forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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"We should totally do Night at the Museum for our musical next year!"
"(Me) should totally be the Easter Island Head!"
Me: "Dum Dum Gum Gum."


I was hading out candy at my youth group bus for trunk or treat yesterday, and this one dude walked through and I gave him candy, and he's just like, "oh. thx." and me and my friend smiled behind his back cause like, did he not know that he was gonna get candy?

(he wasnt dressed up btw)


(we were watching child support)

Mr. Reader to the kids: What is the name of the redheaded little boy who was having a ter-
Ginger kid: I am highly offended by that statement.
Mr. Reader of questions to kids: facepalm

Deleted user

So there was this thing at our school where we had to visit elementary kids and help them with their schoolwork.

Kid: What's 13 minus 9?
Me: p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n
Kid: But 13?? Minus 9??
Me: That's what I said. p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n

@HighPockets group

Drama club guy about the lights tech dude: You go from raging republican to total Gen Z emo kid in a minute and it gives me whiplash.

Drama club guy running through wings: How are you guys doing?
Me: Not the best but not the worst!
Him: fingers guns SAME, HOMIE!

God I love my drama club family uwu

Deleted user

My drama friend: Butchering a line Don't let her inhabit thy eyebrow.
Me: Wiggles eyebrows You sure?


My text convo

Friend who introduced me to Undertale: Yeah…I think I'm gonna quit Undertale…I've had nightmares, its creepy…
Me: WHY, EMILY (not this emi) WHY?!?!?!?
Chase: posts picture of creepy Undertale character
Not the emily: CHASE I SWEAR
Me IRL: laughing my face off


My friend: Can you give me a lift home.
Me, after a long day and feeling more charitable that necessary: Just know that this is super illegal until AFTER January.
(I'm still technically on my JOL, shh!)

Deleted user

Me- Humming a P!aTD song
A random student- Yelling out the rest of the lyrics

@HighPockets group

"I'm a hug dealer."


"You can't not not nut in no-nut November?"

"The alarms are now set up. If you leave through the wrong door the police will come."
"Holy shit, it's like a heist movie!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" Slams hand on locker so hard it leaves a mark

walks past a locker, turns, and opens it
"WOAH! Are you a magician?"
"No, if I was a magician I wouldn't be at school right now."


Friend: "Look guys I found the world's smallest mason jar! Ya know, if a snake want's to make some strawberry preservatives."

Me: "DOGGIE!!!!"
Owner of the dog: a little laughter
Friend: "Wth…"

Me: "Wtf is taking so long????"
Friend: quietly "I wanted a hat…"

Friend after I tried to take one of her pringles: "Don't touch my frigGEN PRINGLESSESS!!!"

Friend that has no filter: "Are you Irish?"


(Context: the band isn't allowed to behave inappropriately while representing our school at competitions and such. Which means no cursing, so people started replacing curse words with "explicative." However, English is hard and one person accidentally said "implicit" instead once, so now that's all we say…)