forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@The-Magician group

I went outside for 2 minutes to bring in the laundry from the garden and already I feel drained.. and I was hoping to paint later on tonight but I guess that’s not happening


I went outside for 2 minutes to bring in the laundry from the garden and already I feel drained.. and I was hoping to paint later on tonight but I guess that’s not happening

maybe take a nap so you can?


I'm pissed off at my mother. I was going to finally get to go to the library for the first time in months, and i was super excited and happy about it. We were going to go while my younger brothers were in Tae Kwon Do (or however it's spelled) and guess what? I took three minutes longer getting ready than she wanted, and she fucking left without me


I'm still pissed off at her. She's like "I waited until 1:48 for you and you weren't there so I left" and I'm like no you fucking didn't??? Because I was in the driveway at 1:48 and you were already fucking gone???


Not trying to interrupt the conversation but I’m kind of pissed-
Last night I let my sister play dress up with my favorite pink robe, I was running out of other babysitting options and she was starting to get angry, so it seemed like a safe little activity to pass time. Emma took the other robe, I wore a similar looking dress, and we caught fireflies together before putting the outfits away. That was all I agreed to.
Well today I looked in my closet and noticed the robe was missing, so I asked mom and she said my sister had worn it to grandma’s even though she didn’t ask permission first. I was quite angry, but decided not to say anything, thinking I would have a talk with her once she got back.
Well now she’s home, and she had the fucking audacity to walk into my room, look me in the eyes, and tell me that it’s her robe now, I have another one and I don’t need it. When I told mom about this, she told me to just get over myself and let her keep the robe.
I’m sorry?!?!
That is my. Fucking. Robe. She does not get to just take it like that. Those are my favorite things in my entire closet, I wear them nearly every day, especially now that everything’s hot as hell and dark knit shirts aren’t always ideal.
It doesn’t even fit her??? She’s running around outside and playing in the sand with it while it drags through the mud behind, and the strings in front are a tripping hazard, they hang so low.
please i just want my clothes back

Deleted user

If you can’t get it back, never share your clothes again

I mean in moral compass never share your clothes unless they’re your S/O and even then…

anyway don’t share your clothes with her ever again


Or conversely, make her pay you for it. Say if she wants to keep it, she has to pay you, say, twenty bucks or something. If you paid for that yourself, make her pay just as much as you did for it, since that's only fair


Update: she left it on her floor for a few minutes while she ate. I have stolen it back, although it'll probably need to be washed.
And they were hand me downs from a friend so the pay thing won't work


Alright. I'd say to hide it deep in the closet for a few weeks to a few months, depending on how long the sibling will remember it. When questioned, say you don't know where it is, she must have lost it


I've discovered that my cat likes Jenny Nicholson

Random comparison, but the only way I could ever calm down the baby I babysat was to play Queen. I would play that to put him to sleep many a night