'm not

seven year olds shouldn't really be reading YA. But some of them probably do

okay that's true, but since I'm not seven that shouldn't be a problem


As the oldest sibling, I can say that yes it kinda sucks sometimes. My brothers seriously get all the things and I'm just like "uh hold on" but I can't really say anything cuz I'm the "good girl" and the "model" and stuff