forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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Deleted user

Whether they’re in Band, whether they’re basic white, tELL ME WHAT YOU’VE HEARD OR WHAT THEY’VE SAID TO YOU!

I’ll start.

“No, you gotta scrub your shoes with one of those toilet bowl cleaner things— a clean one of course… It works! I’m telling everyone I know!”
-A fellow Flutist in my section

Deleted user

okay that’s the best one, other than the 1st Chair Trumpeter thing.

Deleted user

Sipping from a thermos
I've been here for 3 hours doing math. so kindly, fuck off

@HighPockets group

We were doing a game for class where you take an adjective that begins with the 1st letter of your 1st name and my Honors English class and one kid was trying to decide what his was gonna be and his name began with a C and one of the things he wanted to have for his adjective was 'crackhead'. Also another class had a kid whose name began with a B and his adjective was 'Big-Booty'.

Deleted user

"Can you stop using my graphic novel as a plate?"
"Hey, you in the suspenders!"
"Is my name Fred? I think it's Fred. Is it Fred?"

My top three weird things overheard in the hallways.

Deleted user

We were doing a game for class where you take an adjective that begins with the 1st letter of your 1st name and my Honors English class and one kid was trying to decide what his was gonna be and his name began with a C and one of the things he wanted to have for his adjective was 'crackhead'. Also another class had a kid whose name began with a B and his adjective was 'Big-Booty'.

We did something like this in our AVID class and it wasn’t nearly as entertaining.

@Starfast group

"Why do you always make fun of for being adopted?" - A kid in my grade 7 class*, who was definitely not adopted.

Can't decide if this is funnier with or without context, so I'm hiding it behind a spoiler. It's there if you want it.

*Not that it really has any effect on the story, but we don't have middle school where I live. Grade 7 is still elementary but since that's middle school in most places that do have it (according to Google at least) I figured it would still be ok to share.

Deleted user

If you’d like to know, Middle School in most counties start at 6th grade!

Awesome story!

@HighPockets group

Some standouts for me:

  • We were sharing stories about our 8th grade year (I went to a Catholic K-8 school but now I'm at the upper middle school because I graduated this past year) and this kid from Brazil told us about how he was fishing on the Amazon with his uncle and their boat died. He casually mentions that a jaguar was there and everyone just stopped talking to stare at him and he continued on like it was no big deal.
  • Apparently, a group of boys on my class's trip to Washington DC bought matching shirts and tried to iron them. During the middle of the night. And one of the teachers got called in to check on them and found everything mess up and the iron board collapsed. Also one kid threw his water bottle at another kid but missed and hit the TV instead,
  • During the same trip, one kid got his phone stolen at the Ford Theatre. His friend immidiatly whipped out his phone and found the missing phone with the Find Friends app.
  • And during the stop in Philly, a homeless man started talking to my classmates super seriously about making sure they lock up their refridgerators.

I wasn't on the DC Trip (thanks a lot anxiety and depression) but those are some of the best stories from it.


"Hot sauce is not a balanced breakfast."
-Trombonist to another trombonist who was downing hot sauce packets and refused to eat anything else

"…Therefore, a tree is a sandwich."
-Some people were having an argument about whether a hot dog was a sandwich and a mellophone interrupted saying that technically almost anything could be a sandwich and proceeded to defend his case.

"Go the fuck to sleep."
-Nearly everyone at some point.

Deleted user

Yeeeeeessss bannnnd storiesss okay i have another

So we have a warm up that goes (it’s seared into my brain)

“Hello!” (A drum major would say this)
“HELLO!” (Band response)
“My name is Joe!”
“Hi Joe!”
“I have a house!”
“[Number] kids and [number] spouce…”

A nd our seinor drum major has a lot of trouble filling in those numbers

So one day he did

“I have an apartment!”
“and uh… 4000 Pokemon cards”

And phmysgpd i couldn’t stop laughing it was acually me in 20 years xD

Deleted user

"Why do I have re sudden urge to play Gallifreyan Go Fish?"
Me to a friend when we were playing an (educational) card game in maths class.